Monday, February 29, 2016

የምእራብ ኣርሲውን የህዝብ ተቃውሞ ከተቀረው የኦሮምያ ኣካባቢ ለይቶ ለማሳየትና ለማስፈራራት የተፈለገው የገዛ የስርኣቱ ታጣቂ ኣካል ኣፈሙዙን ኣዙሮ የኣጋዚን ጥጋብ በማስተንፈሱ ብቻ ነው

ከ ቦሩ በራቃ
Protesters took down the late PM Meles Zenawi’s image from a large billboard and hoisted OLF flag. This happened  in Gadab Asasaa, Arsi zone, in February 2016
ኣራተኛ ወሩን የያዘውን የሰፊውን የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ኣልገዛም ባይነት ንቅናቄ እንደለመደው ኣፍኖ ማስቀረት ያቃተው ህወሃት ወያኔ ለንቅናቄው የተለያዩ ስሞችን እየሰጠ ለማናናቅ የሚያደርገውን ጥረት ቀጥሏል። በተለይም ህዝባዊ ቁጣው በሃይል በገነፈለባቸው ኣካባቢዎች የተለመደው የስርኣቱ ያረጀና ያሰለቸ ዉንጀላ ተደጋግሞ ይታያል። ህዝብ ለሚጠይቃቸው ቀጥተኛ የፖለቲካና የኢኮኖሚ ጥያቄዎች ቀጥተኛ ምላሽ መስጠት የማይፈልገው ኣምባገነኑ ቡድን የህዝብን ጥያቄ የጥቂት ወገኖች ኢፍትሃዊ ፍላጎት ኣስመስሎ ለመምታት ከማለም የቦዘነበት ጊዜ የለም።
እንደ ሰደድ እሳት መላውን ኦሮምያን በማዳረስ ተፋፍሞ በቀጠለው በዚህ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ተቃውሞ ውስጥ ምእራብ ኣርሲን ልዩ ያደረገው ምንድነው? ይህ የብዙዎች ጥያቄ ነው። ምላሹም እንደየሰዉ ኣመለካከት ሊለያይ ይችላል። ሃቀኛው ምላሽ ግን ግልፅ ነው። በዚህ ጽሁፍ ኣርእስትነት ለመግለጽ እንደተሞከረው ጉዳዩ በዋናነት ከኣጋዚ መመታት ጋር የተያያዘ ነው። ወያኔዎቹ በእጅጉ የሚመኩበት ነፍሰ-ገዳዩ ቅልብ ጦራቸው ኣግኣዚ በ24 ኣመቱ የስርኣቱ ኣገዛዝ ታሪክ ውስጥ የተዋረደበት ቦታ ቢኖር ምእራብ ኣርሲ ነው ብሎ ደፍሮ መናገር ይቻላል። ህይወቱን ሙሉ መግደል እንጂ ተገድሎ የማያውቀው ኣሸባሪው የኣጋዚ ጦር ኣርሲ ላይ ተደቁሷል። በኣንድ ቀን ብቻ 11 ኣባላቱ የተቆጣው ህዝብ በወሰደበት እርምጃ ተገድሏል። ከተገደሉት የኣጋዚ ጦር ኣባላት ኣንዳንዶቹ ኣስከሬናቸው መሬት ላይ ሲጎተት የሚያሳዩ ምስሎችም በየማህበራዊ ሚዲያዎች ተለቀው ታይተዋል።
ታሪኩን ለየት የሚያደረገው ታድያ እንደ መልኣከ-ሞት የሚታዩትና የሚፈሩት እነዚህ ገዳዮች መገደላቸው ብቻ ሳይሆን እርምጃውን የወሰደባቸው የገዛ የስርኣቱ ታጣቂ ኣካል የሆነው የኦሮምያ ፖሊስ መሆኑ ነው። የኦሮምያ ፖሊስ ኣባላት ኣርሲ ላይ ታሪካዊ ጀብዱ በመስራት ህዝባዊ ወገንተኝነታቸውን እንዲያረጋግጡ ያደረጋቸው ደግሞ ሰው በላው ኣጋዚ ቡድን ባልታጠቀ ህዝብ ላይ የሚያደረሰው ዘግናኝ ጭፍጨፋ ነው። ወያኔዎች እንደ ኣለንጋ ተጠቅመው ኦሮሞን ሊገርፉት ያሰለጠኑት የኦሮምያ ፖሊስ ኣባሎች ትእግስታቸው ሞልቶ ፈሰሰና በኦሮሞ ትግል ታሪክ መዝገብ ውስጥ ስማቸውን በደማቸው ፅፈው ህያው ክብር ተጎናጸፉ። ወያኔ ይህ ይሆናል ብሎ የገመተ ኣይመስልም። እናም ዜናውን ሲሰማ በእጅጉ ደንግጦ ተወራጨ። የኣርሲውን የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ኣመፅም ከተቀረው የኦሮምያ ህዝብ ኣመፅ ለይቶ ለመምታት ሌላ ስም ሊለጥፍበት ተገደደ። በጥድፊያ የታዩትም ሁለት የተለመዱ ኣሰልቺ ስልቶች ናቸው።
የመጀመሪያው የተለመደውን የሃይማኖት ልዩነት ካርድ መምዘዝ ነበር። ይህንን የቀቢጸ-ተስፋነት ጥረቱንም በጥፋት መልክተኞቹ ኣማካኝነት ለማስፈፀም ሞከረ። ኣብያተ-ክርስቲያናትና መስጊዶችን በቅጥረኞቹ ኣማካኝነት በማቃጠል ድርጊቱን ኣደገኛ ጠላቶቼ ብሎ በሚፈራቸው ወገኖች ላይ ኣላክኮ መምታት የመጀመሪያው እርምጃው ነበር። ከዚሁ ጎን ለጎንም በብሄር ኦሮሞ ባልሆኑ ግለሰቦች ላይ ያነጣጠረ የሽብር ድርጊትም ኣስፈጽሟል። ከሁሉም በላይ ደግሞ ህዝባዊ ንቅናቄውን በጸረ-ክርስቲያንነት ለመፈረጅ ያልፈነቀለው ድንጋይ የለም። ኣላማውም ግልጽ ነው። የኦሮሞን ፍትሃዊ ትግል በሙስሊም ኣክራሪነት ፈርጆ ህዝበ ክርስቲያኑን ሁሉ ከጎኑ ለማስቆም ነበር ምኞቱ። ቱልቱላዎቹ የስርኣቱ ተቀጣሪ ሚድያዎችም ይህንኑ የሞኝ ጩሄት ባንድ ጥሩምባ ኣስተጋቡ። የሃሰት ውንጀላው በችኮላ የተቀነባበረ በመሆኑም በኣስቂኝ ስህተቶች የተሞላ ነበር። ከኣመታት በፊት ግብፅ ኣገር የተቃጠለውን ቤተ ክርስቲያን ምስል በመጠቀም ሻሸመኔ ላይ በኦሮሞ ታጋዮች የተቃጠለ ኣስመስለው በማህበራዊ ሚድያና በየብሎጎቻቸው ላይ ለቀቁት። ከጥቂት ኣመታት በፊት ደቡብ ክልል ሆሳእና ላይ ተቃጥሎ የነበረው ቤተ ክርስቲያን ምስልም በዚህ ድራማ ውስጥ ጥቅም ላይ ሲውል ኣይተናል። በተለይም የግብፁን ቤተ ክርስቲያን መቃጠልና የኣርሲውን ጉዳይ ሃራምባና ቆቦነት ቶሎ ለይተው የነቁባቸው ወገኖች ቶሎ ሳቁባቸው። መጀመሪያ ላይ ምስሉን ሲያዩት ጥርጣሬ የገባቸው ብልሆች ደግሞ ወዲያው ‘ጉግል’ ኣደረጉትና ሃቁን ደረሱበት። እውነት መስሎኣቸው በድንጋጤ ያማተቡ የዋሆችም በርግጥ ቁጥራቸው ቀላል ኣልነበረም።
እዚህ ጋር ወያኔዎችም ሆነ ኣንዳንድ ያለኣግባብ ግራ የተጋቡ ወገኖች ከስህተታቸው መማር የተሳናቸው ኣልያም እያወቁ የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ትግል በጠላትነትና በጥርጣሬ መመልከትን የፈለጉ ሁሉ መረዳት ያለባቸው ሃቅ ኣለ። የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ጸረ-ክርስትና ያደረገው ማን ነው? እነርሱን ደግሞ ብቸኛ የክርስትና ሃይማኖት ተሟጋችና ተቆርቁዋሪ ያላቸውስ ማን ነው? የክርስትና ሃይማኖት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ኣሁን የያዘውን ትልቅ ቁጥር ኣንዲይዝ ከፍተኛ ኣስተዋጽኦ ያደረገውኮ የክርስቲያን ኦሮሞው ቁጥር ነው። እስካሁን ኣራተኛ ወሩን በያዘው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ንቅናቄ ውስጥ ኣንኩዋን የተሰዉት ከ500 በላይ ከሚሆኑት የኦሮሞ ጀግኖች መካከል ግማሽ ወይም ከዚያ በላይ የሚሆኑት በክርስቲያናዊ ህግ መሰረት ፍትሃት ተደርጎላቸው ክርስቲያናዊ ስርኣተ ቀብር እንደተፈፀመላቸው ኣያውቁምን? ይህንን ሃቅ ረስተውት ነው ወይስ እያወቁት ኣያውቁም የሚሉትን ወገን ማጃጃል ፈልገው ነው? ወይስ ኦሮሞውን በሃይማኖት ልዩነት ኣቃቅረን በመከፋፈል ኣስፈሪውን የኣንድነት ሃይሉን ድል እናደርጋለን ብለው ኣልመው ነው?
የሆነውስ ሆኖ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል ቤተ ክርስቲያንም ሆነ መስጊድ ላይ የሚያነጣጥርበት ምንም ኣይነት ኣሳማኝ ምክንያት የለም ሊኖረው ኣይችልም። ሁለቱም ቤተ እምነቶች የኦሮሞ ናቸው። ኦሮሞም የሁለቱ ቤተ እምነቶች ነው። ኦሮሞን በድፍን ሙስሊምነት ፈርጆ በክርስቲያን ላይ ኣነሳሳለሁ ብሎ ማለም ከንቱ ጅልነት ብቻ ሳይሆን ሃጢያተኝነትም ጭምር ነው። በኣንጻሩ ደግሞ ኦሮሞን በክርስቲያንነት ፈርጆ ጸረ ሙስሊም ኣስመስሎ ሙስሊሙን ህብረተሰብ ለማስቆጣት የሚደረግ ሙከራ ካለም ራስን ማታለል ብቻ ነው የሚሆነው። ገና ከጠዋቱ ኦሮሞ ሲታደል ከማናቸውም የኢትዮጵያ ብሄር ብሄረሰቦች በተሻለ መልኩ ብዙሃ-ሃይማኖት (multi religious) ህዝብ ነው። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል በታላላቅ ቄሶችና ፓስተሮች እንዲሁም በኣሊም ሼኾችና ቃሉዎች የጋራ ኣላማና ቁርጠኝነት ኣንድ ብሎ መራመድ የጀመረ ትግል ነው።
