Thursday, July 31, 2014

ኣስናቀ፣ ሰው ለ ሰው ድራማና በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ ለኦሮሞ ብሄረተኝነት የተሰጠው ትርጉዋሜ

ቦሩ በራቃ | July 29,2014
የሰው ለ ሰውን ድራማ እስከ መጨረሻው (ክፍል 140) ድረስ ተከታተልኩት። እንደ ብዙዎቹ ሁሉ እኔም የኣቶ እስናቀ ኣሸብርን መጨረሻ ለማየት በጥቂቱም ቢሆን መጉዋጉዋቴ ኣልቀረም። በድራማው የትወና ድር ሁሉም ቅርንጫፎች በስተጀርባ ብቸኛውና ቀንደኛው ጠላት ተደርጎ የተፈረጀውን እስናቀ ኣሸብር! ይህ ድራማ ከተጀመረበት ወቅት ኣንስቶ የኣስናቀን የትወና ሚናና ብቃት የተከታተሉት ኣንዳንድ ወገኖች ድራማውን በፖለቲካ መነጽር ሲቃኙት ከመለስ ዜናዊ ኣምባገነንነትና ብልጣብልጥነት ጋር ያገናኙታል። ለኔ ግን ይህ ኣይዋጥም። በፖለቲካ መነጽር ድራማውን እንቃኘው ከተባለ እኔ የኣስናቀን ሚና የማስቀምጠው በሌላ መልኩ ነው። እስናቀ በድራማው ውስጥ የተሳለው ከኣምባገነንነቱ ይልቅ በስግብግብነቱ ነው። በብልጣብልጥነቱም ሳይሆን ራሱን ብልጥ ኣድርጎ የሚያስብ ነገር ግን በውስጣዊ ማንነቱ ቂል ተደርጎ ነው። በኣጭሩ ይህ ኣስናቀ የተባለው ግለሰብ ሞኝና ስግብግብ ነው።
ይህ ደግሞ ብዙዎቹ ኣቢሲኒያዊ ፖለቲከኞች የኦሮሞን ብሄረተኝነት የሚተረጉሙበት የተለመደ ምስል ነው። ኦሮሞዎች ኦሮምያ የኦሮሞ ናት በማለታቸው ብቻ በኣቢሲኒያዊያኑ ፖለቲከኞች ዘንድ ስግብግብ ተደርገው ይታያሉ። ኦሮሞ ምንም በብዙህነቱና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ኣቅሙ ልቆ የወጣ ህዝብ ቢሆንም እነርሱ ዘንድ ሁሌም እንደ ቂል ይቆጠራል። ኦሮሞ በጭንቅላቱ ብስለት ሳይሆን በጡንቻው ኣቅም የሚያስብ ተደርጎ ይተረጎማል። ተማረ ኣልተማረ ኦሮሞ ስልጡን ሊሆን ኣይችልም እያሉም የሚያንቁዋሽሹትና የሚሳለቁበት ቁጥራቸው ቀላል ኣይደለም።
ሰው ለ ሰው ድራማ ውስጥ ለኣስናቀ ኣሸብር (ኣበበ ባልቻ) የተሰጠው የትወና ሚናም ከዚህ የፖለቲካችን እውነታ ጋር የሚመሳሰልበት መልኩ ብዙ ነው። ገና ሲጀመር ኣስናቀ ኣሸብር ‘እሸባሪ’ ተደርጎ ነው የተሳለው። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ብሄርተኝነትም ከኦነግ ጋር ተያይዞ በእሸባሪነት እንደሚፈረጅ ልብ ይሏል። የኣስናቀ እሸብርን ባህሪይ ተላብሶ የሚጫወተው ተዋናዩ ኣበበ ባልቻ ራሱ በድራማው ውስጥ እስከ መጨረሻው ድረስ ሚናቸውን ይዘው ከዘለቁት ተዋናዮች መካከል ብቸኛው ኦሮሞ ነው። የጋሽ ኣስኒ ብሶት የሚጀምረው ከኣንደኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት ህይወቱ ነው። የድሃ ቤተሰብ ልጅ ነበረ። ሁሌም በትምህርት ቤት ጉዋደኞቹ መሃል ብቸኛው የበይ ተመልካች ነበረ። በልጅነቱ ከነ መስፍን ጋር ሚኒስትሪ ተፈትኖ ፈተና ወደቀ። እነ መስፍን ፈተና ኣለፉ። ፈተና በወደቀው ኣስናቀ ላይም ተሳለቁበት። ኣስናቀ በወቅቱ የሁሉም ልጆች መሳለቂያ መሆኑ በእጅጉ ኣማርሮት ነበር። ነገር ግን በድራማው ኣብዛኛው ክፍሎች ውስጥ ደጋግሞ ስሙን ሲያነሳው የሰማነውና የኣፋን ኦሮሞ ተረቶችን ልቅም ኣድርጎ ያስተማረው ኣሳዳጊ ኣጎቱ ነበር በኣጭር ምክር ያረጋጋው።
ኣስናቀ በጨቅላ እድሜው ኣንደኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት ውስጥ ያሳለፈው ኣሳዛኝ ገጠመኝ ኣብዛኞቹ የኦሮሞ ልጆች በልጅነት የትምህርት ዘመናቸው በቀደመው ዘመን ካሳለፉት ጣጣ ጋር ይመሳሰላል። ትምህርት ቤት ውስጥ ልክ እንደ ኣስናቀ መነጠል፣ መዘለፍና መሳለቂያ መሆን ነበረ እድላቸው። ኣስናቀ እያደገ ሲሄድ የኣውሬነት ባህሪይ እንዲላበስ ጫና ያደረገበትም ይሄው ያኔ የተሳለቁበትንና ለብቻው የነጠሉትን የልጅነት ኣብሮ ኣደጎቹን የመበቀል ምኞት መሆኑ በተደጋጋሚ በኣስናቀ ኣንደበት ተነግሮናል።
