Sunday, September 4, 2016

Goototnii fi sabboontotni wareegamuun qabsoo bilisummaa saba Oromoo yo jabeesse malee hin laaffisu. Aadam Mahaammad Diimaa kufus, kumaatamatu bakka isaa bu’a

Aadam-Mahaammad-Diimaa-e1472936586587Ummatni Oromoo guyyaa humna gabroomfattuu fi weerartuu gita bittaa Habashaan cabee harqoota gabrummaa jalatti kufee kaasee biyya isaaf, mirga isaaf, bilisummaa fi qabeenya isaaf osoo falmuu, utuu qabsaa’uu har’a gahe. Qabsoo farra gabrummaa, kan bilisummaa ofii deebifachuu kana keessatti wareegama dorgomaa hin qabne, wareegama qaqqaalii kafalaa as gahe. Falmaalee sirna cunqursaa of irraa darbee biyya isaa irratti bilisummaan jiraachuuf taasisaa ture kana keessatti goota hedduu, sabboontota lakkaa’uun hin danda’amne wareegeera. Wareegamni baafame garuu bu’aa tilmaamuun hin hin salphanne mul’iseera. Firii lafa irraa mul’atu godhateera.
Keessumaa hogganni QBO ABOn erga hundeeffamee kaasee falmaa fi qabsoon mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa ummatni Oromoo geggeessu bifa jaarmayaa akka qabaatuu fi galii qabsoo akeeka siyaasaa ifaa xaliilawaa lafa kaawee falmaa caalu adeemsisuu danda’eera. Ummatni Oromoo dhaaba isaa ABO jalatti ijaaramee biyya isaaf, bilisummaa isaaf, qabeenya isaaf, aadaa, seenaa fi afaan isaaf falmii godheen, qabsoo hadhaawaa adeemsiseen injifannoolee boonsoo, eenyullee haaluu hin dandeenyee fi ifee mul’atu gonfachuu danda’eera. Injifannoo qabsoon ABOn hogganamu argamsiise kana keessatti ilmaan biyyaa, gootowwan Oromoo, qaroon sabaa, sabboontotni biyyaa qaqqaaliin, walumaagalatti murnoota hawaasa Oromoo hunda irraa wareegama olaanaa fi guddaa baasaniiru. Oromoon akka sabaatti, Oromiyaan akka biyyaatti, aadaa fi afaan Oromoo dhabama irraa hafanii addunyaa keessatti mul’achuu danda’uuf sababaan wareegama ilmaan Oromoo kanneeniini.
Wareegama baafameen injifannooleen argamanis galiin QBO ABOn durfamu bilisummaa ummata Oromoo fi walabummaa Oromiyaa mirkaneessuu jedhu bakka hin ga’in jira. Isa kana bakkaan ga’atuuf ummatni Oromoo fi ABOn kan yeroo kami caalaatti falmaa finiinsuu irratti argaman.
Wareegamni miseensotni ABO, miseensotni WBO, sabboontotnii fi waliigalli ummata Oromoo baasaa turanii fi jiran adeemsa qabsoo Oromoo ni shaffisan malee akka diinni yaade kan laaffisan ykn dhabamsiisan hin taane; hin ta’us.
Har’as ummatni Oromoo, miseensotni ABO fi WBO qabsoo kana bakkaan ga’uuf, bilisummaa biyyaa mirkaneessuuf kan yeroo kamii caalaatti falmaa finiinsuu irratti argaman. Wareegamni baafamaa jirus olaanaa dha. Wareegama gama hundaa.
Dargaggootni Oromoo Qeerrummaan ijaaramanii wareegama baay’ee gaalii ta’e kan lubbuu baasuun qabsoo kanatti xumura gochuuf adda duree hiriiranii jiran. Kana milkeessuuf, warraaqsa biyyaalessaa Oromiyaa FXG qabsiisuun baatii 9 oliif diina hudhanii qabanii, caasaa sirna wayyaanee akka deebi’ee hin bayyaannanne taasisaniiru; ammas jabinaan itti jiran. Kana keessatti yo xiqqaate ilmaan Oromoo 1000 ol ta’an wareegamaniiru. Kumoota hedduun qaamaa hir’ataniiru. Kumootni kudhanootni hidhaa keessatti hiraarfamaa jiran. Wareegamni sabboontotni, miseensotni ABO fi WBO waliigalatti ummatni Oromoo baasaa jiru sirna gabrummaa wayyaaneetti xumura godhee bilisummaa akka mul’isu shakkiin hin jiru.
Seensa Fulbaana 01,2016tti wareegama sabboonaa fi gooti Oromoo Jaal. Aadam Mahaammad Diimaa/ maqaan qabsoo Galmoo Boruu baases bilisummaa ummata Oromoo mirkaneessuuf, walabummaa Oromiyaa dhugoomsuuf ta’uun ifee mul’ata. Gootichi Oromoo Jaal. Aadam Mahaammad Diimaa wareegamni lubbuu bilisummaa saba isaaf osoo falmuu baase ummata Oromoo naannoo inni keessa sossohaa turee qofa osoo hin taane, akkuma wareegamtoota keenya biroo ummata Oromoo waliigalaa biratti bara baraan yaadatama. Galmee wareegamtoota Oromoo keessatti dabalama.
Bara 1991 irraa qabee haga guyyaa wareegamuutti sabboonaa fi gootichi Oromoo Jaal. Aadam Mahaammad Diimaa/ Galmoo Boruu deggeraa jabaa ABO ture. Lixa Harargee Biyyoo Karaabaa ykn naannoo Doobbaa keessatti itti gaafatamaa ykn ajajaa Humna Ittisa Ummataa ta’uun ajajaa fi qajeelfama dhaaba isaa ABO irraa fudhatee dirqama isaa ba’achaa ture. “Liyyuu Haayil” kan wayyaaneen jettuun hidhattoota Somali ummata Oromoo irratti duulanii ajjechaa fi saamicha geggeessan, akkanumas waraana wayyaanee humna agaazii dabalatu kanneen warraaqsa biyyaalessaa Oromiyaa FXG dura dhaabbachuu fi ummata hiraarsuuf bobba’an dura dhaabbatee gootummaan lolaa fi lolchiisaa ture.
Wareegama xumuraa Lixa Harargee Ona Doobbaa keessaa bakka Dhooba jedhamutti gaafa Fulbaanatti bari’u baase keessattillee falmaa gootummaa geggeessuun waraana diinaa isa qabuuf itti socho’e garii ajjeesee, garii madeessee akka gootaatti wareegame.
Gootichi Aadam Mahaammad Diimaa nama jabaa, hawaasa naannoo keessatti beekamaa, goota hidhattootaa fi dabballoota, akkasumas lukkeelee diinaa sodaachisaa ture akka ta’e seenaan isaa ni mul’isa. Aangoo fi sossobbii diinaa kamiifuu jilbiinfachuu didee, diina wajjiin dhaabbachuu kan fudhachuu didee fi ifatti ummata isaa cinaa dhaabbatee diinaan loluuf nama murteeyfatee hujiidhaanis mirkansee dha. Qabeenyaa fi maatii isaa irra bilisummaa sabaatiif falmuu caalchifachuun dirree qabsootti kan makamee fi bilisummaa saba isaatiif goota if kennee dha. Akkasuma kaayoo Dhaaba isaatiif amanamummaan jaala wareegamee dha.
Jaalli kun qormaata qabsoo kan bifa hedduu, kan keeysaa fi alaatiin naannoo isaatti isa mudateen  osoo hin hiikamne ykn hin dagamne murannoodhaan dura dhaabbatee akkuma dirree lolaatti gootummaan lolaa ture shiraa fi olola farreenii gosa hedduus kan fashalsee fi qaaneeysuudhaan eenyummaa qabsaawota ABO dhugaa nama hujiidhaan dhugoomsee fakkii seenaa qabu nama hojjate.
Yeroo hedduuf yaalii ajjechaa ykn isa qabuuf diinni godhe jalaa miliqeera. QBO ABOn durfamuuf ittisa ta’ee hojjechaa kan turee fi ajajaa humna ittisa ummataa kan qaama WBO ta’eef, Lixa Harargee keessatti hoggana kennaa kan ture Jaal. Aadam Mahaammad Diimaa/Galmoo Boruu, haga gaafa wareegamuutti naannoo keessa sossohaa ture keessatti hojii dhaaba isaa ABO jabeessaa, diinaa fi farreen dhaaba isaa irraa tiksaa, daandii haqaa qabate irratti nama cichee hojjechaa turee dha.
Kanaaf gootichi Oromoo Aadam Mahaammad Diimaa nama seenaa hojjete, sabboonaa Oromoo seenaa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti yaadatamaa jiraatuu dha. Jaal. Galmoo Boruu dabalatee ilmaan Oromoo baddaa gammoojjii, baadiyaa fi magaalaa akkanumattis mana hidhaa fi bakkoota adda addaatti osoo mirga Oromoof falmanii, bilisummaa ummata Oromoo fi walabummaa Oromiyaaf qabsa’anii wareegaman hundi gumaan isaanii akeekaa fi kaayyoo isaan irratti kufan galiin ga’uu qofaan deebi’a. Mirkanaa’uu bilisummaa ummata Oromoo fi walabummaa Oromiyaan gumaan isaanii deebi’a. Isa kana dhugoomsuuf ummatni Oromoo falmaa itti jiru, warraaqsa biyyaalessaa Oromiyaa FXG jalqabe daran finiinsee itti fufuun sirna gabroomfataa wayyaanee of irraa calaasee bilisummaa fi biyya isaa harkatti galfatuu qaba.