ወያኔዎቹ ህዝብንና ኣለምን ለማታለል የከጀሉበት ይህ ጥረታቸው ይበልጥ ኣስቂኝ የሚሆነው ደግሞ ሻሸመኔና ኣካባቢው ላይ በማነጣጠሩ ነው። የዚህ ኣካባቢ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በቤተሰብ ኣባላት ሳይቀር የተለያዩ እምነቶችን የሚከተልና በሃይማኖት መቻቻል ምናልባትም ከወሎ ቀጥሎ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በምሳሌነቱ መጠቀስ የሚችል ህዝብ ነው። በዚህ ኣካባቢ መመኪያዬ የሚለው የኣጋዚ ጦሩን ጥጋብ የማስተንፈስ ድፍረትና ኣቅም ያላቸው ውድ የኦሮሞ ልጆች ብቅ በማለታቸው በእጅጉ የተደናበረው ወያኔ ያጋጠመውን ሽንፈትና ውርደት ለመሸፋፈን ሲል ‘የታጠቀ የውጭ ሃይል’ በኣካባቢው ታይቷል፣ የህዝብ ጥያቄን ለመጥለፍ ሞክሯል ሲል ቅዠቱን ኣሰማ።
የሃይማኖት ልዩነት ካርዱም ኣልሰራለት ከማለቱ ጋር ተያይዞ ኣሁን ደግሞ ፊቱን እንደተለመደው ወደ መከረኛው የኤርትራ መንግስት ኣዞረ። ምእራብ ኣርሲ ውስጥ ላጋጠመው ሽንፈት የኤርትራን መንግስት ተጠያቂ ማድረግ ሁለት ኣስነዋሪ መልእክቶችን ኣዝሎ ብቅ ብሏል። የመጀመሪያው ሁሌም እንደተለመደው ስርኣቱ ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል ያለውን ንቀት የሚገልጽበት መንገድ ነው። በስርኣቱ ኣካላት ላይ ሃይለኛ ምት በተሰነዘረበት የኦሮምያ ኣካባቢ ሁሉ እርምጃው የሚላከከው በኤርትራ መንግስት ላይ ነው። ይህ ደግሞ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ያለ ባእድ ኣካል ድጋፍ ራሱን ችሎ በራሱ ልጆች ስትራቴጂ፣ ኣቅምና ጀግንነት ምንም ኣይነት እርምጃ በስርኣቱ ላይ መውሰድ የማይችል ኮሳሳ ህዝብ ኣድርጎ እንደመዝለፍ ነው። ለተነሳው ህዝባዊ ጥያቄም ጆሮ ለመክፈት ዝግጁ ኣለመሆኑን ይጠቁማል። ሃይለኛ ቡጢ የሚያርፍበት ከሆነ ሁሌም የኤርትራ መንግስት እጅ ኣለበት የሚል መልእክት ማስተላለፍ ይቀናቸዋል። ይህም ውንጀላም ኣውቀውም ይሁን ሳያውቁት ጠላታችን ለሚሉት የኤርትራ መንግስት ተጨማሪ ክብርና ዝና ማጎናፀፊያነት እየዋለ ስለመሆኑ ልብ እንላለን።
ለምእራብ ኣርሲው ጉዳይ የኤርትራን መንግስት ተጠያቂ በማድረግ ለማስተላለፍ የተፈለገው ሁለተኛው መልእክት በኣይነቱ ኣዲስና የመጀመሪያው ሊባል የሚችል ነው። እሱም ኦነግን የሚመለከትና እርስ በራሱ የሚጣረዝ ነው። የወያኔ ኮሚዩኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ፅህፈት ቤት ሃላፊው ጌታቸው ሬዳ ይህንን ኣስመልክተው ለውጭ ሚድያዎች ሰሞኑን በሰጡት መግለጫ ቃል በቃል ‘የኤርትራ መንግስት ኣስመራ ውስጥ ተቆርጠው ከቀሩት የኦነግ ኣባላት ጋር ብቻ ሳይሆን ግንቦት7 ከመሰሉ ሃይሎችም ጋር ይሰራል።’ ብለዋል። እዚህ ጋር ነው እንግዲህ ግራ የሚያጋባውና እርስ በራሱ የሚጋጭ ኣባባል የሰማነው። ባንድ በኩል የኦነግ ኣስመራ ውስጥ ተቆርጦ መቅረት ተነግሮናል። በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ የኤርትራ መንግስት ኣስመራ ውስጥ ‘ቆርጦ ካስቀረው’ ኦነግ ጋር በኣርሲው ጉዳይ እጁን ኣስገብቷል ከተባለ ኦነግ ኣስመራ ውስጥ ‘ተቆርጦ ቀርቷል’ የተባለው ትክክል ኣይደለም ማለት ነው። ኣስመራ ውስጥ ‘ተቆርጦ የቀረ’ ሃይል ኣርሲ ድረስ ክንዱን መሰንዘር ኣይችልምና።
ይቺ ‘ተቆርጦ መቅረት’ የምትለው ሃረግ ያለ ምክንያት የተቀመጠችም ኣይደለችም። ኦሮሞን መሪ ድርጅት ኣልባ ኣድርጎ ተስፋ ለማስቆረጥ ዛሬም ከንቱ ድካም እንዳለቀቃቸው ታመላክታለች። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በራሱ ሃይል ተነስቶ የራሱ ኣገር ላይ ታሪክ ሲሰራ 4 ወር ሙሉ ባይናቸው እያዩ ዛሬም ያረጀ ያፈጀ የኤርትራ ተረት ተረታቸውን ያወራሉ። ከዚሁ ጋር በተያያዘ ለኦነግና ለግንቦት7 ወያኔዎች የሰጡት ኣገላለጽ ፈገግ የሚያሰኝ ነው። ኦነግ ኣስመራ ውስጥ ተቆርጦ የቀረና ግንቦት ሰባት ግን እንደፈለገ እየወጣ የሚገባ ኣይነት ያህል ልዩነት እንዳላቸው ሊነግሩን ሞክረዋል። እንደዛ ከተባለም ሌላ ከራሱ ጋር የሚጋጭ ሃሳብ እናያለን። እንደሚታወቀው ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ትግሉ የኣለምን ትኩረት መሳብ በቻለ ደረጃ ኣየተፋፋመ ያለው በኦሮምያ ነው። እንዲህ ከሆነ ደግሞ እንደልቡ ወጥቶ የሚገባው ግንቦት7 ከፍተኛ ድጋፍ ባለው የኢትዮጵያ ኣካባቢዎች መስራት ያልቻለውን የፖለቲካ ስራ ‘ኣስመራ ውስጥ ተቆርጦ የቀረው’ ኦነግ የድጋፍ መሰረቱ በሆነው ኦሮምያ ውስጥ መስራት ችሏል እንደማለት ይመስላል። ወይም ደግሞ በኣርሲው ጉዳይ የግንቦት7 እጅ ኣለበት የሚል እንደምታም ኣለው።
ለነገሩ ከድሮም ጀምሮ ኦሮምያ ውስጥ ህዝባዊ ቁጣ በፈነዳ ቁጥር የኦነግና የኤርትራ መንግስት ስም ሲነሳ ነው የኖረው። የዘንድሮውን የተለየ የሚያደርገው ግን ኣንደኛ ኦነግ ኣስመራ ውስጥ ‘ተቆርጦ መቅረቱ’ና ሁለተኛው ደግሞ ድርጅቱና የኤርትራ መንግስት በሁሉም የኦሮምያ ኣካባቢዎች የተነሳውን ተቃውሞ ችላ ብለው በኣርሲው ጉዳይ ብቻ እጃቸውን ማስገባታቸው ነው። የኤርትራ መንግስትም ሆነ ‘ኣስመራ ውስጥ ተቆርጦ ቀርቷል’ የተባለው ኦነግ ለኦሮምያው ኣመጽ ተጠያቂዎች ከተባሉ መሬት ኣንቀጥቅጥ ኣመፆች በታዩባቸው በምእራብ ሸዋ፣ ደቡብ ምእራብ ሸዋ፣ ምስራቅ ሃረርጌ፣ ምእራብ ሃረርጌ፣ ምስራቅ ወለጋ፣ ምእራብ ወለጋ፣ ሆሮ ጉዱሩ፣ ጉጂ፣ ቦረናና ሌሎችም ኣካባቢዎች ይልቅ በምእራብ ኣርሲው ጉዳይ ብቻ የተለየ እጅ ማስገባት የፈለጉበትን ምክንያት ወያኔዎቹ ለማብራራት ኣልፈለጉም። ጉዳዩ የኣጋዚ ጦር በህዝብ ክንድ መደፈሩ ነውና ይህን ደግሞ ለማብራራት ያሳፍራልና። ትልቁ ማብራሪያቸው ሆኖ የቀረበው ‘የታጠቀ የውጭ ሃይል’ በኣካባቢው ቤተ ክርስቲያን ኣቃጠለ፣ የመንግስትና የግለሰብ ንብረቶችን ኣወደመ፣ ኦሮሞ ያልሆኑ ግለሰቦችን ለይቶ ኣጠቃ፣ ህጋዊ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች ውስጥ ሰርጎ ገባ ወዘተ የሚሉ ተልካሻና የጉዳዩን ኣስኩዋል መዳሰስ የማይፈልጉ ምክንያቶች ናቸው።
የዚህ ሁሉ ግራ መጋባት መንስኤ ደግሞ ከላይ እንደተጠቀሰው የኣጋዚው ‘ኣይበገሬ’ ጦራቸው ኣርሲ ውስጥ ተድቁሶ መዋረድ ነው። ህዝብ ኣምርሮ ከተነሳ ነፍሰ ገዳዩን ኣጋዚን መመከት ብቻ ሳይሆን ኣከርካሪውን እየመታ ማጥቃትም እንደሚችል በተግባር ሲያሳያቸው ኣምነው መቀበል ኣቃታቸው። ህዝብን ይንቃሉና የህዝብን ኣቅም ኣምነው መቀበል ይከብዳቸዋል። ክቡር መስዋእትነት እየተከፈለበት ያለውን የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል ከኣስመራ ጋር ለማያያዝ መሞከር የፖለቲካ ስካር ብቻ ነው መሆን የሚችለው።
የኣርሲ ወገኖቻችን ለተቀሩት የኦሮምያ ኣካባቢ የትግሉ ኣካላት ሁሉ በተለይም የመንግስት መሳሪያ ለታጠቁት የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች ጊዜ የማይሽረው ታሪካዊ የጀግንነት ምሳሌ ሆነዋል። ይህም የስርኣቱን የመጨረሻ መጀመሪያ ያመላከተ ነው። ወያኔን ኣሳብዶት የባጥ የቆጡን እንዲዘላብድ ያስገደደውም ይሄው ነው። ኣርሲ ውስጥ ‘ኣይበገሬ’ ተብዬውን የኣጋዚ ገዳይ ጦር የደፈረው ኣይነት እርምጃ በተቀሩት የኦሮምያ ኣካባቢዎች ቢደገምና በሌላውም የጭቆናው ገፈት ቀማሽ ክልሎች ዘንድም ቢሰለስ ወያኔ የመውደቂያው ወይም የመንበርከኪያው ደወል ይደወላል። ይህ ደግሞ መሆን የማይችልበት ምክንያት የለም። የጊዜ ጉዳይ ብቻ ነው!

