Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ABO fi QBO Ololli Kamuu Hin Diigu !

(Olola Abbaa Biyyaa Roobaa fi OMN)
abbaabiyyaaGaaffii fi deebii OMN Abbaa Biyyaa Roobaa waliin gaggeesse kan kutaa 4tti qoodamee dhihaate nin hordofe. Abbaa Biyyaa Roobaa qabsoo keessatti nin beeka. Umrii isaa keessaa baroota hedduu kan inni qabsoo Oromoof wareegeef kabajaa fi jaalalan qabaaf. Haa tahu malee gaaffii fi deebii OMN waliin gaggeesse kana Kutaa isa xumuraa (4ffaa) keessatti dubbii inni ittiin hoogganoota gaafatamaan isaa ol turan yakkuuf carraaqe oggaan dhaggeeffadhe hedduun isa taajjabe. Bakka isaa bu’een qaanfadheefi. Kan hin qaanfanne nama qaanfachiisa jedhu mitii? Abbaan Biyyaa yeroo qabsoo keessa turetti akkuma jabinas qabu laafina/rakkina guddaa namuu irratti beeku kan namni isa waliin qabsoo keessa ture hundi ragaa bahuu danda’u qaba ture. Kunis ilaalcha gosummaa ti. Abbaan Biyyaa yeroo gaarreen Oromiyaa keessa tures tahe yeroo biyyoota ollaa keessa ture ilmaan Oromoo qabsoof jecha isa waliin hiriiran keessaa namoota naannoo Oromiyaa murtaawaa qofa filee fi odeeffatee ofitti qabuudhaan noonnoolee biroo irratti kakaasuu fi olola maqa balleessii hoogganoota jaallan isaa tahan kan naannoolee Oromiyaa hanga tokkoo irratti of qusannoo takkaan maleetti gaggeessaa nama turee dha.
Abbaan Biyyaa Dhaaba keessatti ilmaan Oromoo naannoo fi gosaan qoodee kaan ofitti qabuu fi kaan irratti duulchisuu bira kutee gochaa farra tokkummaa Oromoo kan Dhaaba keessatti oofaa ture sana naannoo bara 1998 irraa eegalee (erga biyyoota ollaatti gadi bahee fi carraa qunnamtii bal’aa argatee) hawaasa Oromoo keessattis summii facaasuu hojii isaa halkanii-guyyaa taasifatee akka ture miseensa qofa osoo hin taane ummata inni summii farra tokkummaa Oromoo kana itti facaasaa ture hedduu ragaa itti dhiheessuutu danda’ama.
Abbaan Biyya ilaalcha gosummaa kana maaliif cichoominaan gaggeessa? yoo jedhame gosa bakka bu’aa isaa of fakkeessu sanaaf adeemsi isaa sun bu’aa argamsiisaaf osoo hin taane cinaacha laafaa dhuunfaa isaa ittiin golgachuufi. Dadhabina hojii irratti agarsiisuuf yoo itti gaafatame ani nama ganda ykn. gosa sanii waanin taheefi…..kkf. jechuudhaan namoota hubannoo yaraa ittiin of cinaa hiriirsuufi. Ilaalcha kanaanis Dhaaba keessatti waan barbaadu galmaan gahachuu hin dandeenye. Yeroo irra gara yerootti saaxilamaa fi tuffatamaa deeme malee. Abbaan Biyyaa 2004 hoogganummaatti filamuu keessaa akki itti hafes inni waan ana hin filinaa jedhee iyyateef osoo hin taane miseensota hunda keessatti (warra inni akka bakka bu’aa isaaniitti of yaadu dabalatee) cinaachi laafaan isaa kun saaxilamee namuu waan humaattuu isa lakkaawuu dhiiseef akka hin filamne beekee dursee fakkeeffachuuf “Na hin filinaa” jala buufatee ti.
Adeemsi Abbaa Biyyaa Roobaa kan farra tokkummaa Oromummaa akka tahe (ilaalcha gosummaa akka tahe) gaaffii fi deebii OMN kana keessattuu arraba isaa irraa ragaan dhagahameera. Fottoqa 2008 ABO mudate keessatti warra maqaa “Jijjiirama” jedhuun Dhaaba irraa fottoqeef deggersa qabaachuu isaa akka xalayaadhaan beeksise innuu himateera. Fottoqni sun ammoo waa’ee maalii akka turee fi akkamiin akka xumurame har’a namni iccitii isaa hin beekne jira hin fakkaatu. Wanti Abbaan Biyyaa Dhaabaa keessatti oofaa ture kan inni itti milkaawuu hanqifame waan Oromoof tolaa osoo hin taane waan akka 2008 uumamee sana ture. Kan nama dhibu har’a illee osoo itti-baha isaa arguu qaanii malee sana himachuu isaa ti. “Namni hoolaa Owubarree nyaate ofiin dudubbata” jedhu mitii?
Abbaan Biyyaa gaafatamni hoogganummaa akkamiinii fi sirna kam keessa dabree ulaagaa akkamfaa guuttatee akka namatti kennamu sina Dhaabaa osoo beekuu dargaggoon Oromoo hangi tokko maatii isaanii biraa bahanii qabsootti waanuma dhufaniif fi barnoota idilee hanga tokko waan barataniif qofa hoogganni Dhaabaa ba’aa gaafatamummaa hoogganummaa qabsoo isa irra jiru itti dabarfachuu akka waan danda’uutti haasawuun dhuguma guddina qabsoo fi jabina Dhaabaaf yaaduu irraa miti. Erga ani keessaa bahe ABOs tahe qabsoon Oromoo baddus jiraattus dhimma kiyyaa miti jechuu yoo tahe malee waan hundi akka qabdi.
