Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Governing by Circumvention

Firehiwot Guluma Tezera
Firehiwot Guluma Tezera

Their first move upon assuming power was to declare that Ethiopia, would henceforth, be a Federal Democratic Republic consisting of ‘nations and nationalities’. These nations and nationalities will have equal rights. Each of them shall have its own flag, language, borders, and parliament. Those that are unhappy with the union have the right to secede.
According to Article 39, in section 3 of this constitution which deals with the rights of nations and nationalities: “Every nationality in Ethiopia shall have the full right to administer itself .This right shall include the right to establish government institutions within the territory it inhabits and the right to fair representation in the federal and state governments.”
The TPLF further undertook to end the highlander domination of Ethiopian politicsin the past and promised that every Ethiopian will enjoy his/her share in the economic and politicalsphere of the country. Many rejoiced when they heard these from the TPLF – which was, itself, a highlander guerrilla party founded on secessionist platform – and wholeheartedly welcomed it.
But it was not to be so. The Oromo’s were the first to discover this treachery when their political organization (OLF) withdrew in response to unfair election practices held on June 21,1992, the leaders either arrested, killed or made to flee the country, when they tried to get their rights using the legally allowed provisions in the TPLF drafted constitution. Also other political organization that disagreed with TPLF was led to slaughter house and chopped down. The provision of constitution which guaranteed freedom of thought, speech, association and other fundamental human right, took a holiday.
Again in 2005, when the regime organized elections thinking it will win, surprisingly the opposition had outperformed the EPRDF coalition and won the election. But the regime did not honor its word, and as was expected, rigged the election and declared itself winner of the vote.  The people took to the streets and protested against the election swindle. The regime, again as was expected, but not so harshly, resorted to brute force by gunning down the peaceful protestors right in center of the metropolitan city of Addis Ababa in the full view of the whole world. The regime declared the protestors as anarchists, thugs, violent mobs, and arsonists, criminals who were instructed by their party bosses to cause chaos and illegally topple the government. Subsequently, the leaders of the opposition were rounded up, charged with trumped up accusations and thrown into jails.
After the crackdown of the opposition many Ethiopians realized they could not unseat the TPLF democratically and started agitating for an armed struggle, created groups such as the Ginbot 7 and others.
The regime devised a subterfuge campaign to divide the ruled along ethnic lines in order to dominate and exploit them. When they were fighting the OLF they sold a vile propaganda to other ethnic groups, specifically to amharas, and said that Oromo are racist and narrow minded people, if OLF come to power, they will expand waqefata religion. Many listened to this nonsense as it echoed historically held perceptions about Oromo in Ethiopia.
Already the regime had panicked had even started sending, through backdoor channels, emissaries to representatives of the parties concerned. The message of the TPLF emissaries is again the same old tired clichés. To the Oromo, they say:  the Amhara will not allow you to break away from Ethiopia; they’re only using you and they’re unwilling to forfeit their ‘Ethiopia Andinet’ concept, and so on. The same old game. It seems the TPLF has run out of ideas and is still regurgitating the only thing it knows best: the ethnic and clan cards.
However all things circumvention will eventually run aground and be exposed.  It is time to say in union:  Enough, to the TPLF and its rule of circumvention!
By Firehiwot Guluma Tezera | February 26, 204


(Oromo TV) — First and foremost the editorial boardof would like to extend a warm and gracious thank you to all of our beloved visitors and others who have read and shared our first article highlighting the achievements of our sister Mergitu Argo. Thanks in part to recommendations from our visitors and others we have chosen our second sister to feature. Although, the choice was not easy thanks to the overwhelming number of recommendations from our site’s visitors and others we believe this individual is not only deserving of our praise, but shedeserves recognition for all she has done to help her Oromo community in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN.
Without further delay we would like to extend our appreciation to the one and only Rammy Mohammed. Many outside the Minnesota community will wonder about who she is? But, Minnesotans, the Oromo residents of that state who have come to define the area as “Little Oromia” will undoubtedly have met Ms. Rammy Mohammed or have participated in one of many activities she has played significant role in putting together for the community. Ms. Mohammed has been an active member of the community for the past decade. Some may not realize the depth of her involvement in the community because she is often one of the few individuals who are seldom in the spotlight. Her shy nature may come as a surprise to those who may not know her well because after all, how can someone actively involved in community events be shy? Well, for those who know her best it is no surprise. Ms. Mohammed may be shy in large gatherings and therefore choose to be an active participant behind the scenes, but one thing she is definitely not shy about is her pride in being Oromo. When she speaks about Oromo cause her bright and contagious smile coupled with her audacious character brings out the best in all of us.
February 26, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sababaa Qorannoo Jedhuun Qondaaloti Wayyaaneen Jiraattota Magaalaa Sulultaa Guyyaa 5f Walgayii Gaggeessaa Jiru!!