Friday, February 26, 2016

#‎OromoProtests‬ – Partial list of Oromo killed by Wayane

‪#‎OromoProtests‬ Feb 25,2016
Oromoota 200++ kan qabsoo FXG kana irratti lubbuu isaanii wareegan. Maqaa isaanii. (Updated on Feb 25, 2016) #oromoprotests
1. Gezahegn Oliqa……….Welega..Horoguduru
2. Gutu Abera Deresa…..W.Welega..Guliso
3. Karasa Chala……W.Welega..Guliso
4. Debala Tafa…….N. Shewa..Fiche..Qare
5. Dejene Serbesa…………..SW.Shewa…Tole
6. Mifta Juneydi………E.Hararghe..Badano..Furda
7. Murad Abdi……….E.Hararghe..Haromaya
8. Lucha Gamachu…………W. Walaga…Inango
9. Ayana Banti…………….W. Walaga…Inango
10. Tafari Dhangia…………E. Walaga.Jimarjo
11. Dame Dabali…………….W. Walaga..najo
12. Gamachis Tilahun…………W. Walaga..Najo
13. Tilahun Mulata…………..W. Welaga.D/Dolo
14. Kano Tola……………..E. Welega..Gabate
15. Ebisa Tucho………….E.Walaga…Fincha
16. Alazar Kalbesa…………..W. welega..Inango
17. Bekele Soboka………… W. Shawa…Mugar
18. Bekele Seifu………….W. Shawa…Mugar
19. Chala Tashoma……..W. Shawa…Babicha
20. Abdeta Bayisa………W. Shawa…Babicha
21. Dule…………………….W. Shawa…Gedo
22. Tamene Tsegaye………..W. Shawa…Gedo
23. Daraje Gadisa……….W. Shawa….Gedo
24. Fikadu Girma………..W. Shawa….Gedo
25 . Ulfata Chimdi………..W. Shawa…Ambo
26. Girma Ragasa……….W. Shawa…Ambo
27. Lamesa Fayisa……..W. Shawa…Ambo
28. Chalchisa Gonfa…..W. Shawa…Asgori
29 .Bilbila Lalisa………….W. Shoa..Asgori
30. Gabayo (???)…………E.Welega..Gudeya Bila
31. Diso Milkesa………..W. Shawaa…Ilfata
32. Yalaw Damise………W.Shawa..Ilfata
33. Abebe Bulo………….SW.Shawa…Waliso
34. Tade Sefera…………SW.Shawa…Amaya
35. Solomon Mogos…..SW.Shawa…Amaya
36. Lencho Hundara…..SW.Shwaa…Waliso
37. Sarbesa Sirnesa…..SW.Shawa…Citu
38. Ayanasa Rikita………..SW.Shawa..Waliso
39. Wako Moroda………SW.Shawa..Waliso
40. Habtamu Tsagaye..SW.Shawa..Waliso
41. Tariku Asefa…………SW.Shawa..Waliso
42. Boru Gutama………..SW.Shawa..Amaya
43. Almaz Gudeta……………..Welega.. Canqa
44. Abdeta Lata………..W.Shawa..Gindabrat
45. Bayisa Gedafa…….W.Shawa..Gindabrat
46. Tadesa Dhaba Gadefa…….W.Shoa..Gindabrat
47. Kabade Tafa………..W.Shawa..Gindabrat
48. Tadese Tsige………W.shawa….Gindabrat
49. Barihun Shibiru……W.Shewa.Ilugalan…Ijaji
50. Biranu Hayilu………W.Shawa..Gindabrat
51. Tadese Abdisa…….SW.Shawa..Wanchi
52. Kebede Tadesa……SW.Shawa..wanchi
53. Daraje Warkine……..SW.Shawa..Wanchi
54. Sirnesa Sarbesa……SW.Shawa..Wanchi
55. Tashale Irgesa………SW.Shawa..wanchi
56. Aschalo Worku……..W.Shawa..Ginchi
57. Seifu Tura…………….W.Shawa…Ginchi
58. Zarihun..NA………….W.Shewa..Ginchi
59. Gelane Bekana………SW.Shawa….Chitu
60. Ashenafi …..NA……..W.shawa…Ginchi
61. Dinka Chala…………..W.Shawa…Ginchi
62. Tsegaye Abeba………W.Shawa..Jaldu
63. Tadasa Jambare (poolisii ????)……W.Shawa…Jaldu
64. Baqalaa Ragasa……W.Shawa.. Jaldu
65. Biranu Bajiga………..W.Shawa….Jaldu
66. Chaltu Tadesa………W.Shawa….Jaldu
67. Dajane Bayisa……….W.Shawa….Jaldu
68. Nato Guluma…………W.Shawa..Dandi (Ginci)..Galesa
69. Magarsa Baji…………W.Shawa….Jaldu
70. Bekele Tumsa………..W.Shawa..Dandi (Ginci)..Galesa
71. Abeba Gabisa………..W.Shawa….Jaldu
72. Huseen Dula………W.Arsi…Hadaba
73. Misra Haji Nabo……W.Arsi..Hadaba
74. Nasredin Mohamed …..W.Arsi..Hadaba
75. Awel Ibrahim……………W.Arsi..Hadaba
76. Tolasa Lelisa…………..Horoguduru..Watiyo
77. Birhanu Dinka…………..SW.Shewa..Wanchi
78. Ababa Gabisa…..W.Shewa..Dandi..Galesa
79. Murata Alemu………Sululta
80. Meserat Dinka………..W.Welega..Lalo Qile
81. Tilahun Gemechis……….W.Welega..Najo
82. Merete Alemu Gutema………Sululta
83. Adunya Ireso………….HoroGuduru..Alibo
84. Izaddin…………..W.Hararghe..chiro
85. Alazar kelbesa………..W. Welega..Inango
86. Zewdu Siyum…………….W. Shewa..Mugar
87. Hora Banti Irena…….Ilu Ababor..Gachi
88. Abbas Abduraman….W.Hararghe..Mesela
89. Feyisa Dadhi……………W.Shewa..Mugar
90. Chala Mohammed Ahmed……E.Hararghe..Haromaya
91. Bari Seid Ali…….W.Hararghe..Mesela
92. Soboka Dilgasu………..W.Shewa..Midekign
93. Fahmi Abduraman….E.Hararghe..Calanko
94. Abdata Olansa………..W.Shewa..Ambo
95. Lenco Dinkesa…………..W. Shewa…Wadesa
96. Abera Dhaba……………..SW Shewa..karsa
97. Biruk Dhufera……….W.Shewa..Gindabarat
98. Abdela Mohamed………W.Hararghe..Mieso
99. Yasino Abdela………..W.Hararghe..Mieso
100. Abdala Hasan ……….W.Hararge…Mieso
101. Musa Hasan…………..W.Hararge..Miesso
102. Abdulhakim…………W.Hararghe…Mieso
103. Ahmad……………. W.Hararghe…Mieso
104. Adam Abdala ……….W.Hararghe..Mieso
105. Mohammed Nama …..W.Hararghe..Miesso
106. Shelema Teresa……..Horo guduru..Goban
107. Muhamad Adem Roba…..W.Hararghe..Asabot..Wajaji
108. Birhanu Gadisa……….W.Shewa..Wadesa
109. Usmail Sufyan Adem……W.Hararghe..Doba
110. Abeba Lata…………W.Shewa..Shanan
111. Zerihun Jirenya………..E. Welega..Arjo
112. Tahir Abdulqadir……….Arsi
113. Bokone Dhaba……….W.Shewa..Tole
114. Eshetu Kumera………W.Welega
115. Reggasa Chala……….W.Shewa..Ginchi
116. Gammachu Amma ……E.Hararghe..Badano
117. Labata dinkesa……….W.Shewa..Ambo
118. Ishetu Fedhesa………….Wallega..canqa
119. Diriba Balacho……………SW Shewa..Tole
120. Kuma Lenjisa…………..SW Shewa..Tole
121. Dadhii Kumsa…………..SW Shewa..Tole
122. Tolera Lelisa…………..SW Shewa..Ilu..Amdo migira
123. Dereje Gonfa………….W Shewa..Jaldu..Bicho
124. Ifa Indiris…………..Iluababor..Dega
125. Shasho Firdisa……..Horoguduru..Watiyo
126. Kenani Fekadu…………Horoguduru..Watiyo
127. Ahmad Sherif……..W.Hararge..Asabot..Kurta Jarti
128. Abera Dhaba…………….SW Shewa..Qarsa
129. Alamina Tashoma Bayisa…..W.Shewa..Ambo..Bilo
130. Bekele ..(teacher)……W.Shewa..Dandi..Galesa
131. Alamina Mengesha……W.Shewa..Ilfata..Gosomikael
132. Bedhadha kebeba………W.Shewa..Mugar
133. Yadata Guya …….W.Welega,Hora Sabu.
134. Wandimne Wayesa…..W.Welega.Hora sabbu.
135. Tahir Xaha Adam…..E.Hararge..Malkabalo
136. Magarsa Mohamad..E.Hararge…Malkaballo.
137. Gebayo Amsalu……..W.Shewa..Bakotibe
138. Ibrahim Usma’il……..E. Hararge..Midega Tola..Fechasi
139. Tsegaye Darge………….E.Welega..Jima Arjo..Gaba Jimate
140. Filica Wariyo ……….W. Arsi, Shala..Ajje
141. Ushexo Nageso……..W. Arsi, Shala…Ajje
142. Adem Abdalla……..E. Hararghe.Gurawa…Chafe Janata..Doroba
143. Juhara Mussa (F)…..E.Hararghe.. Gurawa
144. Mustefa Husein (oromia police)…..W.Arsi…Shala..Ajje
145. Ramadan Abdalla (oromia police)……E.Hararghe
146. Geru Ararsa……………..W. Arsi Kofale
147. Abdo Haji…………………W. Arsi…Kofale
148. Galgelu ……………………W.Arsi..Kofale..Germama
149. Abdo…….W. Arsi…Kofale..Gambotahara
150. Kadu Wayu……….W. Arsi..Kofale..Alkaso
151. Mahadi Sani…….E. Hararghe…Gurawa..Oromitu
152. Safi Abro………..E. Hararghe..Gurawa..Oromitu
153. Dasta Dhaqabo…….W.Arsi..Shashamane.. Jigessa
154. Muhammad Tusiyye………W.Arsi..Shashamenne..Jigessa
155. Abdiisa Tadesse…………W.Arsi..Kokossa
156. Ayub Musxefa……………W.Arsi..Dodola
157. Baristu Ula (F)……..W.Arsi..Shashamane..Jigesa
158. Haajii Gadaa………W.Arsi..Shashamene..Abaro
159. Magarsa Abdalla…E. Hararghe..Gurawa..Doroba
160. Galana Tasisa Gulti…….W. Shewa..Dire Incini..Buyama
161. Muayib Abdurezaq……..E.Hararghe..Gurawa..kara Horda
162. Bushuna Gamachu (F)…….W.Arsi..Shashamanne..Jigessa
163. Asad Abrahim Abdula…Hararghe..Badano
164. Amenu Terefe………..E.Welega..Sasida..Balo
164. Geleta Negero…………E.Welega…Sasida..Balo
165. Bilisuma Abdisa………E.Welega…Sasida..Balo
166. Hasan Haji Abdala………W.Hararghe..Machara
167. Roba Mamo………..E.Hararghe..Calanqo
168. Aziza Muhamad(F)………E.Hararghe..Badano..iresa
169. Firomsa Abdi Abdula………E.Hararghe..Badano..Balina
170. Argane (F)…………………W.Walaga..Begi
171. Najash Garada…………E.Hararghe..Badano
172. Dereje Mante…….W.Hararghe..Machara
173. Rashid Ahmed Juneydi…….W.Hararghe..Machara
174. Magarsa Mohammed……….W.Hararghe..Machara
175. Abdella Aliyi Boru……..W.Hararghe..Gadulo
176. Rashid Mohammed……….W.Hararghe..Machara..Matagudesa
177. Hussen Muhammed…….W.Hararghe..micata
178. Obsa Mohammed……….W.Hararghe..Micata
179. Abdi Aliyi…………..W.Hararghe..Micata
180. Magarsa (merchant)………W.Hararghe..micata
181. Mustefa Ahmad……….W.Hararghe..Mechara
182. Yitbarek Nugesse……..W.Hararghe..Mechara
183. Magarsa Ahmed Ibrahim…….W.Hararghe..Mechara..Matagudesa
184. Dastuu (Female Student)……….W.Hararghe..Machara
185. Malkamu Dagafa…………..Qelam Welega..Gidami..Buri
186. kashe Waltaji………………..Qelam Welega..Gidami..Buri
187. Burruse Tafesa………………Qelam Welega..Gidami..Buri
188. Ofgaha Galalcha……………..Qelam Welega..Gidami..Buri
189. Tamesgen………………………Qellam Welega..Gidami..Buri
190. Motuma Fayera Tolasa…………W.Shewa..Goro Sole
191. Amanu Terfa……………..E.Welega..Leka..Bilo sasiga
192. Mohammed
Jamal Sharaf…………E.Hararghe..Badano..Ulaga
193. Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed……….E.Hararghe…Badano..Goba Haro
194. Aziza Mohammed……………………E.Hararghe..Badano..Goba Haro
195. Huzeyfa Hasan Mohamed……………..E.Hararghe..Badano..Qallina
196. Firomsa Abdi Mohammed…………..E.Hararghe..Badano..Aramuri
197. Ramadan Hasan Mul’ata…………W.Welega..Begi..Tenzet
198. Birhanu Waltaji……………..W.Shewa..Ambo..Jijigu Waransa
199. Terefa Guta…………………..W.Shewa..Ambo..Jijigu Waransa
200. Taressa Barisa Leta………..W.Shewa..Bakotibe..Gutomexi
201. Samuel Abasha……………E.welega..HaroLimu
Kuni kan hanga ammatti maqaan isaanii argachuu dandeenyee dha. Oromootni 200 oli tahan ammas lubbuun isaanii wareegamee maqaan isaanii garuu hin maxxanfamnetu jira. Please warra hafan jettan mee ilaalaatii nuuf erga. Gumaa wareegamtoota kan hafeetu baasa. #OromoProtests ‪#‎Ramuna‬