Walumaagalatti ofittummaan, ilaalchi gosummaa, bololli aangoo….kkf. Abbaan Biyyaa ittiin hoogganoota ABO kanneen ba’aa qabsoo itti mulqatee biraa deeme ittiin yakkuuf yaale waan Abbaa Biyyaa Roobaatiin himan malee waan hoogganoota ABO har’a illee jireenya isaanii qabsichaaf wareeguutti jiran kanaan himan miti. Kana miseensotaa fi deggertootni ABO waa’ee Dhaabaa fi hooggana Dhaaba isaanii hordofan tolchanii beeku. Hoogganootni ABO kanneen Abbaan Biyyaa ba’aa qabsoo itti mulqatee biraa gara jireenya dhuunfaa isaatti deeme yakki isaan ittiin gaafatamuu malan guddaan tokko Abbaa Biyyaa Roobaa gochaa farra tokkummaa Oromoo inni Dhaaba keessatti gaggeessaa tureef adabbii seeraa sadarkaa isaatiif malu akka itti adabamu gochuu hanqachuu qofa natti fakkaata. Dhugaan jiru kana.
Xumuruu kiyya dura OMN warra dubbii Abbaa Biyyaa kana qilleensa irra oolcheef yaadachiisni ani qabu olola maqa xureessii Abbaa Biyyaa Roobaa hoogganoota ABO irratti qaanii malee gaggeesse kan miidiyaa keessaniin dabarsitan kana ilaalchisee warra inni maqaa isaanii bifa kanaan xureessuu yaale irraas deebii isaan waan kana irratti qaban gaafattanii yoo miidiyaa kanaan ammuma osoo dubbiin hin qabbanaawin ummataaf hin dhiheessitan tahe isinis akkuma Abbaa Biyyaatti hoogganoota ABO maqaa xureessuuf akeeka qabaachuu keessantu dhugaa taha. Yaadachiisni lammaffaan ani isiniif qabu dubbiin bifa kanaan dhihaattu qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo jabeessuuf fi guyyaa Bilisummaa Oromoon dheebote dhiheessuu keessatti bu’aa maalii qabaata jettanii akka waan kanatti mirqaantan osoo Ummata maallaqa isaatiin isin jiraachisu kanaaf ifa gootaniis gaarii taha yaada jedhuu dha. Sababni isaa Oromoon OMN kan jaallatuu fi gargaaruuf adeemsa qabsoo Oromoo keessatti jabinoota mul’atan dhaadhessanii akka dhaloota amma lafaa ka’aa jiru onnachiisutti dhiheessuudhaan hojii qabsicha jabeessuu fi guyyaa bilisummaa dhiheessuuf qooda qabu hojjettu jedhee ti malee waan hamilee dhaloota ol adeemtuu cabsuu fi qabsoo fi siyaasa Oromoo irraa abdii kutachiisu akkasii (olola maqa-xureessii) kan namni qabsoo dhiisee jireenya ofii gaggeeffatu qabsaawota jireenya isaanii wareegaa jiran irratti oofu akka dhiheessitaniif natti hin fakkaatu.
Na hoofkalchaa !
Simboo Abbaa Danuu
Sep. 21, 2015

Qabsoon Oromoo eessa geesse?

Dur bara ijoollumaa inna warra saaniif hurraa bu’anii yk horii tiksanii yk dirree keessa taphataa oolanii manatt deebi’an ijoolleen olla toora tokko galanii mataa saanii dugda kan isaan fulduraatt irkisuun harkaan mudhii saa qabatanii deemuu eegalu. Kan duraa hoogganu qofatu waan halle arga.\ Jarri toora galan sun akkuma lafa ilaalanitt walfaana “Geenyee” jedhu. Kan fulduraa hogganu “Gawuu geenyee” jedha. Utuma akkasiin gaafataa, deebii “gawuu geenye” jedhu argataa deemanii, hoogganni “Geenye” jedha. Ol kahanii yoo laalan ganda gahaniiru. Waa abiddarra jira taanaan manni hin aara. Gorora coccobsaa gammachuun mana ofiitt arreedu. Karaa bu’aa bahiin itt baayyate irra haananii manii saanii gahuu caalaa kan gammachiisu hin turre.
Hanga yoonaa Oromoo qabsawoo ofiin jedhan mooraa lamatt hirree ilaalaa bane. Lamaanuu “geenyee?” jennen malee “Geenye” nuun jedhanii hin beekan. Tokko nu dhiisee bakka akeekkate gahee angoo nu bulchuuf dorgama jira; kaan karaan saa fagoo gufuun itt baayyatuu. Kan mooraa halagaatt gale, hirree halagaa gabbisuu irra darbee Oromoof bu’aa buuse hin qabu. Inni kaan haala dorgommeen hawaasa firaa fi diinaan marfamee, dhiibbaan karaa halleen itt tolfamuu keessaa caffatee bahuu dadhabee, jonjeen kan kahe bitaa fi mirga abaaraa jira. Oromoon dhugaa dhabee utuu hin tahin kan xiiqii qabu baafachuu dadhabe. Kanaaf Mooraa Walabummaa keessaa “Geenyee” utuuma jedhanii, “Gawuu geenye” jedhamaa, utuu hin gahin ganda itt galanitt ibdii suuqamaa jira. Gandichi gubannaan mooraan lachuu hin jiratuu, hundu boojuu fi deegaa taha. “Si sobu yaa marqaa si afuufuun si liqimsuufii” isa jedhan sana. Kan galtuu sossobatan hamma mooraan walabummaa jiruttii.