Gabaasaa Qeerroo Guraandhala 25 godina addaa Finfinnee Sulultaa irraa addeessuun mootummaan wayyaanee yeroo ammaa ABO qofa osoo hin taanee sodaan isaa miseensotuma isaayyuu shakkuudhaan sodaa keessa galee jira,seelii ABO fi seelii keenya adda baafachuu qabna jedhani labsii labsaa jiru magaalaa kanairratti,kaleessa;guraandhala 24 irraa kaasanii miseensota OPDO kan taam hunda walitti qabuudhaan wal gayii ariifachiisaa qaama nu hordofuu fi nun hordofne adda baasuudha jedha mootummaan jedhuun hanga guyyaa 5niitti walgayiin wayyaanee magaalaa Sulultaa irratti dhimma kanaaf adeemsifachaa jirti. Wal gayii kana irratti namoota hirmaatan addatti ammo miseensa ABOti jedhuun shakkaa ture mootummaan wayyaanee tikoota isaatiin gara qorannaa federaalatti akka fuudhataman taee jira,isaan keessa kan maqaan nama lamaa nu gahee jiru:
1. B/saa Tamasgeen Hirkoo
2. B/saa Guddataa Takkaaliny Oliiqaa
Kan jedhaman kun barattoota siyaasa barsiisa,maatii barattootaa waamuudhaan sabboonummaa akka baratan,aadaa fi seenaa oromoo barattootni keessan hubachuu qabu kan jedhu maatii isaa gorsaa barattoota maatiin isaanii deggeraa mootummaa tae ammoo ilaalcha gaarii hin qabaniifi,walii galatti sammuu barattoota siyaasaan jijjiiranii jiru jedhuun yakka kanaan gara qorannootti dhiyaatanii jiru,keessi isaa bifa hidhaatiin tikoota wayyaaneetiin qabamanii gara federaalaatti akka geeffaman gabaasaan Qeerroo addeessa. Itti fufee mareenii fi qorannoon wayyaanee magaalaa Sulultaa irratti gaggeeffama kan jiru guyyoota 5f seemii isaanii adda baafachuuf ajandaa godhatanii kaanii jru bakka biroo irratti kan itti fufu akka tae odeeffannaan ibsa. Diddaan Itti fufa!

Gaaffiin Mirgaa Ummataa fi Barattoota Oromoo Godina Jimmaan Qabsiifame Dhaamsuuf Waraanni Wayyaanee Heddumminaan Bobba’e.

