Thursday, October 17, 2013

Judge Woldemechael Meshesha’s Recent Judgement on Tesfaye Gebreab’s writings: Desperate Out of Touch Outcry

Having read the long story written by Judge Woldemicheal, about Tesfaye’s work, past and present, I came to the conclusion that it is worth replying in brief terms. I am forced to do this firstly because I am an Oromo person whose pain is addressed in the very eloquent terms of this marvellous author, Tesfaye Gebreab. So I feel obliged to write this response. I will try to tell facts and ask relevant questions all of which shall be meant to help us understand some facts as to who these authors are. In fact it would be a misnomer to call Judge Wolde an author, because what he wrote this time around is more of a loud shout, it didn’t convey any coherent message even couldn’t make sensible meaning. It looks a child’s painting, which is disorderly, messy but full of colour. So in this short message to him and his co-authors I would like to say that I am treating Judge Woldemichael as a judge though he chose to delve in to an area that doesn’t belong to him as a judge. I mean there was no point for him to mix literature with legal argument and legal theories with story telling. In fact the legal theories, which he used to beautify his story, reflected how poor level of understanding of how those theories should be applied in real life. Read more…

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