“Golli Mormituu” Itophiyaa kan jiraatte mooraan walabummaa jiraannaanii. Dadhabuun mooraa kanaa “mormituu” hin jabeessuu. Kanaaf jaarmoti maqaa Oromoon socha’an si’anaa humna riphaa saba Oromoo calaqqisuu hin dandahani. Mooraan walabummaa jabaannan, akka jabaatanii jala dhaabbataniif mormituun caalaa cimfamu. Sun dhiibbaa sochii malbulchaa Oromoo waliigalaa laaffisu qaba. Jaarmoti hundi akka malee dadhaboo waan tahaniif kaka’a ummataa tasa tahu hamaa irraa ittisuun haala ijaarameen gara injififannoott qajeelchuu hin dandahanii. Kanaaf abdii hunda isaanirra kaa’uurra gamnootii fi goototi Oromoo furmaata wayyaa tahu irratt mari’achuu qabu. Oromoo kan feesisu ayyaaneffata abba tokkootaa utuu hin ta’in dhaabaoota jaboo dha. Sochiin saanii, abba tokkoota booda hafu yk too’atamuu dandahaa, jedhanii gaafachuun barbaachisaa dhaa.
Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) dhaaba Republika Oromiyaa Demookaraatofte ijaaruuf kakatee walakkaa jaarraa dura hojiitt bobbaa eegale. Yerooma sana kanneen gaaffii Oromoof Itophiyaa demokraatofte keessatt deebii barbaadna jedhanii dhaabota saba hedduu Itophiyaatt duudanii turan. Jarri akkasii Oromoon seenaa of bulchaa hin qabu jedhanii holola hamajaajiin kan hiikkatanii. Of hin beekneen, seenaa ofbulchaa sooressa qabachuu Oromoo dagatti. Utuu hin qabaanneeyyuu sun halagaan moo’amuu hin raggaasisu. Kanatt kan amanan bilisummaaf lubbuu ofii dabarsanii ABO ijaaran. ABOn, eenyummaan Oromoo bu’uura eenyuu sochoosuu haa tahu roga dhabsiisuu hin dandeenye qabaachuu saa ifa baase. Kanaaf diinni Oromoo fi keettoliin duula walirraa hin citne irratt gaggeessaa jiraatan. Haa tahu malee sirna bosoosaa ummati balfe jijjiiruuf waan dhaabbateef mooraa walabummaa balleessuun hin dandahamne. Hogganootii Empayera Itophiyaa takkaa balleessuu malee tolchuu hin beekanii. Mootummaan empayerichaa jalqabumaa akeeka saamichaa fi fixiisa qacee ilmoo namaa irratt hundaawe. Sochiin bilisummaa Oromoo, keettoo jijjiiramaa fi nagaatii. Ilaalchaa fi hojiin jijjiirammi argamu malee, moofaa wal gargaarre suphina jechuun furmaata hin tahu. Erga qabame bulchooti Itophiyaa Oromoon beeku ofirroo fi ofittoo qofaa. Dudhaa dhalmaan itt darbaa dhufe jijjiirratanii ummata koloneeffatan walqixummaatt ilaaluu hin dandeenyee. Empayerii isaan ittiin dhadatan diigamee eenyummaa ofii isa dhugaatt deebi’uu malee filmaati biraa hin jiru. .
Kaayyoo walabummaa bakkaan gahuuf qabsoon tolfamu sabicha badiisa irraa baraaruu irratt kan akeekkate waan taheef itt bahaa deema malee hin coollibuu. Oromoon ilmoo namummaatt amanan yoo namaa gaditt ilaalamaa hafuu hin feene, akka ummataati leeyuu qabna kan jedhan abdii sanaan socho’uu qabu. Yoo qabsichi itt bahaa deeme qofa furmaati kan argamu. Nammi qayyabannoo gaalchaa hin qabne, hamaa, tolaa fakkaatee dhihaatu hundaaf qeeqa malee ililchaa harka rukuta. Madrak haa tahu OPDOn sirna jiru kabeebsuuf malee jijjiirama waaraa fiduuf hin uumamnee. Jijjirammii argamu malee naannaa sanaa beellii, dhukkubii, roorroo fi shororkaan hin badanii; mirgi ilmoo namaas Oromummaanis hin kabajamu.Sana kan fiduu dandahu wayyabaa fi cunqurfamaaf kan dhaabbate; sochii bilisummaa Oromoo irra sanatt kan gaalchu hin argamu. Demokraasiin gaaffii Oromoo deebisuu caalus hin jiru.
Malbulcheesitooti bilisummaa si’anaa ilaalcha Oromummaan gonfachiise dhiisanii kan roorrisaa akkeessaa jiru. Sunis tahitaa fi beekumsi gubbaa gad coccoba kan jedhu.Garuu wanti hin jirre coccobuu hin dandahu. Burjaajii yeroon uume jala dahatanii halagaatt hudduu gatachuun hiree Oromoo roga dhabsiisaa jiru. Ijoo laafaa ummataa tuttuquun bara baraan dadhabina ofii dagachiisaa bahanii. Qabsaawanii qabsoott hiriirsuu irra, sana kaayyoo godhatanii jiru. Hanga yoonaa lafa taakkuu tokko dhuunfanne kan jedhe hin agarre. Sana hin dandeenye taanaan maalifaan jireenya saanii bulee gaaffii jala akka galu hubachuun, jala jalaa luqqa’anii mooraa nyaaphatt yoo cehan mullatu. Lafa malee saba waanti jedhan jiraachuu hin dandahu. Bakki irra dhaabbatanii qabsawan illee rakkoo tahuuf adeemaa. Haa tahu malee dhalootaa dhalootatt dargaggoon Oromoo rakkina hanga yoonaa irra haanaa dhufaniiruu, hardhas abdiin jiran isaanumaa. Abbaa biyyumaa deeffachuu fi qajeeltuu Oromiyaa fiduuf hoggana baafachuun darabee saaniitii. Lubbuu, eenyummaa fi qabeenya ofiitii lafarraa haqamaa jiruu callisanii of irratt dhiisuu jechuun Oromummaa tuffachuu dha. Oromoo hundi miira galtummaa qaba jedhamee akka hin ciicatamne beekamuu qaba.