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Oromia Protests: Hundreds Killed, Thousands Arrested In ‘Brutal Crackdown,’ Human Rights Watch Says

Ethiopian migrants, all members of the Oromo community of Ethiopia living in Malta, protest against the Ethiopian government and its crackdown on demonstrations in the Ethiopia's restive Oromia region, Dec. 21, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS/DARRIN ZAMMIT
Ethiopian migrants, all members of the Oromo community of Ethiopia living in Malta, protest against the Ethiopian government and its crackdown on demonstrations in the Ethiopia’s restive Oromia region, Dec. 21, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS/DARRIN ZAMMIT
(International Business Times) — Ethiopian authorities are allegedly violently quashing protests in its restive Oromia region, with near-daily accounts of killings and arbitrary arrests, researchers at Human Rights Watch said Monday in a damning report. Activists claim more than 200 people have been killed, while thousands remain in detention without charges since November. Security forces have shown no sign of letting up.
“Things have become considerably more violent in the last few days,” Felix Horne, Horn of Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch, said in an interview Monday. “The government needs to back down and stop the brutal crackdown.”
Since late November, massive anti-government demonstrations have erupted in towns across Oromia, home to Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, the Oromo. The protesters and opposition members were initially fighting against an urban plan that would integrate infrastructure development and expand the municipal boundaries of the capital of Addis Ababa into surrounding towns in Oromia. There were fears the expansion would displace ethnic Oromo farmers from their land.
Oromia is the most populous of Ethiopia’s nine ethnically based federal states, with a population of at least 27 million people. The region has its own language, Oromo, which is distinct from Ethiopia’s official Amharic language, according to Agence France-Presse.
#Ethiopia: Stop firing on peaceful demonstrators and listen to their concerns #Oromoprotests
The Ethiopian government responded to the largely peaceful protests by flooding Oromia with federal security forces. The proposed Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan was retracted Jan. 12, but activists and researchers said that has not halted protests or the alleged crackdown in Oromia.
Human Rights Watch, a New York-based rights group, has been unable to verify the total number of people reportedly detained and killed due to the government’s restrictions on access and independent reporting in Ethiopia. But researchers have interviewed a number of witnesses and 20 people who have been arrested since the demonstrations began, and social media has helped disseminate photos and videos from scenes of the protests.
“Given the limitations on independent reporting on the ground, it’s hard to know precisely what has been happening, but there definitely appears to be an escalation in the intensity of the protests in some locations and also of the government’s response,” Horne said Monday. “There have been many reports of killings in the last several days.”
Many of those arrested have been children under 18 because primary and secondary school students in Oromia were among the first to protest. Some schools and universities have remained shuttered throughout Oromia because authorities have also arrested teachers and closed the facilities to curb demonstrations, according to the report.
One 17-year-old student described to Human Rights Watch researchers how Ethiopian security forces shot dead three classmates who were chanting against the expansion plan. “They walked into the compound and shot three students at point blank range,” the student said in the report. “They were hit in the face and were dead.”
Multiple eyewitnesses told Human Rights Watch that security forces hurled a grenade at students at Jimma University in western Oromia and wounded dozens Jan. 10. Security forces also allegedly stormed the school’s dormitories and beat ethnic Oromo students, the report said.
#OromoProtests TPLF soldiers invade Darimu town Elu ababo in anticipation of protest there #Ethiopia #Oromia
#OromoProtests TPLF soldiers invade Darimu town Elu ababo in anticipation of protest there #Ethiopia #Oromia
Getachew Reda, Ethiopia’s communications minister, dismissed the report’s allegations against security forces as an “absolute lie,” telling BBC News Monday that Human Rights Watch has been “churning out report after report” on Ethiopia without a presence in the landlocked East African nation. He said it was a “stroke of magic” for the group to release a report “from halfway across the world.”
In January, the European Parliament passed a motion for resolution condemning the reported crackdown, saying the Ethiopian government has “labeled largely peaceful protesters as ‘terrorists’” and are “deploying military forces against them.” The United States, however, has not outright condemned the violence but rather expressed deep concern and called for dialogue.
For years, the U.S. has enjoyed cozy relations with Ethiopia, which is strategically located in the Horn of Africa region. In 2012, Ethiopia received $580 million in American foreign aid. The Ethiopian government has allowed the United States to deploy drones into Somalia from southern Ethiopia to target al-Shabab militants, according to the Washington Post.
“Ethiopia’s donor countries have responded tepidly, if at all, to the killing of scores of protesters in Oromia,” Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement Monday. “They should stop ignoring or downplaying this shocking brutality and call on the government to support an independent investigation into the killings and other abuses.”