በዛሬው በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ ሃበሾቹ ዘንድ በሰይጣናዊነት እየተፈረጀ ያለው የኦሮሞ ብሀረተኝነት ፖለቲካ (Oromo nationalism) ነው። ሰው ለ ሰው ድራማ ውስጥም ትልቁ ሰይጣን ተደርጎ የተሳለው ኣስናቀ ኣሸብር ነው። በዛሬው የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ ሃበሾቹ ነጥለው ለመምታት እያደቡበት ያለው ብቸኛው የፖለቲካ ሃይል ቢኖር የኦሮሞ ብሄረተኝነት ነው። በሰው ለ ሰው ድራማ ኣብዛኛው የትረካ ፍሰት (story flow) ውስጥም ኣስናቀ የሁሉም ጠላትና ‘ጸረ ሰላም’ ተደርጎ ነው የተሳለው። በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ የረጅም ዘመን ታሪክ ውስጥ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ብሄረተኝነት ንቅናቄ ፍትሃዊነቱ የታወቀ ቢሆንም በኣገር ክህደትነት ተፈርጆ ጭራቃዊ ምስል እየተሰጠው በሁሉም ዘንድ እንዲወገዝ ያልተፈነቀለ ድንጋይ የለም። በዚህ ድራማ ውስጥ ለኣስናቀ የተሰጠው ሚናም ኣጉል የተንዛዛና እጅግ የተጋነነ ርህራሄ ብስነት ነው። ድራማውን የተከታተለ ሁሉ ኣስናቀን በጨካኝነቱ እንዲጠላውና እንዲረግመው ተደርጎ ነው የተሳለው። በኦነግና በኦሮሞ ብሄረተኝነት ላይ ሲካሄድ ከኖረውና ዛሬም ሳይቁዋረጥ ከቀጠለው ኣደገኛ ስም የማጥቆር ፕሮፓጋንዳ ጋር ይመሳሰላል። በፖለቲካው ህይወታችን ኦሮሞን ከሁሉም ጋር እያናቆሩት የተቀሩት ህዝቦች ጠላት ኣድርጎ ለማቅረብ የሚደረገው ሙከራ በሰው ለ ሰው ድራማ ውስጥ ኣስናቀን የሁሉም ብቸኛና ኣውራ ጠላት ኣድርጎ ከመሳሉ ጥረት ጋር በጣሙን ይመሳሰላል። ይህ ደግሞ የኣስናቀ ኣሸብርን ባህሪይ ተላብሶ ከሚሰራው ከኣበበ ባልቻ ኦሮሞነት ጋር ሲደመር ኣስናቀ ራሱ ኦሮሞ የመሆኑን ፍንጭ በድራማው መሃል በሚናገራቸው ተረቶች ኣማካኝነት ስለነገረን ነገርዮው ከኣገሪቷ ፖለቲካ ጋር እንዲመሳሰል ሆን ተብሎ የተደከመበት ኣስመስሎታል።
በድራማው ውስጥ የኣስናቀ ፍጻሜ ምን እንደሚመስል ቃኝተን ይችን ማስታወሻ እናጠቃልላለን። እኔ በድራማው ፍጻሜ ላይ የጠበቅሁት ኣስናቀ በፖሊስ ቁጥጥር ስር ውሎ ፍርድ ቤት እንደሚቀርብና ምናልባትም የሞት ፍርድ እንደሚፈረድበት ነበር። ነገር ግን ማንንም ሳይጎዳ በፖሊሶቹ ቁጥጥር ስር መዋል ሲችል ጥይት ተተኮሰበት። የድራማው ደራሲና ዳይሬክተሮች ኣስናቀን ‘ኣስተማሪ’ በሆነ መልኩ በህጋዊ መንገድ ሊቀጡት ኣልፈለጉም። ትእግስት ኣጡ። ‘ደማቸው ፈላ’ መሰለኝ ኣላስቻላቸውም። ያም ኣልበቃቸው። በጥይት ተምትቶ ከፎቁ ማማ ላይ ሊወድቅ ሲል ኢንስፔክተሩ ኣንድ እግሩን ይዞ ሊያስቀረው የሚሞክር መስሎ ታይቶ ነበር። እዚያ ጋር ኣስናቀና ኢኒስፔክተር ፍሬዘር ኣንድ ትልቅ ፖለቲካዊ ትርጉም ሊኖረው የሚችል ዳያሎግ የሚያደርጉ መስሎኝ ጠብቄ ነበር። ግን እድሉን ኣመከኑት የድራማው ዳይረክተሮች። ኢኒስፔክተሩ ጨክኖበት ኣስናቀን ቁልቁል ለቀቀው። የኣብራኩ ክፋይ የሆነው ልጁና ሚስቱ ከድተውት ከባህር እንደወጣ ኣሳ ብቻውን የቀረው ከርታታው ኣስናቀም የጣር ድምጽ እያሰማ ቁልቁል ተለቆ በሚዘገንን መልኩ ይቺን ኣለም ተሰናበተ። የኣስናቀ ሞት ለድራማውም ፍጻሜ ማበጀቱ ከመጀመሪያ እስከ መጨረሻ ድረስ የድራማው ኣከርካሪና ዋነኛው ባለ ሴራ ኣስናቀ መሆኑን የሚያስመሰክር ነው።
ሰው ለ ሰው ድራማ በስነ ጥበባዊ ብቃቱ ሲመዘን ብዙም እንከን የሚወጣለት ባይሆንም መነሻ ሃሳቡ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ከምናውቀው የፖለቲካ ሴራና ጥላቻ ጋር የመመሳሰሉ ነገር ጥያቄ የሚያጭር ይመስለኛል። ድራማውን በጥሞና የተከታተሉ ወገኖች ለድራማው መነሻ ሃሳብ ጸናሽ ወይም ወይም ለደራሲው በርካታ ፈታኝ ጥያቄዎችን እንዲያቀርቡ የሚገፋፋ ሳይሆን ኣይቀርም። ኣስናቀ እሸብርን በኣንዳንድ የድራማው ክፍሎች ውስጥ በብቸኛ ኦሮሞነት ስለው በኣፋን ኦሮሞ እያስተረቱት ሚናውንም የቀንደኛ ሰይጣናዊነት ባህሪይ ማላበስ ሳያንሳቸው ፍጻሜውን የህግ ሰዎች በተገኙበት ሆን ብለው ህገ ወጥና ሰቅጣጭ ኣድርጎ ማጠናቅቅን መምረጣቸው በእጅጉ ኣስገርሞኛል፣ ኣሳፍሮኛልም። በዚህ ሳቢያ ለሚቀርብላቸው ፖለቲካ ነክ ጥያቄዎች ምላሻቸው ምን እንደሚሆን ኣይገባኝም። የተለያዩ ኣገራዊ ጽንሰ ሃሳቦችን የሚያንሸራሽር እንዲህ ያለ የኪነ ጥበብ ስራ ይቅርና ተራ ስፖርት ሁሉ ደንበኛ የፖለቲካ መስክ በሆነበት ኣገር ይህን መሰሉን በኣንድ የታወቀ ማንነት ባለው ህዝብ ላይ ያነጣጠረ ኪነ ጥበባዊ ጦር የመስበቁ ውጤት ኣደገኛነት ካሁኑ ያስፈራኛል።
እንዲህም ሆኖ ግን በመጨረሻ ከድራማው ተዋናዮች መካከል ለነ ኣስናቀ፣ ሶስና፣ ማህሌት፣ ኢኒስፔክተር ፍሬዘር፣ ቢኒያም፣ ሞገስና ለነመዲ እናት የጥበብ ብቃት ያለኝን ኣድናቆት ሳልገልጽ ኣላልፍም። በተለይም ኣስናቀን በሰው ለ ሰው ድራማ ደረጃ ብቻ ሳይሆን የኣገሪቷ የትወና ኣይኮን ብየዋለሁ።
ቸር እንሰንብት!
ቦሩ በራቃ