IItophiyaa keessatt Madrak funaansa jaarmota Itophistootaa kan tahe jaarmota Mormituu jedhaman keessaa guddicha tokko. OFK kan jedhamu miseensa saatii. Hoggana Olaanaa OFK keessaa tokko, Baqqalaa Garbaa akka dubbataa qabattee furtuutt OSAn afeeramee US dhufuun ni yaadatama. Nammi kun Oromummaa saaf hidhaamee guraarameera. Baras alaa manaa qara kan birmateef ummata Oromooti. Gidiraa fi faanfana mootummaan Itophiyaa Oromoo hidhaa keessa jiran irraan gahaa jiruuf raga bahuun Oromummaa saaf xiiqii qabu agarsiiseera. Haasaan saa inni hafe garuu ilaalcha malbulchaa Itopheessaa dhaabi saa fi hidhati saa ifaan hordofanii. Madrakooti waan wal hin fakkaanne lama, Empayera tursuu fi demokratessuu of duuba harkisaa deemu. Dandamata Ummatootaaf Wayyaanee irra waan itt wayyan dhiheessaa hin jirani; angoo mirga hiree murteeffannaa uumataa beekullee heera Itophiyaa keessa ni haqna jedhanii kakataa jiru. Kanneen malbulchaa basalgaa kanatt marsan irraas kallattii itt dhiddhiibamaa jiru heduun nama hin dhibu. Kaan saanii dhossaan haa tahu ifaan farreen bilisummaa Oromoof kan hojjetanii. Kan maalalchiisu, kanneenumti kaleessa “bilisummaa malee du’a” jedhaa turan lafaa ka’anii ililchuu dha. Tasa suukanniin dhuunfate moo, hanga yoonaa nama gowwoomsaa bahan jechuu dhaa? Gamni muuxannoo nama biraa irraayyuu hedduu barata; ilmi keenya kan ofiifuu giroo qaba hin fakkaatu. Fala qabso Oromummaa irratt gufata.
Qabsoo bala’amaamitii jechuun gabaabaatt gaaffii Oromoon walabummaaf qabu dhiisanii Heera Wayyaaneen buluu fudhachuu jechuu dha; furaa biraa hin qabu. Obbo Baqqalaan akka Heera sobaa Empayerichaatti aangoo dorgamuuf galmeeffamuun mirga saatii. Garuu gochi sun Oromoo saba walaba ofiinjiroo tahuun hafee, maxxannee Itophiyaa issan fakkeessa. Akka aadaa malbulchaa Itophiyaatt kan muudamee nagaan aangoo dabarsee akka hin beekne wallaala hin fakkaatu. Kan itt gale amanamaa tahee alaabaa inni qabatuuf ajjeesee du’uun dirqii seeraati. Oromoon hanga alaabaa koloneeffataa buqqisanii kan ofii bakka buufachuun abbaa biyyaa tahaniitt qabsoon saganteeffatan hin dacha’u. Ejjennoo kana utuu walitt hin bu’in kan Madrakiin attamitt walitti araarsuu? Oromoon nagaa jaallatu, garuu dudhaan Habashaa raajiin geeddarama jedhanii hin amanan. Kanaaf haalli qabsoon Oromoo keessatt deemaa jiruu fi kan kanneen kanaan dura nagaan qabsaawuun saanii himameef wal hin fakkaatuu. Mirgi jarri qabsawaniifii fi haalli seenaa fi lafquyii saanii kanaan walitt hin galu.
Kan dhugaatt nagaan qabsaawuu fedhu Heera Wayyaanee ala of godhee yaaluutu Gaandiin walfakkeessuu dandaha taha. Martiin Luter King biyya malbulchaan bilchaate keessatt qabsaawe. Akka Oromoo addattis biyya hin qabu, yoo Madrak Oromoon addatt biyya qabaachuu haale malee. Ifaajjeen Lutar King isa galaafatuu, ammallee fiixaan bahuuf hedduutu hafa. Seenaan Sochii Noolaa Amerikaa, Malkom X, Gichillooti Gurraachi (Black Panthers) fi murni adda addaa kan qabeessoo naga hin turre, akka keessaa qooda qaban irraanfatamuu hin qabu. Kanaaf maqaa qabsoo Oromoon jara kana dhahachuun qabsicha fuggisiisuu yoo hin taane alangaa Wayyaanee taasisuuf juujuu afeeruu dha. Obbo Baqqalaan tooftaa qabsoo nagaa Gaandiin walfakkaatu dhaheera. Gaandiin akka qabsaawaa Hindiitt malee akka miseensa Partii Mormituu Britaaniyaatt tooftichatt dhimma hin bane. Kanaaf dhaaba Oromoo walaba tahanii dhihaachuun diddaa jedhan gochuu yk waan isaan hin fakkaannett maqaa Oromoo kaasuu dhiisuu dha. Diinagdeen naannaa Finfinnee biyya Oromoo irra jira malee wayyabi kan Oromoo miti. Waa gabaa hin baasinaa jechuuf hangam milkaawaa? Ummati hafewoo ijaarameeraa? Kennati Parlamaa 2015 irraa waanti baratamu jiraa? Qabsoon nagaa ofirratt hirkachuun tolfamu qophii fi wareegammi gaafatu fi kan hidhannoon godhamuu wal caala jechuun gafa dhandhamatan qofa beekamaa. Dhuguma, mormituu tahuun ulfina dhabuu malee gatii gaafatu biraa hin qabu taha.