Fire Breaks Out At Ethiopia’s Maximum Security Prison

addis fortun - The Qilinto maximum security prison, located in southern Addis Abeba, caught fire this morning. Intensive gunfire ensued following the fire accident, creating a tense situation among local residents in the area.
Addis Abeba’s fire brigade chief declined to make a comment on the accident as fire fighters, emergency service providers and first responders continue to battle the blaze, according to eye witnesses.
Under the Federal Prison Administration, Qilinto hosts the country’s high profile political prisoners. Inmates are reportedly being moved away from harm’s way, amidst continued gunfire by prison guards and local police, supposedly to prevent any prison breaks. There is heavy presence of security forces from the federal police around the scene, an eye witness told Fortune.
Update: The fire is now under control, while there is a reported loss of life on one inmate. The cause of the fire, currently under investigation, started in a kitchen.

Bookkisni Muummee Ministeeraa Wayyaanee fi dhaabota jalee sirnichaa qorannoon Unkuruun Gaaffii Mirgaa Ummatoonni Kaasan Hin Ukkaamsu!

Fulbaana 3, 2016  
Impaayerri Itoophiyaa Warraaqsaa fi fincila ummataa seenaa ishii keessatti argitee hin beekneen raafamaa jirti. Biyyattii roorroo fi hiraarri gitni bittootaa ummatota irraan gahan hammaachuurraa diddaa fi qabsoon barootaa bokokee roga hundaa dhoowaa jiru tana keessatti rakkoon siyaasaa, abbootii irree masaraa Minilikirra bara-baraaf jiraatuu abjootaniin sadarkaa ukkaamsuun dandahamurra taree, dhabama sirna impaayerattii as kaleessaa jira.Aadaa fi amala moototaa fi sirnoota Impaayera tana bitanii tahee warreen ummata bulchina jedhan gaaffii mirgaa fi hawwii lammiileetiif karaa nagaatiin deebisaa kennanii hin beekan. Ijaa-gurra banatanii ummata qalbiin caqasuu mannaa shiraa fi humnaan fedhii sabaa ukkaamsanii aangoo qabatanirra bubbuluu filatu.Warraaqsa biyyoolessaa guutummaa Oromiyaa keessaa Ji’oota 9 oliif finiinaa jiruu fi sochiilee naannolee Impaayerattii adda addaa keessatti akkaan jabaataa jiraniin dhabamni sirna isaa dhiyaachuu kan hubate mootummaan wayyaanee, ammallee qarqara bool’aarra taa’ee akka homaa hin jirre fakkeessuun hojiidhuma aadaa fi amala isaa tahetti fuulleffatee jira.Sirni murna bicuu gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa Ummanni Oromoo gaafataa jiru, kan odoo inni ukkaamsuuf tattaafatuu goototni Oromoo wareegamaan addunyaaf ifa baasan, akkasumas mormii fi diddaa guutummaa biyyattii keessaa mootummaa isaarratti deemaa jiru, ifatti ummatarratti lola labsuu fi ergamtoota ummatatti bobbaasee afanfaajjii uumuun ukkaamsuuf abbala.
Muummeen Ministeeraa Wayyaanee Haylamaariyaam Dassaalany ibsa jidduu kana laateen, humnoonni waraanaa, poolisaa, tikaa fi hidhattoonni sirnichaa gaaffii mirgaa ummatoonni kaasaa jiran dhaamsuun TPLF aangoorra tursuuf ajjeechaa, hidhaa fi dararaa suukaneessaa dabalatee tarkaanfii barbaachisaa jedhan akka fudhatan ifatti labsuun sadarkaa muddamaa sirni EPRDF irra jiru agarsiiseera.Ummanni Oromoo gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa barootaaf gaggeessaa jiru addattis warraaqsa biyyoolessaa ji’oota 9n dabraniif walitti fufiinsaan gaggeessaa jiruun keessaa-alaan, xiqqaa-guddaan walqabatee falmaa godheen injifannoo seena-qabeessa galmeessee jira; wareegama qaaliis baaseera.Sochii warraaqsaa Goototni Qeerroon Oromoo duree tahuun gaggeessaa jiran kanaanis kutaalee hawaasaa fi ilmaan Oromoo waajjiraalee fi caasaalee mootummaa garagaraa keessa jiran ofitti hawwatuun Fincilli Xumura Gabrummaa finiinaa jiru wayyaanee fi jala-fiigdota isaa hundeen raasaa jira.Dambalii galaanaa warraaqsa ummataatiin liqimfamuun isaa akka hin oolle kan hubatee murni wayyaanee, rakkoo jiru amanee fudhachuun furmaata waaraaf hojjechuu mannaa akkuma aadaa fi amala isaa shira xaxuu, olola diiggaa oofuun afanfaajjii uumuu fi dhaabolee maxxannee maqaa ummatoota biyyattiitiin of jalatti bixxillate unkuruutti deebi’ee jira. Walgahiin Koree Giddugaleessaa PDOlee wayyaanee wayta ammaa kana adeemsifamaa jiru kanaaf