Local EU statement on the situation in Ethiopia

eu-flagJuly 31, 2014 (Delegation of the European Union to Ethiopia) – The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in  agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Ethiopia:
“The EU Delegation is deeply concerned about developments in the case of the ten bloggers and journalists charged under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation on 18 July, as well as recent arrests of opposition members. It calls on the Ethiopian authorities to ensure that proceedings are carried out according to the Ethiopian Constitution and respecting international and regional human rights standards, in particular granting access to legal counsel and family, as well as the right to apply for bail when applicable, and that the trial is transparent and free from political interference.
The EU Delegation recalls the European External Action Service statement of 6 May 2014 which underlined the importance of enhancing the political space, particularly in view of the elections next year. It calls on the Ethiopian Government to ensure that the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation is not used to curb freedom of expression or association.
The EU Delegation welcomed the additional commitments made by the government of Ethiopia to address areas of human rights concern in the recent Universal Periodic Review process in Geneva and called for early and continuing action to ensure implementation of all of the government’s human rights commitments.”
Source: Delegation of the European Union to Ethiopia

Monday, July 28, 2014

Ethiopian mother’s anger at murdered son in student protest

_76534941_img_2207“Yeshi” is still trying to come to terms with the trauma of discovering the body of her son being carried through the streets of the Ethiopian city of Ambo.
July 28, 2014 (BBC News) – A 27-year-old rickshaw driver, he had been caught up in deadly protests between the police and students in the city in April.
They were demonstrating about plans to extend the administrative control of the capital, Addis Ababa, into Oromia state.
Oromia is the country’s largest region and completely surrounds Addis Ababa – and some people feared they would be forced off their land and lose their regional and cultural identity if the plans went ahead.
The government says the “Masterplan”, as it is known, would allow them to better extend city services to rural areas.
“I think they were killing people on purpose”
Yeshi, mother of man shot dead in April in Ambo
However for Yeshi – who asked for her name and those of her family to be changed – the heavy-handed response by the security forces that saw her son shot in the head is hard to fathom.
She had come across a group of people carrying a body and overheard people saying it was her son, Tamiru.
Unable to recognise his features as they were too disfigured, she identified him by his “clothes and shoes”.
“I think they were killing people on purpose,” she told the BBC, saying that Tamiru was not directly involved in any trouble that day.
Five other young people were also killed with bullet wounds to the head, she says.
One of her other surviving sons, Ibsa, said he was unable to believe that his brother was dead and asked for the coffin to be opened.
“His head was blackened and torn apart. The bullet had gone through his temple. You couldn’t identify him by his face but I recognised his body,” he said.
“He was a very good boy, level-headed. He did well in his studies. Nobody has a bad word to say about him… But what good is that now?”
Three months later it was a very different atmosphere in Ambo, which is about 125km (77 miles) west of the capital and was the focal point of the protests.
When the BBC team visited, it was in the middle of the graduation season and the area around the university was full of graduates in their gowns and caps ahead of their big ceremony.
The violence in April took place by the entrance to Ambo University…
… where students graduated this month
Students were posing for photographs with armfuls of red roses wrapped in cellophane and the mood was one of celebration.
Yet this was the same place – the main entrance to Ambo University – where witnesses say the protesters and police clashed in April.
The government says that 17 lives were lost in the violence. Opposition, human rights groups and some eyewitnesses say the figure is much higher.
‘Rabble rousers’
Ethiopia’s Information Minister Redwan Hussein told the BBC the dead included five students and 12 civilians and strongly denies that the government was responsible for any of the violence.
The protest was hijacked by “rabble rousers” with a political agenda – “hell-bent on raising havoc”, he said.
“They were shooting, they had guns – ammunitions,” Mr Redwan said.
“They were attacking and fighting so it was not through the government shooting, or the police shooting that people died.”
“The plan doesn’t have a single concept or idea of expansion”
Mathewos Asfaw‘Masterplan’ general manager
He dismissed accusations from international human rightsorganisations that police and government security forces shot at unarmed protesters.
“Whatever they said was not actually founded on facts.”
The students, the minister added, had a right to ask questions about the “Masterplan” and that the government was “ready to discuss” it with them.
Mathewos Asfaw, general manager of the “Masterplan”, told the BBC that the demonstrators had completely misunderstood the project and that no-one would be forced off their land.
“The plan doesn’t have a single concept or idea of expansion, because it’s not possible to expand the city of Addis beyond the current boundary and jurisdiction.”
Ethiopia is no stranger to accusations of intolerance when dealing with its critics and opposition groups.
The UN Human Rights Council recently recommended that the country improve on its media freedom and pay more attention to human rights.
Mr Redwan says he has “no objection” to the recommendations as they are already “being implemented”.
This is no consolation for Yeshi, who remains dressed in traditional mourning clothes.
“I’m very sad – until now I’m not right in the head. I’m walking around like a zombie. I’m not OK.”
Source: BBC News