Qabsoo Oromoo irraa kan eegamu Empayera diiguu dha. Sun tahu malee carraan ummmatootii mirga hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu haa tahu, biyya ofii keessa Oromummaan jirraachuu hin yaadamu. Sana malees empayeraa jiru godinaan sun nagaa fi tasgabii hin argatu. Haalli nagaa fi tasgabii hin qabne gooltuu magarsa. Sun yoo hin taane hariiroon gufuu hin qabne saboota gidduu hin jiraatu. Oromoon nagaa naannaa fi araara buusuu irratt eenyu caalaayyuu kenna qaba. Kanaaf halagaa jala kurkuruu irra ofirratt amanuutu nama baasaa. Hamma mooraa diinaa keessa hin jirrett murnooti yaada ofii qabaatanii sagantaa gadjalla baafachuun waliinuu sosso’uu ni dandahu. Garuu hubannoo hariiroo Oromiyaa fi Itophiyaa gidduuf qaban qayyabachuuf irra deebi’anii keessa ofii qoru gaafata.
Bu’uura Oromoo utuu hin cimfatin kara karaa deemuun duuba Oromummaan bakka walitt deebi’antu dhibaa; amanamumma addaa qabaachuun, yaa’a keessa walitt bu’a hambisuunis rakkisaa ta’aa. Kaan kaayyoo halagaa malee kan ofii wareegamaniif hin qabanii. Kanneen akkasii dhaloota egeriif yaaduu dhabuu irra, sodaan nafxanyaas garaa keessaa hin badne. Hardha buluu fi bu’aa fi qananii ammaaf jedhanii kan humna qabutt galuu filatuu. Fakmishoon kun tuffatamaa fi salphinan jiraachuu saaf malee gaagaa hedduu hin qabu. Fakmishoon biraa, egeree fi birmadummaa saba ofiif jedhanii salphinaa fi tuffatamaan jiraachuu manna du’anii awwaalamuu wayya kaayyoo jedhu. Gaagaan saa ni baayyata; garuu kabajamaa fi boonsaa waan taheef dhaloota duuba dhufaniif fakkeenya taha.
Naannaa sanaa nagaa fi guddina dagaagsee, mirga ilmoo namaa kabajchiisuu, qaroomaa fi carraa banuu fi gooliin akka ol hin bane gochuutt sochii bilisummaa Oromoo caalaa dudhaas, fedhas kan qabu hin jiru. Ummati Oromoo itt roorrifamaa, salphaataa, tuffatamee namaa gaditt ilaalama jira. Haala kana jala barabaraan jiraataa jedhee kan abdatu Oromoo onnee hin qabnee fi halagaa ofittoo fi ofirroo dantaa ummatoota ofiif egereef giroo hin qabne qofa. Dargaggoon Oromoo isa durii sana akka hin taane lubbuu saanii kennuun agarsiisaa jiru. Irra marsaan koloneeffataa qaata cabe. Kun mataa dha. Inni bakka hallee danfaa jiru gaafa dhoohee hanga mirga fi kabaja isaaf tahu argatee biyya saa deebisee dhuunfatutt hin qabanaawuu. Hedduun isa rukuttaa jaarraa oliin hadodee ture sana malee sadarkaa abdi kutannaa irra gahee, jiraatus badus waan itt hirdhatu akka hin qabne murteeffachuu saa hin hubatatanii. Tuffii sabichaaf qabu yoo hin taane halagaan Oromoo lafa akaakilee saa irraa buqqisuuf mirga maalii qaba? Kana caalaa maal nagodha jedhee akka sodaatu halkanii fi guyyaa kan dorsisu? Kan ulfinni ilmoo namummaa itt hin dhagahamne, kan garbummaaf dhalate qofaatu salphina akkasii dandahee jiraataa.