 Godina Jimmaa, fi Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaatti FDG haalan jabaata ta’ee Qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo gootota baratoota Oromoo fi hawwaasa Oromoo Magaalaa Jimmaatiin bifa adda addaatiin itti fufee oole .
Dargaggoonni baratootni Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa utuu waraannii mootummaa Wayyaanee lakkofsaan kumaan lakka’amu mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa keessa qubsiifamee jiruu guyyaa har’aa ifatti nyaataa fi barnoota dhaabuun mormii sirna wayyaaneef qaban ifatti argisiisuun FDG finiinsaan. Guyyaa kaleessa Guraandhala 23/2014 Goototni sabboontotni baratootni Qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo sababaa Oromummaa isaniin yakkamaa ta’anii hoggantoota waraana wayyaanee mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa keessaa qubsiifamani jiranii fi poolisotaan karaa bulchiinsa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa seeratu isin barbada jedhamuun wamamanii dorsifamuun ittuma dargaggota Oromoo gara FDGtti jabeessuun dorsiifni diinaa, hidhaan, heddumminni waraanaa fi qawween,sochii warraaqsa bilisummaa Oromoo qeerroon gaggeessa jiru yoom iyyuu duubatti deebisuu kan hin dandeenye ta’uu, kunoo guyyaa har’aa qeerroon ifatti beeksise jira. Waamicha FDG qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo tasiseef irraa ka’uun hawwaasni Oromoo magaalaa Jimmaa guyyaa har’aa hojii idlee isaanii illee dhaabuun mormii sirna wayyaaneef qaban ifatti argisiisaani jiru. Keessattuu daldaltootni magaalaa Jimmaa dukkana daldalaa isaanii cfattii olchuun diddaa sirna fashiistii wayyaaneef qaban argisiisaniru,kana malees hojjetootni mootummaa sabboontotni Oromoo hojii dhaabuun diddaa qeerroon gaggeessa jiru keessatti qooda fudhachuu isanii beeksifatan.
Kana malees hordoftootni amantaa Muslimaa uummannii Oromoo fi sabaafi sablammoonni mirgii amantaa isanii sarbamuu fi abba irrummaa Wayyaanee irratti dammaqanii jiran guyyaa har’aa kayyoon FDG garbummaa Qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo godina keenyaa fi Oromiyaa keessatti gaggeessa jiru sirriidha, kayyoo kanas ni deeggarra, qeerroo cina dhaabbannee mirga amantaa keenyaa fi mirga eenyuummaa fi dimookiraasii sarbamaa jiru kabachiifachuu ni dandeenya jechuun guyyaa har’a FDG Qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo gaggeessuu keessatti qooda fudhatan. Haala kanaan fulduraaf illee nam-tokko biyya dimookiraasiin hin jirree fi biyya mirgi namummaa sarbamaa jiru keessatti mirga amantaa isa egsifachuun waan ulfataa ta’eef FDG qeerroon gaggeessaa jiruu keessatti ga’ee keenya gumachuun mirgoota namummaa, dimookiraasii fi eenyummaa haa kabachiifannu jechuun diddaa sirna wayyaanee Qeerroon gaggeessa jiru keessatti qooda fudhachuu isani waliif beeksisan. Bifa kanaan hojii idlee isani dhaabuun mormii sirna wayyaaneef qaban argisiisaniru. Gabaaasaa humna Waarana Wayyaanee Qeerroo bilisummaa irratti bobbafame kan ilaallatu Guraandhala 22/2014 irra egaluun Mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaanee humna waraana guddaa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa keessa qubsiisu egale. guyyaa kaleessa qofa humni waraana wayyaanee guddaan konkolaataa 30 ol kan ta’uu ganama irra egaluun magaalaa Jimmaa galee, waraannii kun irra guddaan isaa nannoo Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa Mooraa Yuunivarsiitichaa keessaa fi mooraa Yuuniversiitichaan ala qubsiifame, Waraana guraadhala 22 moora Yuunivarsiitii seenuu eegale irraatti qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo barruu warraqsaa FDG irraatti bittineesseen sochiin qeerroon itti jiruu ulfaataa waan ta’eef humna guddaa nuf dabalaa jechuun kitillayoonnii Wayyaanee iyyatachuun humni waraana guddaan hammana ga’uu kun uummata irra qubsiifamee guyyaa har’a magaala Jimmaa fi Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa keessatti sakkata’insa da’imman umrii waggaa 8 olii irra egalee hanga manguddoo jaarsa gadamoojjiitti namuma daandii irra deemuu dhaabuun sakkataa jiraachuun ibsamera.
Wanti baay’ee nama dhibuu mootummaan Wayyaanee muddama sochii qeerrootiin qabamee dhukkubsatootaa hospitaalaa Jimmaa Mooraa Yuunivarsiitii jimmaa keessa jiru keessa ciisaa jiranii fi namotaa dhukkubsatoota dhukkubsachiisa jiran illee sakkatta’insan dararaa jiraachuun gabaafamera.
Dhabbannii Barnoota olaanoo guddaa fi Yuunivarsiitii biyyatti keessa jiran hundaaf fakkeenyummaan qaba jedhuu Yuunivarsiitiin Jimmaa heddumina waraana wayyaanee irraan kan ka’ee guyyaa har’a dirree leenjii waraana fakkatee jira, kana irraa ka’uun halli baruu fi barsiisuu illee uguramee barnoonni dhaabbatee kan olee ta’ee jira.
Konkolaatootni tajajila(service) hojjetoota fi baratootaa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa guyyaa har’a kana tajajila dhaabuun humna waraanaa Wayyaanee Fe’uun mooraa Yuunivarsiitii fi magaalaa Jimmaa keessa nanneessa kan olee ta’uun, Yuunivarsiitiin Jimmaa dirree waraanaa fi ergama waraanaa nurraatti gaggeessaa jirtii jechuun uummataan mufii guddaan irratti ka’aa jira…. gabaasaan kun itti fufa.Gabaasaa FDG: Guraandhalaa 24/2014