ragaa tokko dha.Dhaabni ergamtuun TPLF Oromiyaa keessa bobbaafate, OPDOn, magaalaa Adaamaatti, maxxanneen Amaaraa ANDM Baahir-daaritti akkasuma kan Ummatoota Kibbaa ammoo magaalaa Hawaasaa irratti walgahii gaggeessaa jiru.Akeekni ijoon walgahii dhoksaan tohannoo fi tika akkaan jabaa jalatti gaggeeffamaa jiru kanaa “Caasaan Keenya Diinaan Dhuunfatameera.” kan jedhuun dahatamee PDOlee kanneen keessaa kan aantummaa ummataa agarsiisanii fi sabboonummaa qabaatuun shakkan rukutuun, lukkeelee haaraadhaan bakka buusuu dha. Walgahii qondaalonni amanamoo TPLF dursan kanarratti kanneen hirmaatan doorsisaa fi tohannoo jabaa cabsuun gaaffilee ummanni kaasaa jiru sodaa malee dhiyeessaa jiru.
Mootummaan wayyaanee wayta qabsoon ummatoonni gaggeessan hudhee isa qabu diraamaa kijibaa qindeessee dhaabota mirgaa fi bilisummaa ummata isaaniif falmaa haqaa gaggeessan kan akka ABO ittiin yakkuuf qabatee as baha. Ololli gola TPLF keessatti qophaayee diraamaan qindaayee dhiyaatu kunis karaa tokkoon ummatoonni akka dhaabolee kanneen jibbanii deeggarsa waakkatan taasisuuf, karaa kaaniin ammoo yakka sirnichi raawwate isaanitti haqatuuf kan akeekkate dha.
Diraamaan bifa jijjiirratee barootaaf irra deddeebi’ee dhiyeeffamu ummatoota biyyattiin nuffamuu fi akeekni isaa itti dammaqamuurraa fudhatama dhabsiifameera.
Kunis tahee sirnichi gocha shororkeessummaa humnoota waraanaa, poolisaa, tikaa fi hidhattoota bobbaaseen guutummaa Oromiyaa keessatti ilmaan Oromoorratti raawwate qaama biraatti haqachuuf diraamaan qindeeffame murni TPLF/EPRDF yoomiyyuu mootummaa dogoggora isaarraa baratee ummatoota biyyattiif kabaja malu laachuun gaaffii isaanii dhaggeeffatu akka hin taane mirkaneesseera.
Mootummaan ilmaan ummataa harka duwwaa gaaffii mirgaa gaafatan kumootaan lafarraa fixaa jiru ammallee labsii baasuun duula biraaf qophaawuun, murni bara ummanni dammaqee mirga isaaf hanga wareegama lubbuu baasaa jiru kanatti ammayyuugaraaf-bultoota filadheen dhara dhugaa fakkeessee ololuun aangoorran bubbulajedhee yaaduurraa PDOlee isaa qorannoon mudduun, ajjeechaa, hidhaa fi zaliilii suukaneessaa fuula addunyaa duratti lammiiwwan irratti raawwatameef yakkamtoota fuula seeraatti hin dhiyeessu jechuun hidhattoota hanga gandeen baadiyyaatti bobbaasee hojii cubbamaa itti fufuun, jeequmsa siyaasaa fi rakkoo diinagdee Impaayerattii Cittoo irratti Fanxoo akka jedhan taasisa.
Keessa sirna isaa nyaatamee dhumatee fi ergamtoota ummataan tufaman suphuu fi dhaadhessuun mootummaa wayyaanee, Ummata Oromoo gabrummaa jaarraa tokkoo olii hadheeffatee cichoominaan qabsaawaa jiru addatti dhaloota haaraa Gabrummaan Nurratti Xumura Argachuu Qaba jechuun Bilisummaa Oromoo fi Walabummaa Oromiyaa mirkaneessuuf wareegama bifa fedhee baasuuf murate akkasuma ummatoota Impaayerattii baroota Kurna Lamaa oliif sagaleen isaanii humnaan ukkaamamuurraa keessi isaanii bokoke daranuu dallansiisuun kufaatii wayyaanee shaffisiisa malee, qabsicha hin danqu.
Wayta ol’aantummaa murna bicuu Impaayera Itoophiyaa keessa buufatee jiruun caasaan waraanaa, tikaa, waajjiraalee mootummaa fi iddoowwan hojii akkasumas bakkootni diinagdee furtuu dha jedhaman hundi Waardiyyummaa dabalatee ilmaan Tirgaayiin dhuunfatamuu fi kan qubaan lakkaawaman haftes amanamtoota sirnichaatiin qabamuurraa ummatni Oromoo fi sabootni cunqurfamoon biyyattii biroonis moggeeffamuun addunyaaf ifa bahe kanatti, humnaan aangoorra bubbuluuf shirri dalagamuu fi bookkisni TPLF sirnichi guyyaa xumuraarra gahuu isaa addeessa.
Qabsoon Ummanni Oromoo wareegama ilmaan isaatiin asiin gahee fi ammallee wareegamaan itti fufee finiinsaa jiru hanga galii akeekkateef kan maayii, Bilisummaa Oromoo fi Walabummaa Oromiyaatiin mirkanaa’utti homtuu akka of booda isa hin deebisne ABOn irra deebi’ee mirkaneessa. Kanuma waliin Ummanni Oromoo of dhaaduu, labsiin waraanaa, walgahiin ergamtoota olii gadi fiigsuu fi ololli diraamaa dharaa dalagamaa jiru kun, jabina qabsoo Oromoo fi kufaatii diinaa akka agarsiisu hubachuun Fincila eegaleen gabrummaatti xumura gochuuf akka jabinaan falmaa itti fufu dhaamna.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