Koloneeffataafi mataa gadi qabachuun akka homaa hin baafne Oromoon arganiiruu. Caalaa liqimfamaa, caalaa badaa fi itt roorifama jieratan malee mirgi Oromummaa kabajameefii hin beeku. Kan inni qorqee lafeett isaan baase irra, si’ana kan ilkaan caalaa qara qabuu fi lafee qurxumsutt gurgarataa jira. Oromoon akka sochii jalqabanitt silaa hirreen saanii cimee, kan dhufu hunda qolachuu kan dandeesisu qabachuu fi kan saba saanii dhumiisarraa oolchan tahuutu irra ture. Garuu mamii fi daddaaqina hogganoota saaniin laasha’aa jiru. Jarri galaanaa isaan gangalchu kobbacha malee wanti qabatan akka hin jirrett fudhataniiru. Kanaaf ofirratt hirkachuu irra fayyisaa hokkoo itt hiixatu barbaacha ija facaasuu. Amma egaa waldayaa irra gahameera. Wal fudhatanii baduu dura ifaan huubaa fi callaa gargar baafachuu dha. Kan fedha ummataa waliin deemuu hin dandeenye humna danfaa jiruu duraa maquu dha. Oromoon malbulcheessota guriri’aa oolaniin madaalamuu hin qabu
Garadabarsituun mootummoota anga’oo addunyaan sossodaachisuu feetii. Isaan akkuma Oromoo dantaa ofii kabachiifachuu malee Oromoo waan addatt faanfananiif hinqabani. Hankaaksitooti qabsoo bilisumma “kunoo Oromoof filmaata biraa argachoo” jedhu! Filmaati saanii kan Oromummaa ajjeesuu, kan nammi Oromoo akka abbatokkee afaan, aadaa fi jireenya dhahatu hin qabneett malee akka miseensa saba of dandaheett hin jiraanne kan godhu. Jarri kun kutannoo fi dudhama dargaggoon Oromoo walabummaaf qabdu hin qayyabanne. Asii fi achi isaan harkisanii of irraanfachiisuuf dhama’uu. Sadarkaa hardha gahame gahuuf gootota hedduutu wareegame, qabeenya hamma hin qabnetu barbadaawee; ol adeemaa meeqatu karaatt hafee. Ammas haalli jiru caalaatt yaaddessaa dha. Akki qabsaawotii fi hogganooti hawaasa Oromoo itt of qabaa jiran garuu yaaddoo sana hin calaqqisuu. Yeroo lafa saa, hiddi handhuuraa fi du’aan saa itt awwaalame; ollaa waliin aadaa fi afaan saa itt guddifatu; irra qotee nyaatu; Waaqaa fi lafa itt araarfatu; wayyabummaan abbaa tahuu saa itt mirkaneeffatu iraa buqifamee joortuutt jijjiiramu, iyyanii iyya walitt dabarsuun birmataa wal birmachiisu jedhamutt, koloneeffataan kan jedhu fudhannee waliin haa jiraannuun jechuun “nuu fi isinii” malee” nu” akka waliin jennu taha hin jirru. Jara akkasiin hin morminaa jechuunis hankaasitummaaan alatt hin laalamu.
Xumuruuf, Oromoon itt gala murteeffatan qabu; gaaffiin waliif qaban kan fageenyaaf yerooti. Fira fakkaatanii itt gala saanii irraa kan maqsuu barbaadan hedduu dhaa. “Geenye” kan jedhuun hanga argatanitt “Geenyee” jedhanii gaafachuu hin dhaabanii. Mudaan sochii Oromoo si’anaa rakkina nammi uumeen kan dhufanii. Kaasaa dhugaa utuu hin tahin kan dhaban, jaarmaa cimaa; namoota ramaddii saaniin wal gitan ; dabbballee hin daddaaqne kaayyoo saba saaniitt cichan; namoota sirna abbaa hirrumaa halagaa leellisan utuu hin tahin demokraasii Gadaa qayyabatan fa’ii. Ilaa fi ilaameetu dhibe. Afaan wal eeguu, hiriyaan wal amanuu dhabuutu heddummaate. wallaaluma, Ofirrummaa fi ofittumaatu ija baase. Murna bubbucuu irratt hirkachuun wayyabatu moggeefame. Gareef amanamuutu Oromummaa caalaa afarsamee. Shira diinaa fi dhimmama firaa addaan baafachuuf dandeettii dhibe. Beekumsaa fi muxannoo irraa qoolifatame. Qaroo tarkaanfatoo heddumminaan qabsoo walabummaaf sochoosuun silaa amma. Oromoon ariitiin dhaaba cimfatanii dabballee kutaatoo fi of kennoo heeran bulan baafatan malee, balaa guddaatu irra marsaa jira. Kaayyoon ofii altokko karaa irraa ceenaan, qabsoon bakkatt deebisuu salphaa hin tahu. Dhaaboti hundi qaaqaawwoo fi laasha’oo dha. Kanaaf furmaati jiru, dammaqanii akka hamaan itt hin fufne faloo bahachuu dha. Dardara Oromummaan gara manii tokkoott fuulleffataniif, booree dha, imaltuun gara bilisummaatt jalqaban hin dhaabbatu.
Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Ibsaa Guutama
Fulbana 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

On Oromo unity and Division

unityanddivisionConversation creates a drive for learning. For that matter, I have learned a lot from those who always write insulting words as well as from those who suggest genuine solutions to our political predicament. This is to say that people with diverse opinions and behaviors have given me a chance to understand why we look divided and weak. To clarify the misconception revolving around this issue, the proper question that we need to ask ourselves will be, “are we really divided along ideological lines or we are ineffective”?.
Firstly, I am one of the majority Oromians who believe that we the Oromians can restore our dignity only if we increase our military capabilities. In other words, if we don’t shed blood, we cannot have an equal relationship with the Abyssinians.
Even those Oromians who have attempted to use the TPLF legal framework and contribute what they can to our freedom never contrasted our nation’s demand to govern themselves. Facts attest this reality when the Madrek party and the majority OPDO members supported the Oromo students protest regarding landownership and development matters. When we look at such strong collaboration effort among the Oromians, we clearly understand that, though we look as if we peruse different ideological avenues, we are looking for the same result notwithstanding of the various political avenues we use. That makes us one great family. We are sons and daughters of Oromia and we are members of one great institution, the Gadaa system. We speak one language, afaan Oromo and our hopes and aspiration lies in our goodness and love for peace. When we speak of Oromo freedom, we are talking about a better world for everyone. Fact on the ground shows that when the Oromo people are free to harness their natural resources, they are helping other minority groups of empire Ethiopia to exercise their cultures, build their economies and also become democratic societies. The idea behind ” FREE OROMIYAA” is the process of every individual right to landownership. In no case did the OLF or other Oromo political organizations said that the government of free Oromia will automatically own land and what lies on or underneath privately or publicly owned lands. In short, the idea behind free Oromiyaa is our way of saying that we are not interested in grabbing other nations and nationalities resources and dominate them like the Abyssinians have been doing. If Oromiyaa is free, other nations and nationalities of the empire will gain revenues by taxing the incomes of land owners and of the companies that help them extract their land’s resources.