Ethiopia’s crackdown on land protests ongoing: rights group

By Aaron Maasho
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Ethiopia continues to crack down on demonstrators in its vast Oromiya region some four months after protests began over plans to develop an economic zone on what is now farmland around the capital, Human Rights Watch said on Monday.
Although the government dropped the scheme last month, sporadic demonstrations have continued throughout the region, which is the Horn of Africa country’s largest in size and population.
“Security forces, including military personnel, have fatally shot scores of demonstrators. Thousands of people have been arrested and remain in detention without charge,” Human Rights Watch said in a report.
“While the frequency of protests appears to have decreased in the last few weeks, the crackdown continues,” it added.
Government spokespeople were not immediately available for comment.
The plan to create a special zone with new infrastructure around Addis Ababa had sparked some of the worst civil unrest in in a decade in the nation of more than 90 million people. Protesters say the scheme would displace many Oromo farmers.
The government is yet to give a death toll, but some opposition figures said in December about 90 people had been killed. U.S.-based dissidents said the toll was more than 200.
The government has blamed the violence on armed gangs, while opponents have blamed heavy-handed police tactics. Ethiopia’s 25-year development plan, aimed at attracting investment to help industrialise its agrarian economy, first sparked some small protests in 2014. But when it emerged in mid-November last year that land was to be leased near Ginchi, a town in Oromiya, bigger protests erupted.
Human Rights Watch said protesters it spoke to who had been detained after the outbreak of demonstrations had been subjected to severe beatings and never appeared before a judge.
Women suffered sexual assault and mistreatment, it said, while one 18-year old student was “given electric shocks to his feet”.
Some schools and universities have remained closed with teachers arrested in a bid to prevent more protests, Human Rights Watch said.
“The Ethiopian government should end the excessive use of force by the security forces, free everyone detained arbitrarily, and conduct an independent investigation into killings and other security force abuses,” it added.

Ethiopian forces in bloody crackdown on Oromia protests: HRW

The demonstrations began November due to a government plan to expand the boundaries of Addis Ababa into the Oromia region surrounding the capital, raising fears among Oromo people that their farms would be expropriated (AFP Photo/Solan Gemechu)
The demonstrations began November due to a government plan to expand the boundaries of Addis Ababa into the Oromia region surrounding the capital, raising fears among Oromo people that their farms would be expropriated (AFP Photo/Solan Gemechu)
Addis Ababa (AFP) – Ethiopian security forces are carrying out a relentless and bloody crackdown on peaceful protests in the Oromia region, at a cost of scores of lives, Human Rights Watch reported Monday.
“Almost daily accounts of killings and arbitrary arrests have been reported to Human Rights Watch since 2016 began,” said the New York-based non-governmental organisation.
The demonstrations began November due to a government plan to expand the boundaries of Addis Ababa into the Oromia region surrounding the capital, raising fears among Oromo people that their farms would be expropriated.
Authorities dropped the urban development plan on January 12 and announced the situation in Oromia was largely under control.
But the demonstrations continued, along with the brutal response.
“Flooding Oromia with federal security forces shows the authorities’ broad disregard for peaceful protest by students, farmers and other dissenters,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director at Human Rights Watch.
Protesters and witnesses told HRW that since mid-January, “security forces have shot randomly into crowds, summarily killed people during arrests, carried out mass roundups, and tortured detainees,” the report said.
The Oromos are the largest ethnic group in the east African country, estimated at 27 million people in a total population of some 99 million. Their land encircles Addis Ababa and they also live on large tracts of the west, centre, east and south of Ethiopia.
Their language, Oromo, is distinct from Amharic, spoken by the Ahmara people and used by the national administration.
HRW noted that researchers were unable to determine how many people have been killed or arrested because access to Oromia is restricted.
“(Ethiopian) activists allege that more than 200 people have been killed since November 12, 2015,” the rights watchdog said. In a previous document at the beginning of January, HRW reported at least 140 killings.
Security forces have arrested several thousand people since November and are holding them without charge, the organisation said.
But communication minister and government spokesman Getachew Reda told AFP that the recent incidents do not involve protesters but criminals.
“Now they are armed gangs who are committing crimes; they destroyed bridges, burned down churches. It’s nothing like before,” Reda said.
“If one thinks this is demonstration, it’s far from the truth,” he told AFP.
The HRW’s Horn of Africa expert Felix Horne told AFP that “the protests are still going on albeit in less locations.”
“There is also less and less information coming out from the areas where the protests are happening.
“Many individuals who provided updates and information have either been arrested, have disappeared, or are afraid to provide further information,” Horne added.
“The Ethiopian government should end the excessive use of force by the security forces, free everyone detained arbitrarily, and conduct an independent investigation into killings and other security force abuse,” HRW stated.
“Ethiopia’s donor countries have responded tepidly, if at all, to the killing of scores of protesters in Oromia,” Lefkow said in the report.
“They should stop ignoring or downplaying this shocking brutality and call on the government to support an independent investigation into the killings and other abuses,” he added.


People mourn an alleged Oromo protester shot dead by Ethiopian security forces, in the Oromia region, December 17, 2015. Oromo protesters, who opposed plans to expand the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, are still being subjected to violent force by security forces, Human Rights Watch has said. ZACHARIAS ABUBEKER/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
People mourn an alleged Oromo protester shot dead by Ethiopian security forces, in the Oromia region, December 17, 2015. Oromo protesters, who opposed plans to expand the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, are still being subjected to violent force by security forces, Human Rights Watch has said.
(Newsweek)–Ethiopian security forces are guilty of “lethal force” in an ongoing crackdown against opponents of the expansion of the capital Addis Ababa, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).
Protests have been ongoing in Ethiopia’s Oromia region—home to the Oromo, the country’s majority ethnic group—since November 2015 over plans to expand the capital. The government wanted to take over territory in parts of Oromia surrounding Addis, which could have potentially resulted in loss of farming land and forced evictions of farmers from one of the country’s most arable regions. At least 140 protesters had been killed by January 7, according to HRW.
The Addis expansion plans were dropped later in January but the protests and crackdown have continued unabated. HRW claims to have documented “almost daily” instances of killings and arbitrary arrests by security forces since the start of 2016. These include the detention of thousands of protesters without trial and security forces allegedly firing on peaceful protesters, including a wedding party and unarmed Oromo students.
“We believe that the vast majority of protests have been peaceful and certainly started peacefully, and that they have been met with lethal force in many circumstances,” says Leslie Lefkow, HRW’s deputy Africa director. “The violent suppression has exacerbated the grievances and people don’t trust the government.”
The governing Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has clashed with the country’s Oromo before, which constituted some 25 million out of the total population of 74 million at the last census in 2007. An October 2014 report by Amnesty International claimed that at least 5,000 Oromo had been arrested between 2011 and 2014 based on suspected opposition to the government. Leading members of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress party, including deputy chairman Bekele Gerba, have also been arrested in connection with the latest protests. Gerba remains in detention.
Newsweek contacted Abiy Berhane, the Ethiopian ambassador to the U.K., for a response to the allegations but received no reply. Ethiopian Communications Minister Getachew Reda told the BBC that the allegations were “an absolute lie” and called it a “stroke of magic” that HRW had produced the report without a presence in Ethiopia. The minister added that armed gangs of protesters had carried out attacks on public buildings and were “trying to stir up emotions in the public.”
“This is a very typical Ethiopian government response. Their knee-jerk reaction to allegations of human rights violations is denial,” says Lefkow. “To deny the killings and deaths and brutality is not the right message to send to people who are angry and frustrated about the violence they are experiencing at the hands of their police and military.”
Lefkow says that the protests over Addis’ expansion are an outpouring of a “much broader and deeper range of grievances” among the Oromo community. “There’s a deep vein of frustration among many Oromo for what they feel has been decades of political and cultural marginalization by successive governments. These protests have tapped into that,” says Lefkow.
The Ethiopian government has accused the Oromo Liberation Front—a secessionist movement that has been waging an independence struggle since 1973—and opposition group Ginbot 7 of involvement in the protests. Both are classified as terrorist organizations by the government. Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said in a televised address in December 2015 that “destructive forces” were masterminding the protests and that the government would “take merciless legitimate action against any force bent on destabilizing the area.”

Friday, February 19, 2016

Mootummaan Wayyaanee duula waliiglaa ummata Oromoo irratti labsite

#‎BilisummaaOroromo‬-(19.02.2016,‪#‎DhaamsaQeerroo‬, Oromiyaa) Mootummaan Wayyaanee duula waliiglaa ummata Oromoo irratti labsuun ajjeechaan gara jabinaa guutame akka fudhatamu ajaja haaraa dabarse. Ajaja haaraa kana raawwachiisuuf humni addaa, waraannii fi humni tikaa Oromiyaa akak dhuunfatu ajajamee jira.
Yeroo ammaa mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaa kan jedhamu hinjiru. Hojii bulchinsaa mara kan gaggeessan humnoota tikaa Wayyaanee, waraanaa fi hogganoota siyaasaa TPLF qofaa dha. Kanaaf,
Ummati Oromoo marti ajjeechaa nurratti raawwataa jiru kana dhaabuuf bakka hundatti akka wayyaaneen hin darbineef karaa cufaa
Dargaggoonni Oromoo odeeffannooa riifachiisaan waliin dabarsuu irratti ajbaadhaa hojjadhaa
Dargaggooti Oromoo akka haalli isiniif kennateen diddaa gaggeessuu keessan itti fufaa; sagaleen ummata oromoo bakka hundatti akka dhagayamu godha.
Caasaa hawaasummaa ummataa kan akak mana barnootaa, mana yaalaa fi kkf irratti tarkaanfiin akak hin fudhatamne jabeessaa eega,
Manneen sagadaa kam irrattii akak tarkaanfiin hin fudhatamne jabeessaa eegaa.
Saamichii fi sirna dhalbummaan akka hin babal’anneef, koree nageenyaa fi tikaa of keessaa baasaatii naannoo keessan to’adhaa; eegaa
Haala deemaa jiru bakka hundatti quba walqabsiisaa
Saboota biroof kabajaa fi jaalala Oromoon qabu daran jabeessaa
Diddaa fi mormii naannoo keessanitti ta’an otuu hin tufaftiin miidiyaa akka OMN,OVR, VOA, SBO, fi Facebook addaddaa irratti gabaasuu hin dagatiinaa!
10 Sansakkaa fi naamusa qabsaa’ummaa jalatti tarkaanfii diddaa garbummaa fi qabsoo bilisumama abbootiin keenya eegalan bakka hundatti jabeessaa!
Maaloo, ergaa kana waliif dabarsaa!
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!                        February 19, 2016 EthiopiaOromia

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Muddama cimaa keessa akka jiru beekkameera