Statement from the Leadership of the Oromia Media Network (OMN)

OMN2014_Feb22Oromia Media Network (OMN) is a product of the unwavering spirit of the Oromo people, and their firm belief in freedom of expression and freedom of thought. We believe that the primary purpose of any media establishment is to offer thoughtful perspective on various issues. Cognizant of this, OMN is our grand step towards reclaiming our voice, the voice of truth and fair representation. We are elated to announce that Oromia Media Network will be launched on March 1st, 2014 in the heart of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Oromia Media Network is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit news enterprisewhose mission is to produce original, impartial, citizen-driven reporting. The goal of this network is to create multilingual news and programs that will serve as a reliable source of information in the greater horn of Africa region. OMN will offer perspectives grounded in objectivity rather than propaganda. It will uphold international corejournalistic and ethical standards of truthfulness, objectivity, integrity, and public accountability while offering a uniquely Oromo perspective. These principles are integrated and adopted into our core values and editorial policy as a media entity.
OMN has a structural governing body that consists of the Board of Trustees, Executive Council and Editorial Board. The Board of Trustees is supervisory body of OMN, while the Executive Council is responsible for the overall management of the organization. The Editorial Board is charged with the development and production of news and other programs.
From Ayub Abubakar, who was murdered because he established the first Afaan Oromo radio in Mogadishu city, Somalia in 1960s, to Lelise Wodajo, who has just been forced into exile after years in jail, Oromo people and Oromo journalists in particular have sacrificed and paid the ultimate price for freedom of expression, to bring truth to light and tell their story in their own way. This project is the latest in this ardent effort to have our voice heard free from intimidation and censorship. We believe that the historic establishment of this media network is an integral part of the multifaceted struggle of the Oromo and other oppressed people to regain their freedom. This is evident in the unreserved support we have been receiving since we initiated this project. It is our collective effort that made it possible for us to stand at this pivotal point in our history.
Therefore, on behalf of the OMN leadership and the team that labored so hard to make this dream a reality, we take great pleasure in inviting Oromo and friends to join us for this historical inauguration at 2 PM on Saturday, March 1st, 2014 at University of Minnesota.

Qabsoon Qeerroo Bilisummaan Oromoo Godinaalee Iluu A.Boraa fi Jimmaa daran Itti Fufe.

OromiaALutaContinua2011FDG Yeroo irra gara yerootti,FDG’n godina dhihaa Oromiyaa keessattuu Godina Kibba dhihaa Oromiyaa Jimmaa fi Iluu Abbaa Booraa keessatti qeerroon gaggeessaa jiru jabaachaa adeemuun hawwannaa uummata argatee jira. Mootummaan abbaa Irree Wayyaanee TPLF fi EPRDF warraaqsa qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo ija uummataa keessa seenee jiru kanatti rifatuu guddaa keessa seenun waan qabee gadhiisuu dhabee Oromoon hin baratiin jechuun Wayyaaneen baratoota Oromoo barnoota irraa arii’uu murteeffatte jirti. Haaluma kanaan:
Injiineerotni Baratootni Oromoo qaroo ta’an Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu irra baratootni 11 barnoota irra arii’atamani baratootni lama immoo akeekkachiisa dhumaan kan jiran ta’uu torbanota darban keessa gabaasuun keenya ni yaadatama. Ilmaan Oromoo qaroo fi abdii biyyaa ta’an kun badii tokko malee dhugaa uummata Oromoo qofa waan dubbataniif arii’amuun uummataa Oromoo Magaalaa Maattuu akkam kan aarsee ta’uu ibsuun Manguddoonni Oromoo fi abbootiin amantaa Oromoo ta’an balleessa malee arii’atamuu baratoota Oromoo maalii jechuun bulchiinsa Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu akka meeshatti wayyaaneen itti fayyadamee Oromoo barnoota irraa arii’atu gaafatan, dabbaalloonnii Wayyaanee kun manguddoo kabajamooni fi abbootii amantaa salphisuun dhimma kun isin hin galchu maaltu isin galche jechuun of irra deebisan.
Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo gochaa fashistummaa kana kan manguddoo keenya salphisee, afaan qawwee abdatee nutti roorrisuu kana of irra dhaabuu kan dandeenyuu fi mirga abba biyyummaa keenya kabachiifachuufi barnoota irra arii’atamuun, hidhaan, ajjeechaan, biyyaa irraa arii’amuun nu ga’aa, jennee nuti dhaloonni haaraan kun wareegama barbachisuu kanfaluun yoo of irraa hin fonqolchine, dhaloonni baaddeedhan dhufuu carraa lubbuun jiraachuu iyyuu hin argatu jechuun qeerroon harka walqabannee wayyaanee irratti FDG gaggeessuun furmaata waaraa fiduun of kabachiisuudha jechuun itti fufee barruu Warraqsa FDG bitinneessuu Godina Jimmaa, Yuunivaersiitii Jimmaa, Godina Iluu A/Booraa, Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu, Yuuniversiitii Miizaan Teeppii, Yuunivarsiitii Walqixxee, Yuunivarsiitii Amboo , fi Yuunivarsiitii Wallaaggaa keessatti barruun waraqaa FDG itti fufee bittinneeffama jiraachuun hoggansii qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo gareen hoggansa dhihaa Oromiyaa beeksisee jira.