Comparing this clear ideology to Minilik, Hailesilase, Darg, TPLF and Save Ethiopia groups governing polices, we see huge differences. These groups actions and aspirations has always been to crush any idea that has a hint of freedom in it. Since Minilik’s breast cutting practice took place in Walayita, Oromia and Janjaroo kingdoms, we live under the irresistible power of our conquerors, scattered, examined or killed, and we could only sigh out our lost hopes here and there. Being cut off from each other and being given new labels known as Shawaa, Wallagaa, Baalee, Iluu abbaa Booraa, Jimmaa, Gujii and Boorana, we speak at different times from different places even when we all are being driven from our lands by the Tigre mobs who are now building empire of corporations with the money they are borrowing in the name of the Ethiopian empire they are ruling. Thanks to the European guns, the Tigreans are building best city known as Maqalee with best universities. In addition, they have established spying organizations and military institutions capable of keeping the Tigreans in power for the coming 100 years.
All these being said, I can point out few factors that may be a reason for our ineffectiveness within the limits of knowledge I have. The major reason for our lack of effectiveness is the SUB STANDARD behavior we came to adopt since the era of imported religious expansion, feudalism and communism.
Though many may disagree with my assertion here, one of the frighting paradoxical prospective that our people use to marginalize each other with is religion. Since the emergence of foreign ideologies in Oromia, our people’s relation has been poisoned as feudalism and capitalism fueled corruption and authoritarianism. Similarly, though communism has great vision for human equality, it fall short when it comes to allowing native and progressive values to develop. For example, by uprooting the Oromo Safuu values, it promoted the Bafkattee attitudes that few addaggees/lampoon use to promote themselves to public stage. That for sure, reversed Oromummaa by directly replacing it with lawlessness, envy and jealousy culture from which our era tribalist few suffer from.
When it comes to organizational matters, the fundamental issue that gave rise to our ineffectiveness is finger pointing, not admitting mistakes, denying reality, procrastination and acting knowledgeable about everything when in fact one can not know everything. These attitudes created a confusion responsible for the rotation of unproductive tasks around which our enemy made us to orbit. In the process, taking first step against our enemy was lost. What is interesting is that a relatively small group created a political environment where killing an idea seem to be a norm. Hence, this dubious theory that the Oromians are divided along ideological line is false.
What is true however is that others have continued building their institutions and even gathered some of our confused ones around themselves, shaped them and used them for their political purposes and objective ends. For example, changing an Oromo name into Amharic by using the Orthodox church doctrine has been and still is a legal frameworks of empire Ethiopia political process that were originally established for colonial exploitation reasons. These legal framework is still in place today being camouflaged as religiosity. This means, the Oromo, as an individual or as communities own no name of their own, no land for burial of their dead, they own no rights to minerals, to timber, water, or other resources since all these things belong to the ruling Habasha groups. So far, whoever controls governmental power retains the privilege of controlling language, culture and the profits from resource extraction by granting licenses and concessions to foreign private firms. Thus, locals have little say in contract negotiations and rarely see any of these profits. To further complicate matters, only few afaan Oromo speaking migrants are recognized as the representatives of the Oromo people and used to make it easier for the rulers to detach people from their identity, from their lands and extract natural and human resources.
Generally speaking however, the Oromo people are united when it comes to fighting for the return of their dignity and to exercise their language, culture and to build collective self-defense army. This efforts have provoked growing alarm in the minds of the Habasha racist groups. Regardless of what any opposition says or does about this, the Oromians will use their limitless potential to build the future they want. The colonizing forces of Oromia may have believed that the Oromo people have been already assimilated to the Habasha identity not knowing that only very small number of people being drifted into worthless identity crisis sea. Even these negligible group of people are still struggling to find ways to come back to their true selves and that is what we see today across Wallo and Gojaam.
As to accepting changes, the Oromians welcome some changes for that things have always changed throughout human history. We see change in nature whether we like them or not. For example, there are changes in our lives which are sudden, such as the unexpected death of those whom we respect and love. Other changes are the ones that take place subtly and slowly. Now, when we debate on whether or not a change may have taken place for us within these past 25 years under the Tigreans occupation, some people may believe that there are monumental changes while others argue saying things have gone worse for us. Since we are a living witness of the changes that took place in Oromia, we can talk about the changes we see day by day in Oromia. But debating on such things is not ideological division. Rather it is an argument about where we were and where we are now. The lives of all Oromians, of course, went through so many alterations. Our people grieved whenever their kids are shot dead everywhere and those who are languishing in Tigreans colonial prisons and jails suffer from physical and physiological pains. So, the difference in our debate is only in the details not in an ideology. True, we get frustrated by lack of accomplishment because we know that time never stands still but it steadily march on, and with the marching comes the changes we don’t want.
When all is said and done however, we realize that we have the spirit of love and respect for those great men and women who instilled in all of us a pride that all humans have to have and the pivotal experiences that we have had as a free human beings. The spirit of being free, the dreams and wishes that we all talk about every day are commonly shared by all Oromians. We all have fond childhood memories of what it means to be an Oromo. Out of all the episodes that comes alive in our imaginations is a sacred record of Oromummaa, which is the foundation of our namummaa. Hence, let’s not confuse debate with ideology.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Bulchiinsii Wayyaanee Godina Lixa Shaggar Magaalaa Ambootti Argamu Manneen Jiraattoota Magaalota Godinichaa Kaffaltii Tokko Malee Jiraattota Humnaan Buqisuun Diiguuf Murteesse.

