Editorial | February 19, 2015
Over the last 2 decades, the Oromo-phobic Addis Ababa expanded by more than 400x, and swallowed the Oromo surrounding it into oblivion. This must be stopped.
There is a difference between “Addis Ababa” and “Finfinne.” The Oromo do not own Addis Ababa, and they must not own Addis Ababa, but they must struggle to turn Addis Ababa into Finfinne.
Oftentimes, people use “Addis Ababa” and “Finfinne” interchangeably. This is wrong on many accounts. “Addis Ababa is not Finfinne” – and “Finfinne is not Addis Ababa.”
Addis Ababa, by design, has been made to hate Oromo … from its inception, it’s Oromo-phobic. The struggle of the Oromo is to bury this Oromo-phobic Addis Ababa, and on its grave, build Finfinne – a city that is accommodating to all — a city that is based on the Oromo culture of tolerance and acceptance.
The current Addis Ababa is a sore spot on the map of Oromia; Addis Ababa has toxic societal values which the ruling oppressive elites have passed down to the general public over the last 125 years since its annexation from the Oromo. Addis Ababa is unwelcoming to its own Oromo and Southern residents, but has five-star hotels to welcome African and world diplomats; this does not add up, and it must not be allowed to continue with this status quo anymore.
The toxicity of Addis Ababa (i.e. its Oromo-phobia — and also, in general, South-phobia) must be healed, and it must be turned into Finfinne. The struggle must start by Oromos in Finfinne – they must speak first and foremost Afan Oromo, and boycott businesses which are Oromo-phobic (and South-phobic).
Administratively, both Finfinne and the federal government in Finfinne must be bilingual, and the State of Oromia must start to assert its fiscal, cultural, linguistic and political interests in Finfinne as per Article-49 of the Constitution.
Definitely, Oromo do not want this toxic and cancerous Addis Ababa to expand anymore into the State of Oromia, and that Oromian land already taken over by force by “Addis Ababa” must be turned over to the State of Oromia. Oromo must #StopAbayTsehaye – the Tigrean Neftegna – who wants to expand the toxic “Addis Abab” by killing Oromos, Oromo language and Oromo culture in the region, and by giving the Oromo land to Tigrean Neftegnas.
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