Ethiopian immigrants ‘walked for nine months’ to Zimbabwe

Ethiopian immigrants ‘walked for nine months’ to Zimbabwe

Brothers fighting brothers: Poor border demarcation developed into military conflict and full-scale war in the late 1990s in which tens of thousands of people were killed. Despite the official cessation of hostilities in 2000, Ethiopia and Eritrea continued their war through proxies. Photo/FILE  AFP
Twelve Ethiopian illegal immigrants walked for nine months to Zimbabwe to escape religious tensions in the Horn of Africa nation, a court was told on Monday.
They were arrested late last year in Bulawayo but the trial delayed because of lack of an Amharic interpreter.
On Friday, they were sentenced to three months in prison, which was wholly suspended for five years on condition they do not remain in Zimbabwe without proper documentation.
“I walked for nine months to Zimbabwe because of religious tensions in my country. I was hoping to get peace and job opportunities,” one of them said.
The group had been arrested on December 4, 2013 while hiding at a house in Bulawayo.
“My parents were killed while I watched and they burnt our farm which was our only means of survival. We came here seeking asylum because life had become difficult in Ethiopia.
The group signed an admission of guilt letter where they urged the authorities to grant them refugee status.
“This letter serves as an admission of guilt and request for refugee status. There is a social and political unrest in the region where we come from,” the letter reads.
According to the magistrate Abedinico Ndebele, it would be a waste of money to fine theimmigrants as they had no money.
“This court understands that there is instability in your country and that most of you are young people who entered Zimbabwe for the first time,” Mr Ndebele said.
“Therefore there is no need for us to fine you or put you in prison because you have been in remand for almost three months now. You can go but do not commit such an offence again.”
Last week, an Ethiopian pilot was arrested in Geneva after he hijacked the plane in a plot to get asylum. (READ: Ethiopian plane hijacker ‘was co-pilot’)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Koollejjii Seeminara Naannoo Kutaa Magaalaa Finfinnee Makkannisaa jedhamu Irratti diddaan jabaachuu irraan tikoonni Wayyaanee ramadaman

Gabaasaa Qeerroo Finfinnee kutaa magaalaa Makkannisaa jedhamu irraa gabaasuun, Guraandhala21 mana barumsaa barattootni oromoo itti baratan koollejji Seminarii jedhamutti jala bultii guyyaa boruuf fincilli kauu mala jedhuun tikoota isaa naannoo mana barumsaa kanatti ramaduudhaan ganama saa 8:00 irraa kaasee guyyaa guutuu meeshaa guutuu dirree waraanaa fakkeessee jiraachuu isaa Qeerroon gabaasee jira humna waraana isaanii nannoo kana buufatanii jiran suuraan kaafame kan addeessu barattoota shakkuun barattoota naqaa qabanii qorataa barumsa isaanii irraa hambisaa akka jiran akkasuma basaasota isaanii huccuu barataan wal fakkatu uffisuun moora keessa galchanii sochii barattoota oromoo basaasaa akka jiran, gabaasaan Qeerroo addeessa. Aka walii galaatti mootummaa wayyaanee sochii barattota oromoo yuuniversitii koollejjii adda addaa irratti eegalee jiru sodaadhaan koollejjii kanatti tikoota humnaa oliin ramadee eegsisaa jira,fuula kana irratti attach kan tae suurawwan tikoota wayyaanee naannoo san buufatanii jiran yoo tahu qeerroo sodaa tokko malee isaanuma gidduu deemuun waraqaa barbaachisu walif raabsaa jiran waliin kan jiruudha,shakkiidhumaan qoratanii gadhiisaa jiru barattoota kan qabamani hidhaman hin jiran,itti fufanii diddaa moora kana keessatti eegaluuf ammallee qophiin barataa cimee jira,itti fufa.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Diddaa barattoota Oromoo irraa sodaa kan godhate mootummaan Wayyaanee seera doorsisaa haaraa baase.