FB: Ramu Na
Mexico Square, Addis Ababa
Oduun gama Finfinnee keessaa miliqxee baate akka agarsiiftutti qaamoleen olaannoo dhimma nageenyaa biyyatti, Ministera Ittisa biyyatti qaamoleen security biyya keessaa fii komishenarotni Poolisii federaala gurguddoon guyyaa har’aa dhoksaan marii hatattamaa waajjira guddaa poolisii Federaalaa Finfinnee naannawa Meeksikoo argamu keessatti gochaa akka oolan beekkameera. Abbootiin aangoo kunneenis irra caalaan Tigroota tahuu beekkameera. Mariin isaanii kan xiyyeeffate mormii Oromoo tibbana kana to’annaa isaanii jala ooluu hafee finiine cimee itti fufe irrattii fii lubbuu waraana agaazii 5 kan dhiheenya Arsii keessatti dabre irratti dha. Gabaasa marii kana irratti godhameen waraanni Agaazii kan ajjeefaman rasaasa poolisoota Oromiyaa irraa akka tahe kan ibsameera. Sababa kanaaf amantamummaan nuti poolisoota Oromiyaa irraa qabnu sadarkaa zeeroo jedhamu irra gaheera. Kanaafuu yoo poolisoota Oromiyaa iddoo mormiin ummataa itti geggeeffamaa jirutti erguu keenya itti fufnu taate ummatatti makamanii nu waraanuun isaanii hin oolu jechuun waliin mari’ataa akka turan beekkameera. Murtii irra gahan irratti sirritti mirkaneeffachuu baannus qabxiilee armaan gadii kunneen guyyoota dhufan keessatti kan Wayyaaneen raawwatamuuf karoorfatamanii dha.
  1. Poolisoota Oromiyaa akka mormii ummataa to’ataniif jecha erguu dhiisuu. Kanneen asiin dura bobbaafamanii jiran deebisanii hiikkachiisuun ummata irraa fageessuu.
  2. Agaaziin akka iddoolee mormiin ummata jiran hundatti dursee argamu gochu, haala mijeessuu
  3. Poolisotni federaalaa lammii Oromoo tahan to’annaan addaa irratti godhamuu akka qabuu fii barbaachisaa yoo tahee argame immoo iddoo mormiin Oromoo jiru akka hin dhaqqabne gochuu.
  4. Naannoolee mormiin oowwaan jiranitti poolisoota magaalaa fii Hidhataa gandaa irraa qawwee hiikkachiisuun uleedhaan qofa ganda isaanii akka to’atan gochuu …..
  5. Gara iddoo mormiin jiruu kan garuu naannolee daandiin konkolaataa isaanii cufamanitti ilikoptera raayyaa ittisa biyyaa fayyadamuu akka qaban…..
  6. Daandileen konkolaataa ummataan cufamanii jiran immoo hamma danda’ameen dafanii deebisanii to’achuu akka qaban….kkf dha.
Woyyaaneen yommuu kana godhu hunda Poolisoota lammiilee Oromo tahan keessaa baasuun kun laakkofsi humna waraanaa isaa na jala hir’ata jedhee yaaddoo guddaa keessa isa galchee akka jiru ibsameera. Mormiin Oromoo jabaatee itti fufuun isaa kun Poolisotni Oromiyaa fii miseensotni OPDO gubbaa hanga gaditti ummata wajjiin waan dhabbataniifii ummatatti waan makamaa jiraniif jechuun shakkii isaanii waliif kaa’aniiru. Kunis kan tahuu danda’e erga abbootiin aangoo olaanoo OPDO pirezedaantiin isaanii Muktaar Kadir bakka bu’ee isaa dhabanii wallaalanii booda “eessa akka jiru waan hin beekneef” shakkii Wayyaaneen tokko tokkoon nu fixaa jirti jedhu keessa isaanitti horachuu eegalanii booda akka tahe ibsameera. Mariin abbootiin aangoo Wayyaanee dhoksaan Finfinne waajjira poolisii Federaalaa naannoo Meeksiskoo jedhamutti taasisaa jiran kun guyya guyyaan kan repoortiin irratti dhihaatee itti wal dhageessisan akka tahee fii guyya borus kan itti fufu tahuu beekkameera. Isaan haa mari’atan qabsoon Oromoos guyyaa gara guyyaatti cimee itti fufa. Hanga waajjira isaan keessa taa’anii mari’atan kana gahutti, eeyyan hanga mirga abbaa biyyummaa Oromoo kabajamutti.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#‎OromoProtests‬ – Gamtaan Awurooppaa (EU) koree qindeesaanii garaa Amboottii imalaa jiruu

Haqaa Qabnaa Ni Monnaa!
Dhamsaa Hatatamaa
Wallif dabrsuun dirqamaa
Share share!
Qabsoon hadha’waa godhamaa jiruu ittii fuferraa Guyyaa har’aa Guraandhala 17/2/2016 Gamtaan Awurooppaa (EU) koree qindeesaanii garaa Amboottii imalaa jiruu.
Oduun achii keessaa akkaa baheetii dursaa bulchaa bulchiinsaa Magaala Amboo fi Presidenttii Amboo university akkasumaas Abbottii Amaanttii achumaan akkaa Dubbisuu dhaaf akkaa qopha’waa jiraan hubaatameraa.
Waan kanaa ta’eef Qeerroo Oromiyaa Amboo oduu kanaa akkaa dhagaheen dhamsaa kanaa Amboo keessaa qofaa mittii Nannoole Oromiyaa gutuu dhaadanoollee Addaa addaa akkaa dhagessisuu qabnuu fi hiriraa kana Caalaa uumataa hundaa hirmaachiisnee bahuu qabnaa jedhaan QERROO Amboo.
Yeroo hiriraa nagyaa yeroo Bataan wal duraa dubaa wal egadhaa,hin figiinaa,Sagalee Ol,Qabaa dhaadanoollee dhaagesiisaa,hin wacciinaa!
Qabsoon keenyaa hangaa Abbaa Biyyumaa keenyaa mirkanaa’uutii qabsoon keenyaa ittii fufaa!