SEENAA Y.G(2005)

Qabsoon Oromoo kallattii isaa ofiin of himaa jira. Halagaan ammoo kallattiin sun maal akka ta’ee ofiif ifa gochaa jira. Oromoon mana namaa keessa taa’ee dachee kiyyaa jechaa hin jiru. manuma isaa keessatti irratti roorrifamuu dabree , akka fedha diinaatti ajjeefamaa jira. Hegareen badii kanaa maal akka ta’uu malu, Oromootu ta’ee jedhee akka ofii barbaadutti tolfataa jira osoo hin taanee dirqamee itti seenuuf jira. Adeemsi qabsoo Oromoo yeroo fi tartiiba isaa eeggatee, diindii irra deemuu qabu irra imalee kunoo sadarkaa murteessaa irra ga’ee jira. Sochiin amma ammaatti jiru, lafarra harkifatees jennu, duubatti harkifatees jennuu,  yerooma isaa eeggatee har’a irra ga’ee jira.
Wareegamni har’a kafalaa jirru haalaan dabalaa dhufeera. Injifannoo hegaree keenyaaf jecha,  osooma beeknuu ykn haala diinaa osoo beeknuu waan dursuu qabnuu dursuun dirqii taatee, aarsaa ulfaataa baasaa jirra. Aarsaan kun gama kamiinuu kan hafuu miti. garuu isa dursuu qabu dursuu keenyaan injifannoo dacha galmeesisaa jirra.karaa nagaa jennee lubbuu qaqqaalii kafalaa jirra. Faallaa isaa injifannoon galmeessine ammoo, dachaa gumaa wareegamtootaa baasuun ol aanaadha. Wareegamni nu eeggatu kana irra hammaatu danda’a. kana duuba wareegama qaalii kafalluu caalaa, diina kafalsiisuuf akka teenyu diinatu nu dirqisiisaa jira.
Wareegamni Ilmaan Oromoo fi badiin diinaa kallattii nu eeggattu ifatti nutti mul’isaa jirti. Tarkaanfiin diinaas hegaree keenyaaf maal gochuu akka dandeenye suduudaan nu dhaamaa jira. Kana dogoggora malee irratti hojjachuun ammoo qooda keenya. Har’a waan murteessaa irra geenye kanaaf marii kamiyyuu nu hin barbaachiisu. Falli keenya xiinxala kamuu hin barbaadu. Kan nu barbaachiisu, mata duree hin taanee kaasanii yeroo gubuu irra, fala dinni nu kaa’aa irratti hojjannee ummata mirga isaa deeffachuuf murteeffatee hiriirsuu qofaadha. Jalqaba dubbiiwwan Ummata keessatti bifa adda addaan ka’an akka qabsiisuu barbaachisa. maalfaati ?
  1. Sochii amma jiruun duuba humni jiramoo hin jiru ?
  2. Amaarri nu duuba ka’ee ykn meeshaa hidhatanii jiruu, fi Hidhannoo nu barbaachiisaa,
  3. Dhaabbilee siyaasaa Oromoo maaf humnaan itti hin hirmaatan? Kanneen jedhaniidha.
1ffaa. Sochii amma Oromoon itti jiru kana duuba humni jiraachuu fi dhiisuu namoonni inuma shakkan. Ijoolleen ofumaan fiigdii jedhan. Garuu hedduu qalbii laafatanii jiran. Wanni moggaa taa’aanii isa kaan irraa eeggatan kanuma nama dubbachiisa. Haasaa warra dabeessaa. Waan hin saganteeffamnee tokko ykn hin qindeeffamne tokko akkamiin baatii 9 guutuu adeemaa ? isayyuu lubbuun itti wareegamaa isa jedhuuf deebii maalii akka laatan hin beeku. kan baatii sagalii dhiisaatii guyyaa tokkotti, magaalaaleen OROMIYAA 200 yeroo tokkotti ka’uun maal irraati ? facebookin qofaadhaa ? sochii qindoomiin irra taree mootummaa wayyaanee rifaasisee waan qabduu fi gadhiiftu wallaalte ijaan osoo agarruu maaf waan kana liqifachuu dadhabna ? hayyee mee humna duubaayyuu haa dhabuu, Injifannoo Oromoof galmeesisaa jiru qofaa ilaallee maaliif gumaacha nurraa barbaachisu gumaachuuf hin qophoofnu ?? dhalooti har’aa harka rukuttaa daawwattootaa kan barbaadan mitii, kachachaluu dhiifnee qooda qabsoon tokkon tokko keenyaaf bakka jirrutti nuun ga’uuf teessuuf of haa qopheessinu.
2ffaa, Amaarri meeshaa hidhatee jiraa jennee wareegama Ilmaan OROMOO busheessuu kan yaalluu hedduu warra of taajjabsiisaa jirruudha. Amaarri meeshaan yoo lolee haa lolu. Meeshaa haa qabaatu. Wayyaanee haa gonbisu. Amaarrii meeshaa qabachu arginee maaliif meeshaa dhabuu keenyaan baargna? ? meeshaa dhabuun keenya bara meeqa ? kun kan nu argisiisuu meeshaa yaaduu irra ga’uu keenyadha. Kanuma. Kun ammoo yeroo isaatii. Sadarkaama qalbii ummata keenyaatu kana uume,,, yeroo isaatii . meeshaa kana argachuu fi dhiisuu harkuma keenya keessa jira. Harka qullaa dursuun keenya waan nu fayyadee qaba. boris nu fayyaduu danda’a. meeshaa barbaachuu eegaluu jechuun, meeshaa argannaan duulatti kaanaa jechuu akka hin taanee beekuu barbaachisaadhaa.