Qeerroo OromiyaaMootummaan Abbaa Irree wayyaanee FDG Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo akka guutummaa Oromiyaatti gaggeessaa jiru fi addaatti immoo Godina dhihaa Oromiyaa keessaatti sochii Qeerroon irraa jiru irraa sodaa fi naasuu keessa seenuun seeraa itti gootota baratoota Oromoo ittin sodachiisuu bulee bulee baasuun FDG’ gaggeeffama jiru irra uggura ka’a jiraachuun ittuma gootota baratoota Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo FDGf kankakasee malee dubbatti kan deebisaa hin jirre ta’uu qeerroon waliif labsee jira.
Haaluma kanan Ergamtootni Wayyaanee bulchitootni Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa ergama ilmaan TPLF fi EPRDF irra itti darbee akkama jirutti of keessa dabarsuun FDG dura ittin dhaabbachuuf seera Wayyaaneen baase, kan mata dureen isa, ‘Namni seera mootummaa keenyaa baaseen mormee argame waggaa tokko oliif barnoota irra arii’atama’ jedhuu mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa bakkoota hundaa fi bakka doormii baratoota hundatti maxxansuun, barruudhuma kana irratti xiqqoo gadi siquun namni seera mootummaa keenyaan mormuu kamuu fuldurattis Yuunivarsiitii fi kolleejjii mootummaatti barachuu hin danda’uu kan jedhuu ibsuun ta’ee jedhee mootummaan wayyaanee wan qabee gadhiisuu dhabuun baratoota shororkeessaa jiraachuun ibsamera.
FDG Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo sududaan gaggeessa jiru, dura dhaabbachuuf toftaan inni biraa Wayyaaneen fudhachaa jirtu akkuma amala isaa afaan qawweetti waggaa 22 oliif dhimma itti bahaa ture, Ammas humna waraanaa of harkaa qabu mooraa dhabbilee barnootaa keessa qubsiisa jiraachuun saaxilame jira. haala kanaan guraandhala 17/2014 irra egalee qabatamaan Yuuniversiitii akka Jimmaa, fi Mattuu, mattuu keessa qubsisee jira. Hoggansii qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo waraanaa Wayyaanee dhabbilee barnootaa keessa qubsiifama jiruuf waamichaa FDG taasisaa jiraachuu ibsee jira.
Gurraandala 20,2014

Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo Dhihaa Oromiyaa kufaatii Wayyaanee dhiyaatee jiruutti xummura gochuu fi eeggannoo uummanni gochuu qabu irraatti ibsa gababa kenne.

 Bakka buootiin Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Dhihaa Oromiyaa Walitti dhufuun haala Sochiin Warraaqsa FDG itti jiruu fi haala Siyaasa yeroo irratti marii gabaaba gochuun ibsa qabxii shan of irraa qabu dabarsee jira.
  1. Waamicha FDG dhabni keenyaa dhabni kallacha Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo ABO godhee fi Sochiin Warraaqsaa Dargaggotaa Biyyaalessaa Oromiyaa Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo gaggeessa jirru bifa garaagaraan jabeessinee itti fufaa jirra. guttummaatti mootummaa abba irree wayyaanee angoo irra darbuuf guyyuu hojjecha jiraachuu hubachiisuun, FDG haala wal irraa hin citneen kan itti fufnu ta’uu ni hubachiifna.
  2. Mootummaan EPRDF fi TPLF rakkoo siyaasa guddaan isa mudaate raafamaa waan jiruuf ilmaan Oromoo biyyaa keessa fi biyyota Ambaa garaagaraa keessatti argamtan bakka jirtan hundatti harka wal qabachuun yeroon itti sagalee mormii abbaa irree irratti dhageesifnuu fi hiriira mormii FDG bifa qindaa’een gaggeessinuamma waan ta’eef tokkummaan haa kaanu!.
  3. Ilmaan Oromoo Caasaa Waraanaa, Poliisa, hidhatoota fi tikaa wayyaanee keessatti argamtan yeroon itti uummataa ofii waanjoo garbummaa bardhibbee jala itti baasaan amma waan ta’eef, bakka jirtanitti wal ijaaruun meeshaa waraanaa isin harka jiru, gara mootummaa gabomfataa wayyaaneetti naanneesuun dirqama lammumma akka bahattan dhamsa isinif dabarsina.
  4. Angawoonni Wayyaanee waggaa 22 guutuu uummataa saamaa turani ammas saamaa jiran qabeenyaa uummataan tujaara ta’anii jiru, yeroo amma kanas Ministeronni Wayyaanee hedduun qabeenya uummataa irraa saama turan, biyyotaa ollaa fi hambaa garaagaratti kuufachaa waan jiranii fi qabeenyaa uummataa saamanii baduutti waan jiraniif uummaanni Oromoo hundii, qotee bulaa, daldalaa, fi hojjetootni hundi kanfaltii buusii adda addaa fi buusii Gibiraa akka hin kaffallee dhaamsa isinif dabarsina.
Injifannoon Uummataa Oromoof!.
Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaati! Guraandhala 19/2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