Ethiopia: Ex-Oromia President Poisoned by Azeb Mesfin’s camp, Confirmed

alemayeu-atomsaJuly 27, 2014 (Somaliland Press) — Almost five months after the death of former Oromia President Alemayehu Atomsa, an investigation into possible foul play has revealed extensive details in the inner party relations of EPRDF, credible inside sources have confirmed. Mr Atomsa was increasingly becoming isolated from the Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization (OPDO) executive committee, according to a freelance investigative journalist who seeks to remain anonymous for safety reasons. Additional sources confirmed that the former president was in fact assassinated by the pro-Azeb Mesfin camp inside both TPLF and OPDO, with the overwhelming consensus pointing to poisoning as the methodology.
Various motives existed for the division inside the TPLF & OPDO branches of the EPRDF, according to the investigation. Since Meles Zenawi passed away, the level of corruption by ruling party officials has risen to alarming rates, it concluded.
“Despite his stubbornness, Meles actually imposed a level of order, leadership and accountability inside EPRDF. But without Meles, party corruption has gone wild,” a former government source stated.
One special case was the dispute between Atomsa and Mrs Azeb Mesfin’s business agents who were planning to steal billions of birr worth of gold from the Oromia government. But Mr. Atomsa opposed all forms of corruption, including by the Azeb camp.  He “genuinely believed the ethnic federalism and other EPRDF ideologies were, on paper, the best way forward for his Oromo people” however he personally fought against EPRDF officials who engaged in corruption. The investigation revealed that Mr Atomsa was poisoned at least three times, including inside his drinks, leading to medical complications and his eventual death.
Another main reason for interparty dispute was between regional groups and clans inside Oromia. The “Arsi Oromo” camp inside OPDO was openly working against the “Walaga Oromo” camp. The Walaga naive Mr Atomsa, for instance, initially opposed the construction of the Anole memorial monument in Arsi because he believed all Ethiopian ethnic groups were victims of past leaders. But the Arsi camp of OPDO suggested that the Arsi people were more patriotic Oromos and more brave for fighting the 19th century Emperor Menelik. Soon after Atomsa passed away, the new President of Oromia from Arsi region, Mr Muktar Kedir, speed up and completed the monument’s construction inside Arsi.
In addition to Mr Atomsa, the ANDM Amhara branch of EPRDF also opposed the building of the Anole Monument. The ANDM mocked the monument and suggested that they should also get monuments to remember “the genocide of Amharas in Hararghe zones” of Ethiopia when the OLF was part of the transitional government. In some parts of eastern Oromia, including Dire Dawa, the Amhara population has allegedly been reduced from over 30% in 1990 to under 10% in 2000.
The investigation also revealed that some top TPLF officials aggressively exploit the pre-existing animosity between the Muslim eastern Oromos, the Evangelical Wallaga Oromos and the Orthodox Shewan Oromos. The TPLF is still playing with OPDO “like a toy” the investigation concluded.
Source: Somaliland Press

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Madda Walaabuu 4 Boqonnaa Yeroo Gannaaf Gara Maatii Isaanii Wallagga,Gidaamii Itti Galan Tika Wayyaaneen Qabamuun Bakka Buuteen Isaanii Dhabame‏

Gabaasa Qeerroo Qellem,Gidaamii Adoolessa 26,2014
BilisummaaMootummaan wayyaanee barattoota boqonnaa yeroo gannaaf maatii galan maatii irraa  irraa ugguruudhaan qabee mana hidhaatti galchaa akka jirtu gabasi nu gahe addeessa. Har’a gabaasni Qeerroo Qellem Giddamii irraa nu dhaqqabe kan ibsu barattoota madda Walaabuu Yuuniversitii irraa galan aanaa Gidaamii ganda Giraay Sonqaa jedhamu irraa basaasaa wayyaanee aanaa kaan irratti ilmaan Oromoo dabarsee diinaf saaxilun kennaa jiruun saaxilamanii humna waraana Wayyaanetti kennamuudhaan  Adoolessa gaafa 18/2014 qabamanii hidhamanii jiru. Basaasaan wayyaanee maqaan isaa Waaqgaarii Qan’aa kan jedhamu jiraataa aanaa Gidaamii ganda Giraay Sonqaa jiraataa kan ture amma garuu ganda Afteer Saanboo jedhamutti teessoo jireenya isaa kan jijjiirrate maqaa qindeessitoota FDG,Miseensa ABO, Alabaa ABO fannisuutiin, uummata kakaasuu fi ijaaruun duras aanaa kana keessatti isaan kun warra duraati jechuudhan yuuniversitii irratti hojii kana hojjetaa akka turan jedhee diinaaf kennee kan jiru gabaasni nu gahe ibsa, ijoollotni kuni maqaan isaanii akka arman gadii kan taheedha
1.Gammadaa Birhaanee
2.Solomoon Taaddasaa
3.Mallasaa Taaffasaa
4.Amaanu’eel Facaasaa
kan jedhamaniidha, namootni maatii akka tahanii fi amma gara itti hidhamanillee kan hin beekmne tahuu isaa Qeerroon gabaasee Qellem Wallaggaa Gidaamii irraa nuuf gabaasee jira.

