By Rundassa Asheetee Hundee | February 4, 2015
After welcoming Zelalem Jemaneh to Washington DC, the Mulu Wengel church established to promote the Ethiopian unity contacted Aklilu Brihanu, the head of California based Mulu Wangel church and discussed how to create the OPDO cell in America. This church also runs several branches in America under the name of Burqaa Jireenya.
Since his arrival in America, on December 23, 2014, Zelalem Jemaneh didn’t stay in his Virginia private home. Rather, a man named Qanani, another OPDO surrogate arranged another place where Zelalem Jemaneh stayed. The next day Aklilu Brihanu, Mulatu Kitila Erga and Nigeria joined Zelalem Jemaneh and discussed on a strategy how to form a viable OPDO cell in America.
Among those who joined the discussion, Muktar Siraj said to meet the new OPDO team but it is not known wether Mukatar continued to work with the team afterwards, though rumors say that he is still part of the TPLF group. Yet, it is undeniable fact that Muktar Siraj will remain an Oromo regardless of his trip to Oromia and and his current connection to the TPLF.
Anyway, based on the strategy set forth by Zelalem Jemaneh, Mulatu Kitila Erga contacted close friends from his home located at 422 East, Indian Spring Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland, while Muktar said to undertake the same task from Seattle, Washington.
Zelalem Jemaneh returned back to Finfinnee after three days stay in America and reported to the TPLF that the OPDO cell has been established in America. Based on this report, Abbaa Duulaa, Damitu, and 8 more TPLF delegates arrived in Minnesota on january 30th, 2015. The objective of the trip was to speak to the said TPLF/OPDO cell that Zelalem Jemaneh have established just a month ago and the result was devastating.
The fear of the OPDO cell and conspirators
Few hours before Abbaa Dulaa’s team arrived in Minnesota, the ODF group said to contact few community leaders and expressed their desire to help the TPLF/OPDO, so that the same could be done for them when they return to Finfinnee. That conversation crippled many Oromians ability to have the organization they needed to come out and protest against the TPLF team. Particularly during the two days of TPLF/OPDO presence, the Oromo community leaders of Minnesota scheduled certain sport activities and told people that they are busy to organize protest against the Abbaa Duulaa led team.
One Oromo community leader who visited Finfinnee few months ago went to the hotel where Abba Dulaa was talking to a Somali group and spoke with Abbaa Dulaa and left. Though the Abba Duulaa team required invitation letter to enter the meeting hall, Gen. Waaqo and Adam Jilo’s sons walked in unstopped for not having an invitation paper.
Next, around 100 Oromians arrived at the Hotel and demanded that they want to talk to Abba Duulaa, but hired Faranji police force prevented them from entering. In the process, several people were arrested and then released immediately.
Only few Oromians made it inside the OPDO meeting after calming that they are true Ethiopians who spoke Amharic language. They were able to figure out that the outcome of their effort will be fruitless unless they spoke Amharic and claim the Ethiopian identity. At this juncture, three individuals arrived from OMN and made it inside after bargaining with a man who lives in Minnesota, yet worked for the TPLF. This man spoke Afaan Oromo, went in and outside of the hotel too often to avoid detection by the Oromians. So far, no one knows the name of this man but only his face.
On the OPDO side, the formation of the cell that Zelalem Jemaneh pledged to establish never real. As a result, Abbaa Dulaa and Damitu sank in the deepest of shame as they quickly learned that Zelalem’ Jemaneh’s TPLF/OPDO cell was a failure. It turned out, what Zelalem Jemaneh put together was a group of incapable men, who yet made unimaginable effort to bring together several people after offering a land from around Finfinee that they will eventually sell to a Tigrean or an Amhara rich men and return back to America and enjoy their temporary life.
Worse, the Abbaa Duulaa team villainous fulfillment yet to be afflicted by the glimpses of the evil that he was part of for 24 years. One Oromian who made inside asked Abbaa Duulaa if he can help him find his father whom the OPDO/TPLF took away when he was one year old baby. One can see Abba Duulaa’s face turning dark when he heard a young man narrating the TPLF/OPDO reign of terror for the past 24 years. Next, few more Oromos told the dread of similar chronicle and tragedies through which they or their family members travelled for the past 24 years. It seemed these stories reminded Abba Dulaa how much he sold himself and his people to the Tigre tribe evil.
The first day meeting preceded after Abba Duulaa and Damituu were done with the feast of leavened food and drinks from America’s top hotel. On the afternoon of the first day, men who were elected as representatives of the Oromo community confronted by angry Oromians for failing to organize protest against the TPLF messengers led by Abba Duulaa.
Unsuccessful in Minnesota, the TPLF team led by Abba Duulaa travelled to Seattle and Muktar Siraj’s team took the team to a room furnished earlier and discussed all night long from the confine of their bondage. The discussion proceeded under conditions of tense sadness. As they talked, they fell into a state of introspection; even then, they exclaimed: “We will build ourselves up!”
Mean time, the Oromo community members of seattle fell into muttering dispute among themselves over the matter of the presence of the TPLF/OPDO. When most people chose to go to their work, others stayed around hoping to quickly organize themselves and protest against their enemy, the TPLF/OPDO in seattle. Few determined men and women spoke vehemently against the TPLF team led by Abbaa Duulaa and they searched the whereabout of the team unsuccessfully.
Frustrated by the dysfunctional state of the Oromo community, the energetic Oromos continued their search for the TPLF team but failed to find them. Mean time, the TPLF team and their particular host enjoyed drinks and food, even helped Abba Duulaa to do some shopping in one of Seattle’s mall before the TPLF team known as the OPDO departed for Finfinnee.
To be continued…
Rundassa Asheetee Hundee
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