TPLF/EPRDF’s regime once again plotting to cause further bloodshed in Sidama land

Kukkissa, Our Reporter from Sidama Capital, Hawassa
Imprisoning the weakest groups of criminals leaving key players makes no change in Sidama land and beyond’
The unsettling situation unfolding in Sidama region is becoming worse than it’s even been since TPLF led regime assumed power in June 1991. The discontents between the regime’s regional/Sidama Zone authorities who are labouring day and night to implement their and their federal bosses’ anti-Sidama policy on federalising Sidama capital city which has been vigorously rejected by the Sidama people of all walk of life on one hand; ongoing Sidama nation’s constitutional quest for regional self-administration on the other- makes the situation so complicated and profoundly difficult. To date the regime’s illegal and non-representative cadres are plotting against the rights of the Sidama nation -seriously undermining their own constitution which states otherwise.
The inner sources from Sidama land discloses this evening that the regime is showing that it isn’t resting at all.
The current Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn (who was elevated to his current position for his unlawful actions against Sidama nation immediately after the Looqqe massacre) who is key player during the said massacre of hundreds of purely Sidama civilians (amounting genocide), is once again recklessly plotting for another massacre whilst the 12th anniversary (May 24, 2014) is just under 4 months away.
Currently, the cadres are beating war-drum in Sidama land and the situation might not be as easy as they might think, simply because the power and determinations of wounded Tigers and Tigress can’t a simple one. They don’t understand the extent of Sidama nations’ psychological preparation for their ongoing issues involving defending its ancestral land from being taken away without price. The indefatigability of the nation shouldn’t be underestimated although the weapon with which the regime slaughters civilians is heavier than the Sidama nation can put up with. However, the Sidama nation has got the power of will and purpose, therefore they can defy odds to convincingly defend their rights; if the need arises.
As the regime itself is uncontrollably shaking, playing such game with the Sidama nation might prove that its interests of the amalgamated south will be at stake if the situation gets to whole scale conflicts which will be inevitable if the regime continues with its constitutionally unlawful actions against the right of the Sidama nation.
The source from Sidama disclose this evening that they regime is also confusing things by arresting the least wanted groups of corrupt employed cadres so that the attentions of the Sidama nation diverts from more important issues to somewhere else whilst they are undertaking their hidden meeting which is due to take place in Hawassa town on February 19, 2014, the source says.
Additionally the source elaborates that the regional TPLF cadres are testing the strength of Sidama’s TPLF cadres by advising them to remove their administrative capital from Hawassa to somewhere else which hasn’t yet to be seen.
The following is from face book information posted by the one of the trusted Sidama personnel whose information is reliable and accurate.
በዚህ ሰሞን የተከናወኑ ዋና ዋና ጉዳዮች በሲዳማና አካባቢዋ [core issues of the week from Sidama region]
1) 23 mangisitete loosaasine Hawaasi ከtamira meታሰራቸው:- [23 government employees were arrested allegedly with corruption case]<
12 ከቱላ ክ/ከተማ ጤ/ጥ/ጽ/ቤት (እነ በጋሻው ባልጉዳ፣ኤልያስ ሚካኤል፣ሣሙኤል ዩን ኩራ፣ተስፋዬ ፋይሳና….) እና 11 ከባንሳ ወረዳ ጤ/ጥ/ጽ/ቤትና ፋይ/ኢኮ/ል/ጽ/ቤት ሰራተኞች (እነቶማስ ጫዊቻና…)፡፡
2) 11 የደ/ብ/ብ/ሕ ክልል አድማ በታኝ በሚል የሚታወቁ ፖሊሶች ከነ ትጥቃቸውመጥፋታቸው፡፡ [11 police personnel from the southern regional anti-demonstration and rapid response team are absconded with their weapons te source says]