Joint letter to Ethiopian Prime Minister on Charges against Bloggers and Journalists

hrwPrime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Office of the Prime Minister
P.O. Box 1031
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
24 July 2014
Re: Detained Journalists and Bloggers
Dear Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn,
We write to you to express our grave concern regarding the terrorism charges laid against seven bloggers associated with the “Zone 9” website and three independent journalists in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights—which both expressly protect the right to freedom of expression. We therefore urge your government to fulfill its obligations under international law and release all individuals who have been arbitrarily detained in violation of their fundamental rights.
As you may be aware, six of the bloggers (Zelalem Kibret, Atnaf Berahane, Natnael Feleke, Mahlet Fantahun, Befeqadu Hailu, and Abel Wabela) and the three journalists (Tesfalem Waldyes, Asmamaw Hailegeorgis, and Edom Kassaye) were arrested in late April, shortly after it was announced that the Zone 9 website would resume its activities after suspending operations because of increasing harassment and surveillance. All nine detainees were subsequently held for nearly three months before any specific allegations were presented or formal charges filed against them. Most concerning, however, are reports that some of the detainees have complained of serious mistreatment by investigators and that defense lawyers and their clients have been excluded from some of the proceedings.
Recent reports now indicate that the detained bloggers and journalists have been charged under the widely-criticized 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, including provisions that provide for the death penalty, in addition to charges of committing “outrages against the constitution.” A seventh blogger, Soleyana Shimeles, was also charged in absentia. In accordance with the requirements of both Ethiopian and international law, we call on you to ensure that all allegations of torture or other forms of ill-treatment are promptly investigated and that no statements obtained through such means are admitted in court. Further, we call on you to ensure that the detainees have full access to the assistance of legal counsel and that the proceedings related to this case are open to the public, the media, and members of the diplomatic community.
Unfortunately, these prosecutions are only the most recent example of a worrying pattern. Outspoken Ethiopian journalists Eskinder Nega, Reeyot Alemu, and Woubshet Taye have all received long prison terms under the 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, in trials marred by procedural flaws. Similarly, opposition activists including Andualem Arage have received sentences of up to life imprisonment on such grounds.
While your office has asserted that the prosecution of these individuals is unrelated to their work as journalists, independent inquiries have found that this is not the case. For example, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention held that the imprisonment of Mr. Nega violated Ethiopia’s obligations under international law and requested his immediate release. In addition to procedural violations, the Working Group found that the detention of Mr. Nega resulted directly from his exercise of free expression and that the overly broad offenses established by the 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation constituted “an unjustified restriction on expression rights and on fair trial rights.” Despite such a finding, however, Mr. Nega remains in prison.
Other international bodies have similarly criticized your country’s Anti-Terrorism Proclamation for being overly broad and a tool through which freedom of expression is limited. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights adopted a resolution in 2012 stating that it was “gravely alarmed by the arrests and prosecutions of journalists and political opposition members, charged with terrorism and other offences, including treason, for exercising their peaceful and legitimate rights to freedom of expression and freedom of association.” This message reinforced an earlier statement by five United Nations special procedure mandate holders, including the Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights, which expressed their “dismay at the continuing abuse of anti-terrorism legislation to curb freedom of expression in Ethiopia.” During Ethiopia’s Universal Periodic Review earlier this year, similar concerns were raised by a number of countries, including security allies of Ethiopia such as the United States of America.
Despite these clear findings that the targeting of writers under the 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation is inconsistent with Ethiopia’s international obligations, prosecutors have now charged the seven Zone 9 bloggers and three independent journalists under that very law. As a result, they face exceedingly long prison sentences or even death. Such a practice violates international law and threatens to undermine the legitimacy of international security efforts in the region.
In light of these serious concerns, we urge you to facilitate the immediate release of all journalists and bloggers imprisoned under the 2009 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation and to revise the Proclamation to comply with regional and international human rights standards.
  1. Amnesty International
  2. ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa
  3. Central Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (REDHAC), Central Africa
  4. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
  5. Civil Rights Defenders, Sweden
  6. Coalition pour le Développement et la Réhabilitation Sociale (CODR UBUNTU), Burundi
  7. Committee to Protect Journalists
  8. Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), South Sudan
  9. Conscience International (CI), The Gambia
  10. East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project
  11. Egyptian Democratic Association, Egypt
  12. Electronic Frontier Foundation
  13. Ethiopian Human Rights Project (EHRP)
  14. Elma7rosa Network, Egypt
  15. English PEN
  16. Freedom Now
  17. Front Line Defenders, Dublin
  18. Human Rights Watch
  19. International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF)
  20. Ligue des Droits de la personne dans la region des Grands Lacs (LDGL), Great Lakes
  21. Ligue Iteka, Burundi
  22. Maranatha Hope, Nigeria
  23. Media Legal Defence Initiative
  24. National Civic Forum, Sudan
  25. National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders, Kenya
  26. Niger Delta Women’s movement for Peace and Development, Nigeria
  27. Nigeria Network of NGOs, Nigeria
  28. Paradigm Initiative Nigeria, Nigeria
  29. PEN American Center
  30. PEN International
  31. Réseau africain des journalistes sur la sécurité humaine et la paix (Rajosep), Togo
  32. Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), Uganda
  33. South Sudan Human Rights Defenders Network (SSHRDN), South Sudan
  34. South Sudan Law Society, South Sudan
  35. Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition, Tanzania
  36. Twerwaneho Listeners Club (TLC), Uganda
  37. Union de Jeunes pour la Paix et le Développement, Burundi
  38. WAN-IFRA (The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers)
  39. West African Human Rights Defenders Network (ROADDH/ WAHRDN), West Africa
  40. Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD), Zambia
  41. Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, Zimbabwe
Source: Human Rights Watch