By Duresso Maati
Ambo yesterday January 7, 2016. Youth marched through the city after Qille.
Ambo yesterday January 7, 2016. Youth marched through the city after Qille.
The topic is borrowed from a conversation with a friend who drew a comparison between “Iyya Bokkaa” – the traditional Oromo prayer ritual in times of extended drought – and the current collective tribulation the nation is facing under the reign of terror unleashed by the TPLF minority regime.
This article was meant to be released some three weeks ago but was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  1. Resistance movement in Oromia (hereafter “the movement”) is commonly attributed to a widely shared Oromo outrage against the notorious “Addis Ababa Master Plan” [hereafter “the plan”]. However, the fundamental issues being raised quickly evolved into demands larger in scope and deeper in content than “the plan” that triggered it. It is more of an eruption of a major volcano that had been gathering momentum for over a century under successive Abyssinian regimes. The gathering storm eluded the Oromo political groups who appear to have failed to detect the under current warning signals and, in the aftermath of the eruption, seem to scramble to grasp and cope up with it. Sadly, it is a repeat of the same situation back in 2014 students protest.Every major crisis in a given society exposes the hidden nature of the inner political dynamics and rocks the foundation upon which the pillars of political power rests. One such pillar upon which TPLF power rests is the cleverly designed and tightly controlled surrogate ethnic-based puppet organizations in all regions outside of Tigrai. The primary motive behind the invention of XPDO’s- which originally consisted of ex-prisoners of war and carrier opportunist elements-, was to facilitate the implementation of TPLF policies in the respective regions. Besides, they are meant to mask TPLF hegemony by creating the false impression that the government is a voluntary coalition among equals with the noble intent of reflecting the “unity in diversity” in the country. Thus XPDO’s are not authentic representatives of their constituencies whose authorities derive from the will of the respective peoples but are powerless and voiceless entities planted by TPLF minority to implement orders. OPDO is one such puppet arm used by the TPLF occupation force to lord over the Oromo and perpetually plunder its resources. It is well known that there are other hungry wolves out there that are eager to devour what is left of TPLF lootings, and impose a new round of tyranny when this regime is defeated and recoils to its shell in Mekele. The Oromo battle cry of the day is not to beg super powers to mediate for reforms by the regime on power to ease its iron grips, but to dismantle the entire Abyssinian colonial yoke. The movement is not about appeals for mercy, but is a resolute commitment to assert its rights as a nation and its dignity as a people. For any Oromo to aim towards anything less is tantamount to surrendering to perpetual slavery and is a betrayal to those who laid down their precious lives as a price for Oromo freedom and dignity.
  1. Brief assessments:  The peaceful demonstrations that spread like a wild fire across Oromia are being met with brutal savagery by the agazi TPLF elite force and their cohorts. Documented deaths of students and Oromos of all ages and of all walks of life stand at about 200 and the number is rising by the days. This is a conservative estimate as it doesn’t include undercover TPLF led operations in rural and urban areas by hit men targeting suspected opposition elements. There are gruesome accounts of unidentifiable corpses dumped in rivers, of bodies discovered in shallow graves, of dead victims thrown in the streets and of scores of human remains dangling on ropes across Oromia. There are also reports of remains partially devoured by wild animals discovered in forests and under bushes.It is hard to tabulate how many died in their homes after brutal beatings and bullet wounds sustained on demonstrations. The number of unarmed and peaceful Oromo demonstrators beaten and humiliated in their own ancestral lands by agents of the occupation force and their cronies is hard to tell but surely runs into the tens of thousands. Those detained are estimated at well over 30 thousand across Oromia excluding massive “disappearances”. Brutal tortures are daily occurrences in countless prisons and detention centers. All these atrocities are perpetrated not by a foreign invading army but by the very government forces expected to protect its citizens from foreign invaders. It is a classical example of naked state terrorism.
    1. TPLF Vulnerability: One of the major consequences of the movement is that it exposed the vulnerability of the TPLF regime to organized challenge. TPLF suffers from an ignorant delusion that it is invincible. It is under the spell of a dangerous self deceit that no force strong enough to challenge its grips on power will ever emerge. The seemingly docile responses from the Oromo and other southern peoples to the regime’s aggressive policies and organized economic plunders re-enforced its already inflated self-esteem. The human dignity and worth of non-Tigrians quickly paled in comparison with Tigrians who “are made of gold” as ex-dictator Meles publicly declared with unmistakable pride. The manners in which Oromo and other peoples “representatives” in “parliament” were treated by Meles, his threat that “the majority can be reduced to a minority”, Abay Tsehaye’s vow that “the Plan shall be implemented whether the Oromo likes it or not”, and even the very attempt to encroach upon Oromo rights and dignity by way of legislating “the A.A. Master Plan” in itself are some of the manifestations of the undisguised contempt TPLF harbors for the Oromo and others.In response to a question raised on a TPLF meeting in Mekele pertaining to any prospect of Oromo rebellion against the regime, one of the TPLF leaders reportedly assured the participants that there is no worry about Oromo uprising because the Oromo is too divided and so busy tearing each other up that they pose no threat of uniting against the regime in any foreseeable future. He confidently predicted that it will take the Oromo at least 100 years to unite and challenge TPLF.The Oromo students’ movement and the national upheaval that ensued erupted in less than 100 days from the night TPLF cadres exchanged hugs upon the revelation that it would take Oromo 100 years to unite!Thus, the movement defied TPLF conceptions about the Oromo and caught the regime off-guard. The heavy handed TPLF responses to unarmed demonstrations are more of a reflection of hysteria and cowardice than a legitimate effort to safeguard peace and order. Thus, the movement pinched the over inflated balloon of TPLF self esteem and exposed the regimes vulnerability to organized resistance. Besides, it effectively tarnished the false image TPLF created in the West through its lobbyists depicting it as a democratic regime achieving double-digit economic development. The movement shall deservedly be remembered in history as marking the beginning of the end of tyranny under TPLF regime.
    2. THE MOVEMENT EXPOSED THE CHRONIC OROMO ORGANIZATIONAL WEAKNESS. The last two rounds of Oromo youth uprisings abundantly demonstrated that all Oromo political groups posing under numerous names and waving different banners miserably failed to live up to the people’s expectations. Their current role is, at best, reduced to the status of bewildered spectators at a time when one of the most significant Oromo movements in its recent history is unfolding. They, no doubt, lag too far behind the home-bred movement. Under normal circumstances, liberation movements mobilize followers and lead the struggle as a potent vanguard force. In Oromia, it appears the cart is ahead of the beast dragging old and disoriented horses. If progress in Oromo national movement is earnestly desired, the era of empty hopes and shameless deceits must end and the lamentably chronic deficiency in political leadership needs to be addressed in the quickest possible time
    3. OROMO HEROISM: The courage the Oromo collectively demonstrates in confronting the most ruthless and a lawless regime unarmed with such extra ordinary resilience is a commendable show of heroism any Oromo is proud of. This effectively shattered the old myth its foes love to propagate: .. that the Oromo inherently lacks the courage and the unity it takes to independently wage a meaningful struggle. It now is for everyone to see that it actually can.
    4. RENAISSANCE IN DIASPORA: The movement galvanized solidarity among the Oromo in Diaspora and enhanced unity to hitherto unprecedented high levels. There hasn’t been a time in recent memory wherein an Oromo took a special pride in being an Oromo and gladly went extra miles to do what s/he can do to support and advance the movement.
      The on-going movement across the globe has not only unmasked the true identity of the TPLF regime but also has forced the international community to pay more attention to the plight of the Oromo nation. Oromo community associations, media outlets, NGO’s, face book co-coordinators/participants, singers/song writers, Oromo religious groups, analysts, and activists deserve the respect and admiration of all concerned for the priceless efforts they put into the support of the movement. No doubt, the home-front movement is encouraged by and appreciative of the supports.
    5. ENHANCED OROMO VISIBILITY ON GLOBAL SCALE: The combined home-front and Diaspora movements helped to draw the attention of the world community to the Oromo as a nation and Oromia as a distinct region. It enabled the world community to pay attention to the plights of the Oromo as a nation. It is thrilling to note Oromo/Oromia being a subject of discussion and engaging world powers as the consequence of the movement. I believe the movement has enabled Oromo recognition and visibility in three months than was done in the last few decades combined. This, in itself, is a remarkable achievement.
    6. CIVILITY: what is equally remarkable is the demonstrators’ strict and constant adherence to high quality discipline and civility across Oromia. There is no report of targeted innocent civilians or of material destruction in the process of the demonstrations. By its strict adherence to the rules of “Peaceful resistance”, the Oromo demonstrated its moral superiority over its tormentors. By doing that, the Oromo also effectively and wisely denied the regime a justification for its excessive and ugly responses.
    7. CORNERED OPDO: The movement pinned down OPDO in a difficult corner. As a surrogate entity invented by TPLF to carry out its agenda, OPDO has never enjoyed credibility or acceptance among the Oromo. The movement pushed OPDO’s already low esteem to a record low in the eyes of the Oromo public. On the other hand, OPDO lost the trust of its TPLF masters in the course of the movement. The humiliating disdain it earned from the Oromo and it’s lose of trust from its masters left OPDO hanging in the air. Consequently, there are indications that conflicts in opinion is emerging among the rank and files of the group. Some elements are cautiously drifting towards the movement. Thus, one impact of the movement is that it created an unbridgeable rift between TPLF and OPDO and a discord within OPDO itself.
    8. BROKE BARRIERS AMONG THE OROMO: The movement transcended the perceived divides based on political outlooks, region or religion among the Oromo and rallied the nation under one banner. The important lesson that can be drawn from this is that divisions among the Oromo tend to flourish when serious engagements on a common cause is lacking or diminished and shrinks or evaporates when the spirit of Oromummaa is in high gears. There are two main divisive issues among the Oromo: one is on the strategic goal of the movement and the other is on the tactical approach. One camp believes Oromo liberation can be achieved by democratizing Ethiopian system of governance to ensure equality among the nations and creating a democratic order wherein all peoples of Ethiopia live and prosper under one flag [“\Ethiopiansts”]. The other camp contends the Oromo question is essentially a colonial question and true liberation can be attained only by establishing an independent Democratic Republic of Oromia. Details on the arguments from both camps are beyond the scope of this article. The other discord is on the form the struggle needs to take. One camp believes fundamental change can be achieved through peaceful struggle and the opposing camp argues peaceful struggle is impossible under an Abyssinian regime and the only sure way to freedom is by way of armed struggle. If a survey were to be conducted to-day, my hunch is that the “Ethiopiansts” may have a numerical advantage and those for armed struggle could be an overwhelming majority. However, this doesn’t mean that those who aspire for independence have erred or are irrelevant. Nor does it imply that the “Ethiopiansts” are destined to win the battle. We know more than anyone else that number is not always the decisive factor on outcomes. It is not what you sit and dream but what you DO that will ultimately prevail. Thus, a temporarily uniting platform could be for both the Ethiopiansts and independence groups to agree to struggle for Oromo self determination and leave the final verdict to the people themselves.
    9. NEW LEVEL OF RESPECT FROM ETHIOPIANS? The movement infused new respect for the Oromo from Ethiopians. It is not an unintended coincidence that ESAT launches programs in Oromo language long after the movement was in motion. Nor is TPLF considering nullifying the poisonous Plan Abay vowed to implement at all costs out of change of heart. A new attitude is in the making.
    10. “UNITY IS POWER!” The movement demonstrated that unity, indeed, is power. The unprecedented new unity witnessed back home is partly attributed to an angry response by Oromo youth to the miserable failure of groups in Diaspora dominated by the older generation to break out of the crippling quagmires and move the struggle forward. Jawar reflected on it as a shift from conventional top<->bottom leadership to “horizontal” organizational structure. I would stretch it a little and call it a paradigm shift from the unfulfilled hope pinned on wavering “fronts” based abroad to a focused and resolute home-grown movement. It may be noted in passing that horizontal movements may be effective for issue-focused short-ran upheavals wherein a significant proportion of a given society is gripped with row anger at those on power over an ill-advised policy and spontaneously rise up in outrage/Morocco/. The real danger with it is that it tends to lose steam over time and eventually wither away mainly due to lack of a “chain of command” and “fatigue”. As to the evident shift in the center of the struggle, there is a widely shared hope that the twist in the center of the movement shall defuse the bickering abroad and provide a new basis for a fresh start in fresh spirits with sole focus on the advancement of the legitimate cause of the struggle. How far away Oromo freedom is depends not on the good will of those on power or the benevolence of the powers temporarily behind them but on how soon the Oromo builds a sustainable organization to march forward in unison to do away with tyranny and decide its own destiny.
    The following humble suggestions could be helpful if acted upon as soon as possible.