Bara wayyaanee kana keessa ykn addunyaa waan barbaadan amma manaatti namaa feetu keessatti hagas maraa meesha adhabnee jennee aaruu fi mataa of irraa ciruu hin barbaachisu. Yeroo meeshaan Ummata harka galuu maal akka ta’uu gama hundaan yaaduu barbaachisa. meeshaan yoomif isa jedhuu , meeshaa akkamiin itti fayyadamu ? isa jedhu irratti hedduu hojjachuu nama barbaachisa. kun waan ogummaan wal qabatuudha. Ummata haala kana irratti yennaa kakaafnuu, katabnuu fi dubbannu hedduu of eeggachuu barbaachisa. wayyaaneen Oromoo fi saboota biraa walitti diranii waan barbaadan hojjachuuf hedduu hojjachaa akka jiran beeku barbaachisaadha.meeshaan leenjii barbaada. Leenjiinis bakka qaba. meeshaa ummtaaf magaalaa keessatti qooduun gootummaa ykn beekumsaa miti.
kanaaf warri dhimmi kun isaan ialaallatu qaamaa qalbiin irratti hojjatuu  jedheen yaada. Ummati meeshaan akka tasaa harka galee illee akkaataa fayyadama isaa bifa waliigalaan yoo hin ta’iin, nuumatu wal fixa.of eeggachuu nu barbaachisa. kun qaama ilaallatuuf osoo dhiifamee dansaa ta’aa. Diina mana keenya nu jiru, meeshaa malee of irraa yaasuun ni danda’ama. Gara fuula duraatti irratti hojjanna.meeshaa argachuu waliin waan itti yaadamuu qabu waa hedduutu jiraa Ummati keenya kana irratti of eeggannoo cimaa gochuu barbaachisa. meeshaan intarneeta irratti lallabaa hojjatan kunis bu’aa isaa irra midhaa isaatu caala. Magaazana akka eeggatan taasisaa jirra yaa firaa.mata duree kana miisiyaa irraa buufnee lafa jala irratti haa hojjannu.meeshaa hin qabnuus hin heddummeessinaa. Namni diina hadheeffatee ykn kan aarii qabuu xaxxaaxa’aa hin deemu. Waan fedhu hojumaan mul’isa hubadhaa.intarneeta irratti labsa ebaluu fixaa waliin hin dhaamiinaa. Aadaa qabnaa. Goota nama ajjeessuu guututti qabnaa. Kun waan lubbuuti. Waan ragaa wal irratti qabuuti.
3ffaa, Dhaabbileen siyaasaa Oromoo qooda qaban ifatti himachuu fi dhiisuun sochii kana jabeessuu fi dhiisuu keessatti yaadooti dhihaatan jabiinaa fi bilchina hin qaban. Kaayyoon dhaaba tokko inni duraa Ummata sadrkaa ammaa irra geesisuudhaa. dammaqiinsi siyaasaa Oromoo qajeelfamaa fi dammaqiinsa dhaaboota irraa barbaadu irra taree, sadarkaa ofiin of ijaaruu irra ga’ee jira. Kanaaf dhaabbileen siyaasaa OROMOO hegaree oromoo keessatti , karaa siyaasaa , dingadee , Bulchiinsaa fi kanneen kana fakkaatan akkamiin qindoominaan deemaa yoo jedhanii qophee gamanuma godhan malee, amma wanni haala jiru irratti isaan dudubbachiisu hin jiru. Ummati waan barbaadu kunoo dhiigaa lafee isaa itti caccabsee shakki tokko malee itti ergisisaa jira. Kana irratti dhaabbatanii hegaree siyaasa OROMOO OROMIYAA keessatti gaggeeffamu wixinee keewwachu qofaatu irraa eegama. Bakka jiru irraa yaaduu malee , ammas bakkuma kaleessaa lafa dhiituun gonkumaa bu’aa hin qabaatu.
Akka walii galatti , kana booda waan goonu hundaa irratti of eeggachuu fi qorannoo deeggaramnee hojjachuu nu barbaachisa. dogoggora gonkumaa hojjachuu hin qabnu. Nuuti kana booda of kabachiisuu qofaatu furmaata keenya. Adeemsa diinaa kana caalaa hin ilaallu. Nu ajjeesanii jiraachudha. Nuti kana irraa of ittisuuf, gama hundaan qophii taasisuutu furmaata. Waan nu barbaachisu hundaan itti yaadu nu barbaachisa. gala fi waan nu barbaachisuu kuufachuu qabna. Dubbii akka salphaatti hin ilaaliinaa. Waan itti seenuuf jirru waan galgala tokkotti xumuramu ta’uu dhiisuu mala. Qabnee kan gadi lakkifnuus miti. kanaaf waa hundaan qophee barbaada. sochiin kana boodaa opdo irratti ta’uu qaba. riqicha diinaa kana of gidduutii baafnee, diina isa dhumaaf of irraa galchuu qofaatu furmaata. Opdo Tigireetti of gattee, isaanumatti akka galan of keessaa baasuudha. Gatii dhiiga ilamaanii fi ummata keenyaa baafnee ishee haftee isaanuma waliin ari’uudha. OPDO oromiyaa keessaa baasuu !!!!!!!!!!!isa itti aanu dachee keenya irratti ofirraa deebifna. Kan jiru kana qofaadha.
Kanaaf OROMOO !!!!! HUBADHUUTI QAlBIFADHU !!dura qophii ga’aa nu barbaachisa.oromoon Biyya keessaa fi alaa. filmaata tokko qofaa qabna. Filmaata kana ammoo ga’ummaan keessa dabruu qabna. Hundumtuu bakka jirutti qophaa’ii. OPDO of irraa baasii ari’ii. Kaabinee qofaa miti. hunda ishee. Isa booda Tigireetu Tigiriffaan nu bulchaa arginaa. Kanaaf ammas qophii ga’aa nu barbaachiisaa qalbifadhaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eessaa akka eegalamuu fi eessatti akka xumuramu adda ba’uu qaba.