Friday, July 25, 2014

Ethiopian Regime a Step Away From Its Own Grave

“The government is merely a servant―merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn’t. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them” – Mark Twain
By Yosef Tesfasilas,
Time for the minority regime in Ethiopia to reap what they saw
Time for the minority regime in Ethiopia to reap what they saw
July 25, 2014 (Tesfa News) — UNFORTUNATELY, the Ethiopian Woyane regime has never been a servant to Ethiopians but a totalitarian regime who has been on a mission for the last several decades to bring a totality of terror not only in Ethiopia but also in Horn of Africa as well. For the last several decades, slowly but surely, the regime has been putting nails on its own coffin. Time has arrived for the regime to put the ‘the last nail on its coffin’.
Since the helm of the regime, it has been a catalytic burner in producing tribal conflicts, religious conflicts, ethnic cleansing, genocide, border disputes, land grabbing and etc. Therefore, the regime has created a diversity of nemesis from all angles. Who are the major nemesis that could seal the fate of the regime? Who are from the nemesis that is ultimately going to put the regime in its own coffin?
Oromos are the majority population in Ethiopia. The Oromo tribe has been victimized by every predecessor regime. However, the TPLF has been the worst regime that the Oromo people have ever seen. On daily basis, there are conflicts between Tigrayans and Oromos throughout the country.
The TPLF regime has systematically taken the Oromo lands and distributed to the Tigrayan investors. The Oromo, like their counterpart Amhara, are labelled as terrorists. The regime has been on killing Speer recently with out discriminating women and children after accusing the people as supporters of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). Indeed, the regime has symptom of paranoia. Oromo people have finally awaken against the tyrant’s regime.
The Tigrayan people are the foundation of springboard of Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) movement. Sadly, Tigrayans, in the last century, has faced a major hardship from the Ethiopian government particularly under former Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam regime-known as Derg. Therefore, the Tigrayans has decided to stand up for their self-determination rights in eradicating the ethnic cleansing, abject poverty, chronic diseases … etc.
With help from the Eritrean people, the TPLF has gradually become a formidable nemesis to the Derg regime in Tigrai. Unfortunately, the Tigrayan people were immediately betrayed once the TPLF regime roamed into Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The betrayal of TPLF regime which has been a huge blow to the fabrics of society for the majority of Tigrayan people. The Tigrayan people has shed their loved ones bloods to full-fill their long-term aspirations of becoming a people who are free from abject poverty, chronic diseases, and corruptions. Instead, the TPLF has only been delivering endless of terror to its own people.
Indeed, the majority of Tigrayan people have discorded themselves from the TPLF regime. Perhaps the minority of Tigrayan people who have gained immense wealth under the TPLF regime. Certainly, the diaspora Tigrayans have finally awaken in small factions such as California, Washington, Texas, New York, Chicago, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Chicago, Atlanta, and Europe, all over the world against the tyrant’s regime because the majority of Tigrayan people are peaceful and hard-working who are aspired to live in harmony with all tribes and neighbors. The Tigrayan people have finally awaken against tyrant’s regime.
When the TPLF liberators roamed into Addis Ababa, the Amhara people did not waited with rosy flowers to welcome the Tigrayan fighters. Yet, the liberators were immediately perceived as invaders with mighty weapons in their soils. Historically speaking, no foreigner’s army has won the minds and hearts of the native people. For instance, developed countries with their mighty army could not sustain for a long time on their residency in a foreign land.
The Amhara people have certainly illustrated the world in a uniform mode of democracy that they do not welcome the TPLF’s liberator in Ethiopia. For example, the 2005 election was a hallmark in which a majority of Amhara people voted against the tyrant’s regime. The election outcome certainly indicated that the Amhara people would like the regime to depart from their lands. The aftermath of the election, consequently the Amharas are constantly being hunted down inside or outside of Ethiopia.
According to the tyrant’s regime, every Amhara people are considered to be a terrorists. Certainly, this is a symptom of paranoia that the TPLF regime had acquired once it was considered to be an unwelcome aliens. The Amhara people, all over the world, have finally awaken against the tyrant’s regime.
The Horn of Africa has definitely seen colossal of humanitarian crisis in the Ogaden region. The Ogaden people has been victimized by the TPLF region for many years without the International Communities awareness. However, Sweden is the first European country to have awareness on the unprecedented human right violations against the Ogaden people. The Human Rights Watch has substantially recorded evidences on the regime committing heinous crimes against children, women, and elderly. The Ogaden people have finally awaken against the tyrant’s regime.
From 2004 to 2006, the TPLF regime was on mission to cleans ethnic Anuakes from their ancestral land. December of 2004, the regime had killed 400 Anuakes just in one day. The TPLF regime has decided to eradicate these people because it needs their land for investors. There are more than 2000 Anuake tribe residing in United States alone after fleeing the massacre and ethnic cleansing perpetrated in their village by the regime.
Indeed, the Anuke people have finally awaken against the tyrant’s regime.
The TPLF regime has systematically taken the fertile lowlands from Benishangul tribe and give it to the Tigrayan investors. Also, the regime has indiscriminately murdered many young men who are innocent and do not have any relation with the guerrilla fighters of Benishangul.
There are daily conflicts in the Benishangul-Gumuz region because of land grabbing policy the regime has introduced in the region. The people of Benishangul have finally awoken against the tyrant’s regime.
The inhabitant of the tribe is in southwestern of Ethiopia in the Nile Valley. For thousands years, the tribe has lived in the Nile of Valley lands. However, the regime has been on mission to eradicate the minority tribe from their ancestral lands. Majority of tribe has fled the ethnic cleansing by fleeing to nearby countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan. The Nuer people have finally awaken against the tyrant’s regime.
In 2006, the TPLF regime has invaded Somalia in which it was under the reign of the Islamic Court Union (ICU). Since then, the regime has brought terror to Somalian people.
Sadly, millions of Somalian refugees have become a homeless inside Somalia. The fortunate Somalis were able to flee to the neighbor countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Eritrea, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. Today, Somalia is known for piracy and lawlessness. Somalia people have finally awaken against the tyrant’s regime.
As the saying goes, “He cooked his own goose”. Perhaps it is unfathomable to reckon that TPLF’s liberator in just two decades has become a terror and invader in Horn of Africa. The regime has caused endless of horrors and unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the regions. A variety of indigenous tribes have lived in serenity and harmony in the Nile Valley for mellenia. However, these tribes have eradicated from their ancestral lands because the regime have great interests in their lands.
Today, the regime has found itself surrounded with proliferation of nemeses in all regions of Ethiopia. Certainly, perhaps it is going to be the Tigrayan people who are going to seal the fate of the TPLF regime in its own coffin with the last nail left. Perhaps the betrayal of Tigrayan people is the final blow for the regime to be sealed in its coffin.