    1. GLOBAL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: The home-front movement needs all-round support from Oromo in Diaspora to survive the enemy assault. Oromo community associations have played a vital role in organizing and leading support efforts and played a vital role as a voice to the voiceless. This role can leap in magnitude if associations unite under one global umbrella. With this in view, it is highly advisable if local associations form a state-wide unions as the first step and move on to inter-state or continental unions. The continental unions can get together and form the Global Oromo Communities Union (GOCU) which will be a vital body responsible for the coordination of major activities both in times of relative peace and during emergency crisis.
    2. URGENT OROMO NATIONAL CONFERENCE: Vigils and demonstrations are important but they are not the ultimate solution to the complex situation the nation finds itself in. the ongoing revolutionary spirit should not be allowed to die out after all these sacrifices. It needs tangible and sustained support and a clear road map to step it up to the logical next phase. The Diaspora need to shoulder the responsibility of being the foreign arm of the movement.To realize this, an all-encompassing Oromo national conference need to be called to assess the current state of affairs as well as to do some honest soul-searching on the root causes to the evident Oromo organizational weaknesses. The conference may form a steering committee that will assume dual responsibilities of being a mouthpiece to the movement abroad and exploring what needs to be done about the crippling organizational deficiency. Other ad hoc committees to coordinate fund raising and centralizing flows of aid funds to the needy victims, public relations, networking, and other duties as deemed essential may also be mandated by the conference. Creative initiatives are urgently needed as to how to organize, finance, and coordinate the conference.
    3. DISCUSION FORUM: There is a dire need for a secure and exclusive cyber forum accessible to formally admitted Oromo activists. Participation may be granted upon direct request and when endorsed by two admitted members in order to reduce infiltrations by agents.
    4. EXPELLED STUDENTS: One overlooked major issue pertains to university and high school students who are expelled in mass due to their involvement in the two-round protests. An estimated 350 Oromo students are believed to have been expelled from A.A. University alone. Many are barred from education for life. This is an outrageous assault on the future of Oromo nation. The potentials of future doctors, professors, engineers, scientists, leaders etc is cut short by the arbitrary whim of the regime or its henchmen. A friend rightly called it an “academic assassination”. Since the regime admitted the “Plan” was an error, the measures derived from the admitted error need to be corrected. The plight of the expelled students needs to be incorporated into the current formal demands with equal importance as demands for the release of prisoners and other vital concerns. Concerned institutions of learning need to make special arrangements to help them catch up with their peers when they are re-admitted.
    5. DOCUMENTATION: The historic relevance of the movement need to be acknowledged and its thorough documentation needs to be given due attention. This is a phenomenon Oromo future generations and humanity at large should view and learn from. As many of us remember, Jonathan Demblbee’s documentary on famine in Ethiopia spoke much more than volumes of books could. The documentation and archival of the on-going tragedy in Oromia can’t be left to assumptions that somebody is compiling it somewhere. We call upon media professionals to get together and officially volunteer for the task so that all evidences of any magnitude can be forwarded to them to be utilized as a row data. Means of financial and technical support for such a group need to be explored.
    6. BALDER CAMPAIGN: Foreign relations tasks should go beyond descriptions of the atrocities being perpetrated by the regime. It needs to include the logical conclusion from what is transpiring in Oromia that there is no room for peaceful resistance to bring about change. The Oromo is left with no option than waging armed struggle to defend itself from genocide and repression. Bald demands for material and technical assistance need to be expressed whenever appropriate to whoever claims to have vested interest in the future of the region.
    7. FUND RAISING: Fund raising efforts to support the wounded and the displaced are extremely successful so far although some confusions are observed in areas of aid coordination and reliable means of channeling aid to the needy back home. Fund raising project may need to be centralized and the sources need to be diversified as Oromo individuals seem to be over-strained and getting financially exhausted. Other sources of fund raising may range from collecting recyclable items where applicable and periodic car washes to appeals to international organizations, government agencies, civic institutions, NGOs, and corporations for assistance. There are numerous humanitarian agencies who would respond to those in the kind of major crisis we find ourselves in. local communities can explore such resources to support the maimed, the disabled, the displaced, and families of the martyrs. Again, creative ideas are helpful.
    8. MUSLIM MOVEMENT?? One of the most damaging propaganda initiated and vigorously pursued by the dubious ex-TPLF leader Meles is to portray Oromo national movement as a component of international Muslim movement. There are indications that this suspicion, carefully injected by his personal admirers and by lobbyists on TPLF pay role, floats in US leadership circles. This lie needs to be corrected and every opportunity should be utilized to assure those in doubt that about half of the Oromo population is Muslim but the Oromo national struggle has nothing to do with Muslim extremism. In fact, it should be stressed that supporting the just cause of the Oromo movement is an indirect way of curbing the spread of Muslim extremism as one can never predict where desperation may lead people to.
    9. THE SILENT GROUP: Many of us know there are a huge number of gifted Oromo intellectuals who voluntarily excluded themselves from activities in Oromo affairs for valid and not so valid reasons. Many were not pleased with the way the national struggle is handled and gave up in despair. Some were deeply wounded by few foul-mouthed hooligans who love tearing dawn individuals than the ideas their victims portray. They never mess with ideas because they have no ideas of their own. Using such parrots as a means of silencing dissenters is as old as the struggle itself. Some others developed distaste towards individuals and shunned from active participation simply to avoid dealing with those they despise. In short, there is a significant enough talent lying idle that can make huge difference in the movement. We need to persuade these individuals to rejoin the movement and use their talents and experiences for the common good. perhaps they may not wait for persuasions as they, too, understand that to hide in the shadows and watch idly when the nation is in the midst of a bitter battle for survival is not only a mockery on the lives of the dying Oromo youth but also is tantamount to an endorsement of the ongoing tyranny.
    10. THE ENJERA SCANDAL: TPLF exports tens of thousands of buddeena/”ENJERA” at a time when millions are dying of hunger in the country. This is the most heinous crime only TPLF regime is capable of committing. The appalling insensitivity of the TPLF leadership in general and of Meles’s widow in particular need to be exposed to the world at large. Formal demands need to be made to every country ENJERA is being exported to ban the import on humanitarian grounds. Local pressures need to be exerted on those who import and distribute. Campaigns need to be intensified to boycott imported ENJERA as those who collaborate with this business as wholesale distributers or as consumers are guilty of being accomplices to the tragic deaths from famine back home.
    11. TERRORISM LAW: Demands to repeal “Terrorism Law” the regime uses to stifle legitimate political activities and intimidate the public need to be intensified.
    12. ENQUIRY COMMISSION: The quest for the formation of an independent body of enquiry to bring to justice those responsible for the assassinations and other crimes in Oromia need to be pursued with vigor.
    13. THE OPDO FACTOR: OPDO as a surrogate entity is rightfully regarded as a dangerous enemy tool imposed on Oromia. However, to lump ALL OPDO-affiliates as permanent enemies is intellectually flawed and politically unproductive. We can differentiate three types of affiliates. The 1st are the incorrigible few consisting of the top leadership and the non-Oromo elements in the organization who likely have some other political agenda under their arms. Members of this group are die-hard TPLF servants who stop at nothing from defending the status quo. The 2nd group consists of carrier opportunists who join OPDO to share from the spoils than out of conviction. The Oromo elements in this group can be persuaded to join the struggle once they are convinced there, indeed, is a strong alternative movement. The 3rd are those who have no passion for politics or any love for the regime but were pressured by circumstances to formally join OPDO. Their objective could be employment, higher education, scholarship, carrier advancement or simply to have a peace of mind in their daily lives. Those are potential allays if handled wisely. They can easily panic and run into TPLF’s arms if unnecessarily provoked.
    14. VOICE AGAINST PLUNDERS: Al amoudi is the worst blood sucker among the vultures that descended upon Oromia and the southern peoples. According to credible reports, he is the prime cause for the environmental and economic degradations in Guji and genocide in Gambella. He is playing the dual role of enriching the Tigrai oligarchy and impoverishing the local population. The demand to stop this heartless exploiter and seek compensation for the damage incurred on the overall Oromo economic future in general and the native victims in particular need to be included in the agenda of the Oromo movement.
    15. SOLIDARITY AND ALLIANCES: Strong solidarity with the just cause of other oppressed nations and the task to coordinate alliance with movements against the common foe need to be pursued.
    The current Oromo movement ushers in a new era in the history of the national struggle for freedom and justice. Back in the early 1990s, a clandestine paper alleged to be a copy of confidential intelligence report to a Western government on Oromo national profile was circulating in Shaggar. The report depicted the Oromo, among other things, as a “sleeping lion “unaware of its untapped potentials to play a significant role in the future of the Horn of Africa and beyond. The sleeping Lion just woke up and no trick can get it back to sleep! The Lion has vowed never to rest again until Oromo movement sees the end of tyranny under Abyssinian parasitic hegemony and the legitimate right of the Oromo nation to self determination is practically realized. The Lion roars for a genuine unity based on principles to march together towards its envisioned destiny. The Lion is aware that this true unity begins where deceits and false hopes end.The temptation to hope for an easy short-cut ride to freedom in whatever form is illusionary. An oppressor that fought its way to power will relinquish it only when faced by an equal or better force. To expect a power earned by bullet to end by ballot is a naïve dreamer’s fantasy. Neither the international powers nor the regime on power would heed the whining and laments about “injustice” especially when such tears for sympathy comes from a majority group under the tight grips of the minority.The frequent agonizing question every Oromo faces in Diaspora these days is “how could a nation so small dominate so large multi-ethnic country with such ease??” That is a polite way of asking how the Oromo nation as the largest group {40+ %} occupying the largest area with abundant resources allows itself to be kicked around by a tiny group (7%)?? There, of course, are convenient face-saving reasons and some scapegoats to blame: “European colonial powers enabled Menelik to colonize Oromo and Southern peoples” we murmur with white sweat shinning on our foreheads..and “imperialist forces sustained Abyssinian domination during the cold-war era” ..”Now days, “we continue hoping no further details are requested… “Now days, the western powers back the minority regime to safeguard their own vested interests”. There are elements of truth in all these but there also are some disturbing questions that beg for answers. Could Oromoes have fended off Menelik’s aggression had they united in defense of their father land rather than each sitting and watching its neighbor kin on flames- hoping that the destruction would not reach its door steps? Are such historical facts like the united Arsi resistance which bogged dawn Menelik’s army for years and the Gurra Doobba counter-offensive which temporarily chased away the occupation force good reasons to believe the Oromo could have succeeded to foil Menelik’s colonial schemes? Were there lost opportunities under the reign of Haile-Sellassie to do away with Abyssinian hegemony or at least gain some degree of autonomy and national liberty? Were there lost opportunities at the fall of the imperial regime? Were there lost opportunities under Derg dictatorship? Any opportunity lost at the fall of the Derg regime? Were there lost opportunities during the 1990/91transition from dictatorship to a worse tyranny? Can the disbandment of the Derg army be regarded as the best gift EPLF/TPLF could ever give to the Oromo movement?? If so, is the inability or unwillingness of the Oromo to utilize the precious gift and re-enforce its capability to have a significant say on the course the country could take be regarded as a wasted opportunity? Were there alternative courses to passive resistance against new occupation force?? Is the current movement destined to slip through our fingers and be remembered as another lost opportunity?? The list of questions is too long to exhaust here. The purpose of these questions is not to lament on what is lost but to stress on the importance of identifying past errors to avoid them in the future. It is not a right time to dwell on blame games about the past but to focus on the future.But the honest answer to the earlier question every Oromo struggles with is that the only reason the Oromo was colonized and remains under bondage is probably due to the constant trait throughout its known history: chronic lack of unity. If the Oromo has to look for a blame for its predicaments, it better look in-words and blame its own disunity. ITS TORMENTS WILL SEE NO END UNLESS SOME COLLECTIVE SOUL-SEARCHING IS DONE AND A REMEDY TO THIS AILMENT IS DEVICED.History has repeatedly shown that lofty rhetoric about “justice” and “human rights” are abstract empty talks merely used as smokescreen to cover up the true intents of the powers to be. As has been declared on many occasions, “nations have no permanent enemies or permanent friends but permanent interests”. The key factor in international relations is POWER. With power comes respect and influence. The weak is a mere beast of pray at the mercy of predators.Every Oromo is confronted with two and only two choices: either unite on a common principle and fight for your inalienable rights or surrender and endure whatever humiliation and pain comes your way. Indifference is not an option but a worse form of surrender. It is time for every Oromo to make the choice and live with the consequences.