Ethiopia Protest August 2016: Amid Internet Ban, Rally Against Government Leaves At Least 33 Dead

(International Business Times) — The two largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia took part in a massive anti-government protest over the weekend that has claimed dozens of lives. The protesters demonstrated against alleged government discrimination and human rights violations.
In Ethiopia, majority of the general population is made up of the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups. Protests first began last November when the government had plans to expand the capital into Oromia, which would in turn displace Oromo farmers in the region. After the government dropped their expansion plans, demonstrations continued to spotlight other issues impacting the community.
Dozens of protesters in the nation’s capital, Addis Ababa, were arrested on Saturday, BBC News reported. Things were far more violent in other parts of the country. According to the government, seven protesters died in Bahir Dar, a city located in the Amhara region. Demonstrations in the Oromia region reportedly claimed lives as well, with Oromo activists claiming at least 33 protestors were shot by police.
“So far, we have compiled a list of 33 protesters killed by armed security forces that included police and soldiers but I am very sure the list will grow,” Mulatu Gemechu, deputy chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress, told Reuters.
In light of the protests, the government has responded by banning unauthorized public demonstrations and blocking social media. Officials claimed online activists were responsible for the outcry. Prime Minister Haile Mariam Dessalegn announced Friday the internet ban stating they, “threaten national unity.”
“It has now become clear that people cannot hold peaceful protests in Ethiopia,” Seyoum Teshome, a blogger following the demonstrations, told The Associated Press. “Regional police forces are being replaced by the army, leaving many areas to be under the military’s control.”

Weekend Protests Across Ethiopia Leave More Than 12 Dead

A policeman attempts to control protesters chanting slogans during a demonstration over what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country at Meskel Square in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, Aug. 6, 2016
A policeman attempts to control protesters chanting slogans during a demonstration over what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country at Meskel Square in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, Aug. 6, 2016
Violent weekend clashes between protesters and security forces claimed the lives of more than a dozen people across Ethiopia, while hundreds staged a rare anti-government demonstration in the capital after calls via social media.
The government again blocked the Internet over the weekend, alleging that “anti-peace elements” based outside abroad and supported by online activists are to blame for the violence. Demonstrations took place despite the government’s warning that it would take measures against unauthorized rallies.
The government announced Sunday that seven protesters died in the northern Amhara region’s capital, Bahir Dar, where protesters demanded the reinstatement of the Wolqayit area in the Tigrary region back to the Amhara administration. The arrest of members of a committee set up to oversee the reinstatement led to violent clashes over the past week.
The arrests also ignited weekend demonstrations in the Oromia region, where online activists and witnesses in at least three towns said many casualties occurred.
Protesters in Oromia have demanded the release of people detained in massive demonstrations earlier this year against plans by the capital, Addis Ababa, to expand its territory into adjacent Oromia lands. The proposal has since been retracted.
Witnesses who insisted on speaking to The Associated Press anonymously for fear of reprisals said anti-riot police also used force Saturday to disperse hundreds of protesters in Addis Ababa who used the Oromia and Amhara issues to vent their anger at the government and call for political freedom.
“It has now become clear that people cannot hold peaceful protests in Ethiopia,” said Seyoum Teshome, a blogger who monitored the demonstrations. “Regional police forces are being replaced by the army, leaving many areas to be under the military’s control.”
Ethiopia, a close security ally of the West, is often accused by rights groups of stifling dissent.

Weekend protests across Ethiopia leave more than 12 dead

 August 8 at 7:17 AM
Protesters chant slogans during a demonstration over what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country at Meskel Square in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa on Saturday. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri (Tiksa Negeri/Reuters)
Protesters chant slogans during a demonstration over what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country at Meskel Square in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa on Saturday. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri (Tiksa Negeri/Reuters)
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (The Washington Post) — Violent weekend clashes between protesters and security forces claimed the lives of more than a dozen people across Ethiopia, while hundreds staged a rare anti-government demonstration in the capital after calls via social media.
The government again blocked the internet over the weekend, alleging that “anti-peace elements” based outside abroad and supported by online activists are to blame for the violence. Demonstrations took place despite the government’s warning that it would take measures against unauthorized rallies.
The government announced Sunday that seven protesters died in the northern Amhara region’s capital, Bahir Dar, where protesters demanded the reinstatement of the Wolqayit area in the Tigrary region back to the Amhara administration. The arrest of members of a committee set up to oversee the reinstatement led to violent clashes over the past week.
The arrests also ignited weekend demonstrations in the Oromia region, where online activists and witnesses in at least three towns said many casualties occurred.
Protesters in Oromia have demanded the release of people detained in massive demonstrations earlier this year against plans by the capital, Addis Ababa, to expand its territory into adjacent Oromia lands. The proposal has since been retracted.
Witnesses who insisted on speaking to The Associated Press anonymously for fear of reprisals said anti-riot police also used force Saturday to disperse hundreds of protesters in Addis Ababa who used the Oromia and Amhara issues to vent their anger at the government and call for political freedom.
“It has now become clear that people cannot hold peaceful protests in Ethiopia,” said Seyoum Teshome, a blogger who monitored the demonstrations. “Regional police forces are being replaced by the army, leaving many areas to be under the military’s control.”
Ethiopia, a close security ally of the West, is often accused by rights groups of stifling dissent.
Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

More than 30 killed in Ethiopia protests: opposition

Opposition party says at least 33 protestors shot dead by security forces in Oromia region and dozens detained.
Protests accusing the government of unfairly distributing wealth have also hit the capital [File: Reuters]
Protests accusing the government of unfairly distributing wealth have also hit the capital [File: Reuters]
August 8, 2016 (Aljazeera) — At least 33 people were shot dead by security forces in Ethiopia at the weekend in protests linked to an aborted government attempt to commandeer local land, opposition party officials said.
Police fired tear gas and blocked roads to several towns in the vast Oromia region as demonstrations erupted after a call from a spontaneous social media movement.
Ethiopian authorities had imposed a blanket internet blockade over the weekend.
Oromia saw unrest for several months until early this year, sparked by plans to allocate farmland in the region surrounding the capital for development.
Authorities scrapped the land scheme in January, but protests have flared again over the continued detention of opposition demonstrators.
At the weekend, protesters chanted anti-government slogans and waved dissident flags. Some demanded the release of jailed opposition politicians.