3) በሀዋሳ ከተማ ከደቡብ ኢት/ያ ህዝቦች ዴሞክራሳዊ ንቅናቄ(ደኢህዴን) ዋና ቅ/ጽ/ቤት ጋርበአንድ አጥር ግብ ውስጥ የሚገኘውን የሲዳማ ዞን ደኢህዴን ቅ/ጽ/ቤት አፍርሳችው ወደፈለጋቹበት ቦታ ወስዳችው መገንባት ትችላላችው ተብሎ በክልል ባለሥልጣናት መነገሩ፡፡The above informant finalises with [This is the zero sum game of TPLF] remark.Another informant also suggests as follows:-For the question I have asked the source about what is the news and what are the regime’s cadres in Sidama are doing this week; the sources says it’s very difficult to summarise as the issue are multidimensional. However he say the following:-Assitanno farra hiittee kule hiitte agureemmohero diafoommo [I don’t know what and which to tell and which one to leave aside from all injustice they plan to implement in Sidama land against Sidama people]. Xaa yannara umi istraateejensa 2007 doorshshira eela gaxararete geeshsha dirrite arsoaddere amadatenna addi addi horonni dogate.[The primary and currently ongoing strategy of the regime’s Sidama cadres is planning to control all peoples of the Sidama in particular focus on rural areas involving paying them bribery with minimum cash until the election is over]…ikkirono mannu qarrinsaralla insawii addi addi horo adhinona giddoodinsay tenne mangiste horo effire giwino [Although the farmers who are bribed by the regime’s cadres are taking money due to regime induced poverty and deprivation in Sidama region, however in their hearts they know that the regime is playing game against their constitutional rights].For the question I have asked about the rumour on the fact that the regime is preparing some form of hidden agenda which it might uses to deceive the Sidama people, the source replied:-
Bashsho gede sanadda xawoho fushsha agurtinowe….[Not to repeat the mistake the regime committed during the June 12, 2012’s Hawassa federalising document that caused series of demonstrations across the entire Sidama region and obliged the regime to take U-turn, they cadres are working sensitively on it]ikkiro kayi ninke macca kayinse agarre hee’noommona xaa geeshsha hattoori dino [However, the Sidama nation is vigilant and keeping an eye on the situation, thus never rest at all].
Ikkino sibsaba qixxeessite barra 11/6/2006 M.D yaano techcho barra 22 nku woradinni 2 geerranna,3 woradu dehiden kaadirra woshshite hasaawissanni noona hanni mayira woshshitinoro afate guungiissanni noommona anfeemmona [to hold secret meeting on 11, 06, 2006 Ethiopian calendar the cadres’ invited 2 Sidama elders and 3 regime’s cadres from the entire Sidama’s 22 districts; for the meeting invitees already arrived on the evening of 18 February 2014]
Techchooti baalanta woradda eine galle yitinohuna rosonsa mite sanade qixxeessite doggannonsa yine macca kayinse agarre hee’noommo. [As the invitees were told to arrive today (18 February 2014) as usual they might have a hidden agenda to be discussed up on without the knowledge of the Sidama people].
Mahooýe.ane nafa diafidhinoena woloota ooso baara widoo noo manni dirijjitenkera xilaashete buurtanno mannaatina insa ledo hasaabbinoonni insa poste assitannore like assitinoonni yite gamaggamtanno yinanna macciishshoommo [the cadres alsoseriously warning their members as well as those who are government employees by stating that the Sidama Diasporas are blackmailing their party and damaging Ethiopia’s reputation, therefore they advise not to read anything written by Diaspora Sidama’s and don’t like anything they post’]
Lai ninke gobba heeshsho togoote free press yinanni qoosso agarama gatteenna like assinoyihura calla waajjishiinshanninke, [Such is a life in this country the source adds:--let alone having a freedom of expression and assembly, we are not fortunate enough to ‘like’ something Sidama Diaspora written issues about the matters important to Sidama nation and its constitutional rights to regional self-determination; Maganu kaa'lonke! [May God almighty help us and our nation the source finalises] summarises the source
Sidama National Regional State | February 20, 2014