By Rundassa Asheetee Hundee | February 5, 2015
Zelalem Jemaneh
The departure of the TPLF/OPDO from Seattle dissipated to some degree, the cloud of utter sadness by which the Seattle Oromo community had been depressed. Frustrated Oromians were visibly relieved from their anger against the TPLF dogs and even some Oromo men whose name was mentioned as TPLF/OPDO collaborators soon reacted angrily denying that they have nothing to do with the TPLF/OPDO killers.
Nevertheless, Desalenyi Abay, a Tigrean who is responsible for the recruitment of Oromo TPLF agents in America continued working quietly from his home in California.
He often called Katama Kuma and Yosef Haile, men who kept their distance from the Oromo community, yet worked with few trusted men and women whom Zelalem Jemaneh knew in person. Especially Yosef Haile Biru, whose brother is a billionaire contractor in the Empire of Ethiopia expressed his affectionate love of the current regime via the e-mail communication he kept in touch with Tigrean Desalenyi Abay.
The Muluu Wengel church leaders who often preached that people should love one another, condemned those who drink Farso, those who performed Dhichisaa, Ragadaa, Shaggooyyee, Tirrii and Hiyyaasee, the Oromo cultural values that are the foundation of the Oromo identity. In order to advance their masters objective of bringing the world under their complete influence, they supported the TPLF agenda of keeping the Oromo nation under centralized Habasha rule. While western technical know-how bought to spy on the people who the TPLF rapes day in and day out, the disciples made in America religion enjoined respect and leisure life with the fake respect they get from the rulers that killed their fellow Oromians.
To make sure that their plan to rule their colony Ethiopia, for the coming 50 more years, the Tigreans created CALL-Center in Tigrai which automatically sorted frequent callers from abroad and
segregated such data on minutes and hourly bases. Via such data sorting, frequent callers are sorted and assigned to individual employees whose job is to listen to these frequent callers. This call
center is located in Tigrai but connected to telecommunication all over empire Ethiopia.
segregated such data on minutes and hourly bases. Via such data sorting, frequent callers are sorted and assigned to individual employees whose job is to listen to these frequent callers. This call
center is located in Tigrai but connected to telecommunication all over empire Ethiopia.
This is the government with whom the Mulu Wangel apostles work and this is the government they accept and live with. Perhaps, their God may have told them that the Tigreans are destined to be rulers and they want us all accept this prophesy and abide by it.
This is the “love one another” and a “brotherly affection” they want us to have with our killers. Obviously, Ethiopia’s Gods have been distinguishing poor from rich through the false apostles who have chosen Tafari Mokonon Gudisa over Iyaasuu abbaa Xeenaa, Minilik over Ras Gobana Dachee. It is the same God by which the world of the Mulu Wangel apostles would like to govern and nothing would differentiate the old apostles of Tafari Mokonon era and the current once. Of course, such plan requires that we all are prepared to accept a new order of things, new conditions and new persecution from the Tigre rules chosen by hight power.
At this point, the TPLF team named OPDO lough enjoying their visit to America, most of them are shopping at every city they set their foot on, yet the mothers and the fathers of those who lost their children to the Tigre bullets still grieve, not to mention the 40 thousand Oromo prisoners who are going through torture, starvation and depression, day in and day out. Mean time, the Mulu Wangel disciples pray for the health of the Tigre rules following the tradition of the Hailesilase era where kids were forced to pray and praise the great king of kings, Haile Silase. Assured with their success, the Tigre recruiters in America and else where in the world, have continued their work trusting their guts that they will remain in power for centuries to come via their Metekakata program.
As to Abaa Dullaa, he has no choice, but proceed with the illustration of the Tigre power, which now became a vital source of his survival. As far as he knows, the relationship between the false apostles of our era and himself is meant to be what it is now.
As someone wrote on this morning, the Oromo Judas had been busy in their treacherous conspiracy against their own people. It is probable that the determination of the TPLF to go forward with their plan of ruling their colonial empire rooted in the hope they receive from Oromo Judas. Thanks to them, every Oromo is easily apprehended. To day, obtaining land might be the tool that lures few Oromo to the Tigre camp and tomorrow it will be Oromos detachment from their identity what will help the Tigreans to accomplish their goal of assimilating the people in their colony into their cultural values. That was how garrison cities and towns were created in Oromia in the past and nothing will change for us as long as there are few willing judas who sell their souls for temporary leisure life. To know more about the deceptive nature of the so called religious people, please listen to VOA amharic program of past sunday, February 1, 2015.
By Rundassa Asheetee Hundee
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