“So far, we have compiled a list of 33 protesters killed by armed security forces that included police and soldiers but I am very sure the list will grow,” Mulatu Gemechu, Deputy Chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress, told the Reuters news agency.
The deaths took place in at least 10 towns across Oromia, he said, including Ambo, Dembi Dolo, and Nekemt – areas that were engulfed by previous rounds of protests.
“Twenty-six people have also been injured, while several have been detained,” Mulatu said. Three members of his party were also being held, he said.
Government officials were not immediately available for comment, Reuters said.
The state-owned Ethiopian News Agency said “illegal protests” staged by “anti-peace forces” had been brought under control, but it did not mention casualties.
Oromia is the second region to be hit by unrest in the past few days. In Amhara, at least two people were killed in the ancient city of Gonder in clashes over the status of a disputed territory.
Tensions have been rumbling for two decades over the status of Wolkayt district – a stretch of land that protesters from Amhara say was illegally incorporated into the neighbouring Tigray region to the north.
Source: Reuters And AP

More than 60 dead as Oromo protesters and Ethiopian police clash

(#GrandMarch4Oromia, 8 August 2016) — At least sixty people were killed during fresh clashes between police and anti-government protesters in more than 200 Oromia cities and towns since 6 August 2016.
Saturday’s grand rally was called by Oromo activists to express deep-seated mass grievances, country-wide anguish and suffering, widespread violation of rights that is perpetrated by the TPLF regime over the past several decades.
In the past 9 months alone, the Oromo people saw one of the bloodiest military response from the regime that murdered over 600 lives, shot and injured over 5000 persons, incarcerated tens of thousands and caused forced disappearances of thousands.
The regime has also rendered hundreds of thousands landless, jobless, homeless, and placeless. It has demolished houses of thousands who have been rendered homeless and left out in the punitively cruel cold weather of the rainy season. All this is mainly, although not merely, because of the people’s decision to protest the government’s Master Plan that illegally and unconstitutionally annexed their ancestral lands in and around the Capital Finfinnee/Addis Ababa.
This Grand Rally was staged in all the major cities and district towns of Oromia. This rally was a peaceful rally expressing the people’s general yearning for a just peace.
More than 100,000 people were participated on the ‪#‎GrandMrach4Oromia‬ in all major cities and district towns of Oromia. More than 1000 people gathered amid a heavy police presence on the capital’s main Meskel Square shouting slogans such as “we want our freedom” and “free our political prisoners.”
Police swiftly moved in to break up the protest.
“This is a mass movement of civil disobedience which is not organised by political parties,” Merera Gudina, chairperson of the Oromo People’s Congress group told AFP.
“People are totally fed up with this regime and expressing their anger everywhere”.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Will the protests of Gondar and Oromia help EPRDF quickly transform itself?

By Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni
(Horn Affairs) — Except for the willful blindness and deafness of the EPRDF, the causes of the growing discontent in Gondar, Amhara Region, and the now over eight months oldOromo Protests (#OromoProtests) are mere signs of long unaddressed and deeply seated major political and economic grievances.
Any close and keen observer of Ethiopian politics could tell off-the-cuff that the EPRDF government has failed itself and the Ethiopian people by abandoning and nullifying all of its governing theories that brought it to power 25 years ago, and now survives on the vigilante power of its security and military apparatus.
In the absence of governing theories that set the expectation of citizens from their government, as the Oromo Protests and the developing situation in Gondar indicates, there are limits to the government’s use of force against grieved civilian population by breaching the social contract of trust with the people which might force citizens to resort to collective self-defense, defense of their family members, and their property by taking the laws into their hands. That is very dangerous and puts the country on slippery slope risking serious instability and maybe even descending into conflict.
It is no less than political tragedy to see the EPRDF government waste all of its political capital and benefits of the doubt it got from the Ethiopian people 25 years ago, even from those on the fence. The demands of Oromo Protests and the larger Oromo self-administration questions as well as the identity question being raised by the Amhara ethnic group could have been easily addressed within the Ethiopian constitutional framework winning over important and lasting political allies for the EPRDF. Unfortunately, the EPRDF exchanged its political fortune with the proverbial thirty dinar in the hope of enriching few and appeasing shortsighted political power mongers.
Photo – Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn [Credit: Addis Standard, Oct. 2015]
Photo – Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn [Credit: Addis Standard, Oct. 2015]
Now, 25 years later, the governing theories introduced during the 1990s are all in disarray because of the EPRDF’s own making. The EPRDF government has abandoned answering the questions of nations and nationalism through genuine federalism. The talk of building democratic and representative governance under the rule of law are just that: talk. Instead, the EPRDF opted to merely give lips services to these critical questions by establishing satellite “ethnic organizations” whose real power emanates not from the people they claim to represent but from the TPLF led EPRDF Executive Committee.
The EPRDF government also abolished the “land to the tiller” policy of the Derg era by replacing it with “development by dispossession theory” where Ethiopian farmers and urban poor’s lands will be given to party officials, local affiliates and rent seekers, and its international financers– all in the name of “development.”
As the June 7, 2016 interview the Ethiopian Prime Minister gave to Greg Mills of Daily Maverick made it bare, the EPRDF economic policies, in spite of the empty rhetoric, are all geared toward enriching and serving the greedy global multinationals and the interests of local rent seekers instead of the Ethiopian people.
In this context, the EPRDF’s economic policies raises serious legitimacy questions. The primary purpose and objectives of any government is to pursue and serve its citizens’ economic welfare. The EPRDF government blinded by internal greed and the economic and political agendas that comes from Washington DC, New York, Brussels, and maybe Beijing, appears to have forgotten that there are 100 million Ethiopian citizens at home waiting on it. Add to that ethnic favoritism, nepotism, and ethnic disparity in economic and political power sharing: Ethiopia is waiting for grand firework.
The situation gets even direr when one looks at the EPRDF’s ability to handle popular discontent and grievances. It looks like all that the EPRDF government got in its tool boxes to address popular grievances and policy reform demands are only guns and more guns.
Over the last 25 years, the EPRDF government failed to establish institutions of governance and rule of law. Instead, it replaced the concept of “the rule of law” by “administrative discretions” empowering individual EPRDF cadres and the security apparatus which now operates with complete impunity. The EPRDF is harvesting what it sowed.
In the absence of the rule of law and the court of law, the life, liberty and property of Ethiopian citizens are at the mercy of the “vigilante justice” of the EPRDF military and security apparatus which acts with complete and absolute impunity. No one was held accountable for the cold bloodied killings of over 400 Oromo peaceful protesters over the last seven months of Oromo Protests according to Human Rights Watch. The Gondar protests are opening entirely new chapter.
Although the Ethiopian public are at the receiving end of the brunt of brutality now, the ultimate victims will be the victimizers. The EPRDF government’s repeated use of its security and military forces to contain political and policies grievances of the population across the country have largely discredited the country’s military and security institutions in the sight of the Ethiopian public.
It is unfathomable why the EPRDF political leadership ventured to take such major strategic risks which will have lasting implication on the future of these two institutions. Just 25 short years ago, the EPRDF abolished at least close to a century old Ethiopian security and military institutions the same ground that it found itself now. [On the issue of who is in charge on the security and military apparatus, I relied on the United States State Department’s assumption that the security and military institutions of the country are still under the civilian administration’s political control, whatever that means.]
Furthermore, in the hope of imposing its total and complete control on the Ethiopian people, the EPRDF government eliminated the Ethiopian society’s bridge builders, opinion makers, critical academics and journalists who could have facilitated vertical communication between the government and the people; and horizontal communications among the people and various sectors of the society.
By eliminating and dismantling the middle, the EPRDF denied the country alternative federalist and pluralistic voices while resurrecting, nurturing and feeding the dead politics of the past with all its poisonous rhetorical flourishes.
The EPRDF government also undermined institutions of knowledge production that traditionally used to enhance the Ethiopian societies social capital, however primitive and nascent they might have been. Now, one barely finds, if any, domestically produced researches and knowledges on current Ethiopian political, economic, social, and even religious issues.
On national, regional and global political and economic issues, Ethiopians literally have zero options to enlarge their understanding and knowledge of Ethiopia’s political, legal and policy choices; and continued to window-shop for ideas from the West through the tightly controlled and limited internet accessibility in Ethiopia. Even on religious matters, Ethiopian Muslims import their literatures from the Middle East while the Christians do the same from the West irrespective of all the cultural and other value discrepancies and other implications.
The Ethiopian security vigilantes, who always are prone to blocking websites and social media pages, considers Ethiopians access to internet and social media not as tools of expanding knowledge, understanding, facilitating trade and commerce in marketplace of ideas, services and building social capitals among citizens but as security threat to the government’s very existence. This is nothing less than an absolute paranoia.
The EPRDF government should also acknowledge that its failure of not nurturing and advancing the Ethiopian society’s values and virtues for truth telling, trust, respect for each other, honoring hard work, patriotism, and appreciation for people with unique talents have substantially contributed to the ongoing predicaments. The EPRDF, instead of appreciating and honoring people with knowledge, understanding and wisdom, favored and glorified thieves, killers, lairs, deceivers, and those who cut corners to get enriched by manipulating or corrupting the system thereby destroying our societies irreplaceable values.
That being said, the EPRDF government has still some viable choices and options if it has the political will to not evolutionarily reform but immediately transform itself, and address the economic, political and social demands of various sectors of the Ethiopian societies.
Let me offer some unsolicited advises of my own to the EPRDF government:
1st, the EPRDF, instead of lying to itself and the Ethiopian people, should immediately democratize itself among its member parties. The viability and credibility of the EPRDF depends upon the viability and the credibility of the OPDO and the ANDM among the Oromo and the Amhara people, respectively. Unless the TPLF political hospital that delivered these two organizations left them with incurable birth defect, the OPDO and the ANDM must act and operate independently to serve the best interests of the Oromo and Amhara peoples be it within or without the EPRDF. The TPLF has no better ally than these two organizations that itself created. Undemocratic EPRDF will neither brings democracy to Ethiopia nor builds democratic Ethiopia.
2nd, free all political prisoners and open up the political space for opposition parties by allowing the constitutionally guaranteed citizens’ rights of freedom of assembly, association and expression so that genuine and true multiparty system will take foothold in Ethiopia within the bound of the rule of law by replacing the current rotten system of administrative discretion of the vigilante security apparatus and swarms of political cadres that acts with complete and total impunity.
3rd, make Afaan Oromo additional federal working language alongside with Amharic to end, at least partially, the economic, political and social exclusion of the Oromo people in Ethiopia. I cannot over emphasis the necessity of making Afaan Oromo federal working language among the Oromo people, particularly the youth who constitutes about 74% of the Oromo population who are completely shut out of the Ethiopian political, economic and social structure mainly because of Ethiopia’s monolingual language policy.
4th, implement genuine federalism where the identity questions of the various nations and nationalities could be answered and respected; and federal economic and political powers are apportioned and shared equitably. The current economic and political power distribution, as the EPRDF leaders themselves privately acknowledge, is a recipe for disaster.
5th, end the ongoing land grab policies and introduce people centered economic policies that will empower the Ethiopian farmers and urban poor instead of political benefactors, rent seekers and greedy global multinationals with no social or moral causes.
Let’s hope that the EPRDF will do the nation and itself good by using the protests in Gondar and the ongoing Oromo Protests to help itself not evolutionarily reform but immediately transform itself into organization that is responsive to the demands of the people.