By Denboba Natie
July 10, 2014 (Sidama National Regional State Information Network) –Ths brief article is about the fact that the current Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) led dictatorial regime deliberately masterminds heinous tactics to remain in power by instigating violence between various peoples of given ethnic nationals. Since its first time in power after toppling its brutal predecessor, the Derg, (mid-1991), this regime has adopted such tactics as means of remaining in power. Although ‘Divide-and-Rule’ tactics have been adopted by all brutal rulers all over the globe including the former European colonial diabolic masters whose architects have adopted this as their main means to keep legitimate land owners at bay whilst expropriating their natural resources; the current Ethiopian’s TPLF’s regimes adopts similar tactics in different way. I’m discussing about the two cosines’ the Oromo and the Sidama’s such current story.
The Oromo and the Sidama Nations are culturally, ethno-linguistically, socially, geo-politically and morally intertwined. The two largest Kush cosines share similar ancestral backgrounds. They are also territorially neighbours from all corners of their lands, therefore, they could easily forge formidable alliance potentially capable of shaking the foundations of brutal establishments of democracy galvanised deceitful TPLF’s criminal regime that rejoices by the bloods of innocent civilians’ whom its security forces with impunity slaughter on daily basis; as we’re currently witnessing in Oromia and others regions.
The successive Abyssinian regimes are aware of the unshakable power house the Kush brothers can form if they are left to be freely & peacefully united to stand against the northern led successive regimes including the current deceitful criminal gangs those who call themselves government. For these simple reasons, the successive Abyssinian regimes have done what they could to instigate war between the two cosines under various pretexts although their successes have been limited to the actions of uninformed immoral miscreants sent out by these regimes to do their dirty jobs in both Oromia & Sidama. In such regime instigated tragedies, sadly several lives have been unnecessarily lost in the past 23 years in several neighbouring areas from both party.
Besides, noble elders of both cosine nations have effectively foiled the repeated plots of the current regime time and again; thus managed to bring harmony and centuries old tranquillity between both scapegoats- whose peoples are unknowingly driven to serve regime’s ‘divide-and-rule’ tactics. With the aim of turning the situation to ugly war between the two cosines, ultimately to disunite both for the purposes of regime’s political gain, the regime is playing this very game as we speak. Cognizant of the significance of the Oromo-Sidama alliance on its futurity, TPLF’s regime is prepared to send out its messengers to fuel further instability in the neighbouring lines of the Sidamaland and Oromia. The messengers are burning the houses of Sidamas whose peoples have peacefully lived with their Oromo cosines.
In Oromia region, Bale zone’s Angettuu district, the Sidama and the Oromo made their unity reality by intermarrying and living together for several centuries. In this very region from where both cosines peacefully and harmoniously lived together, TPLF’s messengers currently sent out to instigate hatred between the two by burning the houses of Sidama cosines and asking them to completely vacate the area. The situation as we speak remains tense. The previous similar attempts of TPLF’s criminal regime has been foiled by the normalising actions of noble, wise and farsighted elders of both Oromo and Sidama cosines. However, the regime currently is hell bent to affect its hidden agendas against both. As the Oromo and Sidama are working hard for genuine political alliances both within the country and Diaspora, the regime feels extremely anxious and restless- cognizant of the likelihood of huge potential being created by such an alliance. Therefore, it’s leaving no stone unturned to reverse the success of both cosines are making towards creating formidable alliance to fight our common enemy, TPLF/EPRDF criminal regime.
Therefore, the Sidama community within the Sidamaland and in Diaspora strongly advise its Oromo cosines to be cautiously vigilant and unconditionally reject regimes divide and rule tactics by sticking together to further our struggle for liberation. We have been bothers, we are brothers and remain so for several millennia to come. No one will be able to separate the Oromo and Sidama cosines! Therefore, let’s stick to our traditional values and stand shoulder to shoulder to fight our common enemy which is robbing our dignity and pride by uprooting our peoples from their lands and incriminating those who demand for their rights. We urge our Oromo brothers and sisters to communicate with their grass root about this fact and advice wider communities neighbouring Sidama on this matter as a matter of urgency. Let’s stand together by stopping bickering on unnecessarily and artificially instigated conflicts between the two cosines, gallant Oromo and Sidama nations!
The excerpts are from the information sent out about the aforementioned accounts by one of Sidama human rights defenders from the Sidamaland in Habesha language.
Denboba Natie, July 10, 2014
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