#OromoProtests: Washington DC Oromo Hunger Strike, in front of the White House, 3rd Day


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Mootummaan Wayyaanee Fiilmii Dokumentarii Dhara Kan Sochii ABO fi Daraggoota Oromoo Akkasumas Walii Gala Qabsoo Oromo Hadheessuu Irratti Kan Xiyyeefate Har’a Galgala TV Isaa Irratti Dhieessuuf Karoorfate

images-2Adoolessa 23, 2014 (Qeerroo) — Mootummaan Wayyaanee Fiilmii Dokumentarii dhara irratti hundaa’e kan sochii falmii mirga abbaa biyyummaa ummatni Oromoo fi barattootni/Qeerroon ilmaan isaa geggeessan akkasumas sochii ABO gooltummaatti hidhuun qopheeffate Adoolessa 23,2014 guyyaa har’aa karaa TV. isaan dhiheessuuf saganteeffatee akka jiru ifa galaa dha.
Akka oduu SBO dhaqqabeetti mata dureen dokumenterii fiilmii wayyaanee kun “Shibbirtanyoochi” kan jedhu yeroo ta’u, guyyaa har’aa galgala keessaa sa’aa 10:00 irratti dhihaachuu akka danda’u oduun kun akeekeera.
Dokumentarii fiilmii dharaa wayyaaneen ABO irratti ittiin ololuu fi gaaffii mirgaa barattootni Oromoo fi sabboontotni gaafatan jal’isuun gooltummaatti hidhuuf yaalaa jirtu kana keessatti namootni Oromoo ta’an kanneen dirqisiifamanii fi maallaqaan bitaman 42 ta’an akka keessatti hirmaatanii jiranis oduun kun ifa godha.
Fiilmii dokumentarii Baddannoo jechuun kan ammaan dura wayyaaneen qopheeffattee ittiin ABO irratti ololaa turte keessatti namootni hirmaatanii dhara lallabaa turan iccitii baasu jedhamanii gariin isaanii akka ajjeefaman kan beeksise oduun kun, kanneen amma fiilmii dharaa kana keessatti hirmaachifamanis hireen isaanii yeroo eeggatee kana irraa adda akka hin taane hubachiisa.
Diddaan ummata Oromoo, falmiin mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi gaaffiin mirga ofii kabajsiifachuu ummatni Oromoo fi barattootni/dargaggootni/Qeerroon ilmaan isaa baatiileef geggeessaa jiran hidhaa fi ajjechaan dhaabbachuu waan dideef, sirnichi sochii karaa nagaan mirga ofii falmatuu ummata Oromoo fi ilmaan isaa kana gara dabarsee sochii gooltummaa fakkeessuuf ijibbaatni mootummaan Wayyaanee fi ergamtootni isaa godhan dhugaa ykn haqa lafa irra jiru jijjiiruu kan hin dandeenye ta’uus sabboontotni Oromoo hubachiisaniiru.
Fiilmii dokumentariin dhara irratti hundaa’e kan ummata Oromoo, barattoota/Qeerroo fi ABO goolessitoota fakkeessuu fi sochii jiru gooltummaatti hidhuu irratti fuulleffate mootummaan wayyaanee gola isaa keessatti karaa dabballootaa fi ergamtoota isaan qopheeffatee ittiin ololuuf fiigaa jiru kun, fiilmii dokumentarii ammaan dura yeroo gara garaatti qopheeffatee ittiin ABO fi QBO irratti ololaa turee fi bu’aa tokkollee irraa dhabeen adda akka hin taanes ibsameera.
Wayta QBOn jabaachaa, ummatni Oromoo fi ilmaan isaa gaaffii mirgaa cimsaa fi babal’isaa deeman akkasumas yeroo filmaatni jala ga’u mootummaan wayyaanee olola dharaa geggeessuun, waan hin jirre uumee hafarsuun yaadaa fi qalbii namaa gara biraatti harkisuuf, deggersa ummataa argachuuf shira irratti shira xaxuu fi dalagaa faallaa raawwachuun kan beekamuu dha kan jedhe oduun kun, ammas waanuma bare amala isaa mul’ifataa jiraachuu addeesse.
Kana waan ta’eef, ummatni Oromoo, sabboontotni, barattootni/dargaggootni/Qeerroon olola afanfajjessaa dhara irratti hundaa’e, kan dokumentarii fiilmii “Shibbirtanyoochi” jedhee wayyaaneen ittiin ololuuf deemu kanaaf osoo gurra hin ergisne gaaffii mirgaa, falmii mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi kabajamuu mirgootaa gaafataa jiranitti jabaachuun qabsoo finiinsuu akka itti fufan  sabboontotni Oromoo fi Hoggansi Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo dhaamsa dabarsee jira.
Mootummaan wayyaanee FDG barattootnii fi ummatni Oromoo geggeessaa jiran, akkasumas ABO irratti kijibaan ololuuf dokumentarii fiilmii dharaa qopheeffachaa akka jiru gabaasa bal’aa bifa barruun qophaa’e armaan gadii kanaan kana dura saaxiluun keenya ni yaadatama. Ammas barruu kana irra deebiin dubbistanii akka hubattaniif yeroo lammataaf maxxansuuf dirqamneerra.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tokkoomuu ABO fi Qaama Ce'umsaa ABO Irratti Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa Kenname

                        Qeerroo Edit                           
                                               Adoolessa 19,2014
Nuti gareen hoggana Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo labsa tokkoomuu ABO fi Qaama Cee'umsaa ABO 
gidduutti mirkanaa'ee jiru yeroo dhageenyutti gammachuu guddaatu nutti dhagaa'ame. Ammaan dura
waggoota muraasaaf wal hubatnoo dhaba ABO gidduutti mudatee turetti gaddaa kan turre, yeroo ammaa 
rakkoon jiru karaa nagaa furamee tokkummaan ABO jabaatee waliigalteen tokkummaa mallatteeffamuun 
hoggansii ABO qaama tokko jalatti deebii'uun milkii guddaa fi injifannoo boonsaa ta'uu Qeerroon 
dinqisiifachuun ibsa armaan gadii dabarsee jira.
1. Bakka buutonni Qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Oromiyaa bakkoota gara garaa keessatti 
FDG bifa qindaa'een qabsiisuun abbaa irree Wayyaanee waawwachisa yeroo jirrutti ibsa 
tokkoomuu ABO fi qaama cee'umsaa ABO yeroo dhageenyu hedduu gammadne.ABO'n gaachana 
uummata Oromooti. Uummanni Oromoos dhaaba kana ni jaalata, ni kabaja, yeroo ammaa kanatti 
uumata Oromoo Oromiyaa keessa jiru biratti ABO jechuun mallattoo eenyummaan Oromoo fi 
Oromiyaa itti beekamu ta’uu irraan ummati Oromoo akka eenyummaa isaatti ilaala.ABO'n 
uummatni Oromoo gita bittaa kam jalaa iyyuu ba'ee mirgii namoommaa fi mirgii dimookiraasii 
kabajameefii mirgi abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo mirkanaa'ee Oromoo fi Oromiyaan akka 
wal simatan dhaaba uummata Oromoo fedhii uummata Oromootiin hundeeffame jarmiyaa ulfina 
qabeessa Oromoon itti amanudha. Kanaaf rakkinni hogganoota dhaaba kana gidduutti mudatee 
ture karaa nagaan furamuun jijjiramni siyaasaa fi wal danda'uu guddaan dhaabicha giddutti 
uumamuun jijjirama siyaasa Oromoo waan ta'eef labsa tokkomuu ABO kana dachaan kan 
deeggaru ta'uu hoogganni Qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo gammachuu itti dhaga'amee jiru ibsata.
2. Jijjiiramni siyaasaa ABO keessatti yeroo amma mallatteeffamee jirutti ija gochuuf Qeerroon 
Bilisummaa Oromoo wareegamaa barbaachisuu itti fufinsaan kanfaluuf qophii ta'uu ibsuun nuti 
Qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo qabsoo eegallee jirru daran jabeessuun kan itti fufnu ta'uu 
ejjeennoo keenya sochiin kan mul'ifnu ta'uu ni hubachiifna.
3. Hogganootni ABO yeroo amma garaa garummaa uumaamee jiru akka sirrii hin taanee hubachuun 
rakkoon waggoota muraasaaf mul'atee ture dogoggora ta'uu hubachuun, tokkummaa ABO 
dhugoomsanii jiran hedduu dinqisiifanna. Mooraa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo jabeessuun 
jabeessuun bilisummaa uummata keenya gonfachiisuuf dhugaa kana hojiitti jijjiruun kutannoo fi 
muratnoon qabsoon bilisummaa Oromoo galii isaa akka ga'uuf qaamootni kunii fi nuti Qeerroon 
bilisummaa Oromoo dirqama addaa qabaachuu keenya ni hubachiifna.
4. Uummaatni Oromoo akeeka eebbifamaa kana hubachuun tokkummaa isaa jabeeffachuun 
murnoota siyaasaa Oromoo qabatanii qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoof sochoona kanneen jedhan 
illee gara dirree waliigaltee kanatti fiduun waliigaltee araaraa itti fufinsa qabu gadi dhaabuun 
bilisummaa uummata keenya galiin ga'uuf Oromoon hundinuu dirqama lammummaa ba'uu 
5. Uummaatni Oromoo hundi farreen Qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo karaa ilmaan habashaa fi karaa 
ilmaan Oromoo diinaaf meeshaa ta'uuf fiiganii dura dhaabbachuun fashaluun yeroon gamtaan 
qabsaa'an amma.
6. FDG baatii Ebla 11,2014 irraa eegaluun biyaa keessatti bifa qinda'een gaggeessaa jirruuf ilmaan 
Oromoo biyyoota ambaa garaagaraa fi biyya keessa dirmannaa nuuf gochuun sochii kana 
keessatti ga'ee keessan baahatanii fi ba'aa jirtan galatni keessan bilisummaa uummata Oromoo 
haata'u jechaa; Hoggansii Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo godina Oromiyaa adda addaa biyyaa 
keessatti FDG bifa qindaa'een qabsiisuun mootummaa abbaa irree akka nama bishaan nyaatee 
hoomachaa qabachuu dadhabee gochaa waan jirruuf, FDG gaggeessa jirruutti ilmaan Oromoo 
waan dandeessan cufaan dirmannaa akka nuuf gootanii FDG kun itti fufiinsaan gaggeeffamuuf 
ga'ee keessan akka baataniif waamicha keenya dabarsinee jirra.
7. Walumaa galatti labsi tokkomuu ABO kun uummata Oromoof gammachuu guddaa fi jijjiraama 
siyaasaa guddaa ta'uu Oromoon hubachuun bifa qindaa'ee fi qajeelfama Warraaqsaa qabsoo 
bilisummaa Oromoof dabarfamuu hordofuun uummaatni Oromoo hundi yeroon gamtaan qabsaa'u 
amma jechuun Qeerroon labsa tookkomuu ABO gammachuu guddaa keessa seenee utuu jiruu 
uummata Oromoof waamicha itti fufinsaa FDG jabeessa jiraachuu gareen hoggana Qeerroo
Bilisummaa Oromoo Oromiyaa fi gareen qindeessituu FDG labsa tokkoomuu ABO ilaalchisuun 
ibsa baase kanaan hubachiisa.
Injifannoon Uummata Oromoof!.
Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaati!
Ibsa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo .
Adoolessa 19,2014