Fulbaana 15,2015 Gabaasa Qeerroo Magaalaa Amboo

Asko_AREA_May022014Fulbaana 15,2015 Bulchiinsii Wayyaanee Godina Lixa Shaggar Magaalaa Ambootti argamu Qajeelfama aangawoota wayyaanee EPRDF irra dabarfameefiitti Fayyadamuun Manneen jiraattoota Magaalota Godinichaa kanfaltii tokko malee diiguuf murtii dabarse.
Diigumsii manneen magaalaa Oromiyaa keessatti gaggeeffamaa ture, Godina lixa Shaggar Magaalaa Ambootti diddaa uummataan sodaatamaa kan ture, bifa haaraan mootummaan wayyaanee sadarkaa naannoo Oromiyaatti humnaan akka diigamuuf murtii irra erga ga’ee booda karaa bulchiinsa godinaatin murtiin kunis akka uummata irratti dabarfamu ta’ee jira, uummatni Oromoo magaalaa Amboo fi Aanota Godinichaa wareegamaa barbaachisu kanfalla malee manni galmaa fi humna keenyaaf qabeenya keenyaan ijaarrannee murtii bulchiinsa shororkeessa Wayyaaneen hin diigamu jechuun mormii sirna wayyaaneef qabu argisiisuufii fi qe’ee isaa irrattii tarkaanfii of irraa ittisuu fudhachuuf akka jiru ifa gochaa jira.
Haalli diigumsa manneen jireenyaa ummata magaalaa kun kanfaltii tokko malee Oromiyaa keessattuu godinaalee dhiha Oromiyaa kanneen akka Neqemtee, Gimbii, Kibba Lixa Shaggar Walisoo, Jimmaa fi Mattuu,keessatti adeemsifamaa jiraachuun walqabatee uummaatni sadarkaa dahoo dhabee jiruuf jireenyaan dararamuu irra ga’aa jiraachuun ibsamera. Bulchiinsi Mootummaa wayyaanee kaartaa plaanii hin qabdan maqaa jedhu akka sababaatti kaasuun uummata waggaa dheeraa qe’ee isaa irraa jiraachaa turee fi qaala’insa jireenyan dararama jiru irratti mana galmaa isaanii diiguun jibbinsaa, roorroo fi ilaalcha mootummaan gorboomsaa fi abbaan irree wayyaanee Oromoof qabu kan calaqqisiisuudha waan ta’eef uummatni Oromoo wareegama qaalii fedhe kanfaluun diddaan dura dhaabbachuu qaba jechuun Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo dhaamsa dabarsee jira.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Keessatti Hidhattootni Wayyaanee 10 Ol Ta’an WBOn Haleelamanii Hojiin Ala Ta’an

sbo_wboAbdii fi Gaachanni Ummata Oromoo WBOn Godinoota Oromiyaa adda addaa keessatti tarkaanfilee boonsaa loltoota, hidhattootaa fi basaasota wayyaanee gufuu QBO ta’an irratti fudhatu jabeessee kan itti fufee jiru oggaa ta’u, haaluma kanaan WBOn Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Baalee keessa sossohu tibbana hidhattoota wayyaanee humna faxinoo jedhaman haleeluun 10 ol hojiin ala gochuun meeshaalee adda addaa irraa booji’uu oduun tarkaanfii waraanaa SBO dhaqqabe ifa godhee jira.
Haaluma kanaan WBOn Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Baalee keessa sossohu Fulbaana 07,2015 Ona Sawweenaa bakka ganda Hoofii jedhamu keessatti ganama keessaa sa’aa 10:00 hanga 10:20 giddduutti hidhattoota wayyaanee maqaa faxinoo jedhuun ijaaramanii socho’uun WBO sakatta’uu fi bobbaa isaa danquuf sochii irra turan haxiidhaan haleelee 4 yeroo irraa ajjeesu, 6 ol ammoo akka hamaatti madeessee jira. Hidhattootni wayyaanee garii tarkaanfii kana jala dhaabbachuu dadhabuudhaan tokko tokkoon faffaca’anii akka baqatanis ibsameera.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo tarkaanfii kanaan qawwee AKM 4 hidhannoo guutuu waliin, rasaasa AKM 400, Boombii harkaa F1, 12, boorsaa waraanaa 5 fi mi’oota gara garaa biroo diina irraa booji’uun dantaa QBOf akka ooches gabaafameera.
Tarkaanfiin diinaa fi ergamtoota diinaa kanneen gufuu QBO ta’an irratti fudhatamu jabaatee kan itti fufu ta’uus WBOn Godina Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Baalee keessa sossohu hubachiisee jira.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Baalee keessa sossohu Adoolessa 08 fi 09,2015 Ona Eelkarree baka Eel-Dhoor jedhamuu fi onuma kana bakka Halloo Dheertuu jedhamutti tarkaanfii waraana wayyaanee irratti fudhateen 30 ol du’aa fi madoo taasisuun meeshaalee waraanaa fi mi’oota adda addaa booji’uu isaa gabaasuun keenya kan yaadatamuu dha.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Duula hidhaa fi master planii Finfinnee

Mootummaan abbaa irree wayyaanee maaster  pilaanii  Finfinnee bara haaraa Habashootaatti hojiirran olcha jedhee dhaadataa jiruun dura Barattoota Oromoo ummata  narratti  kakaasuuf  jiran jedhee shakku    hidhaattii naqaa jira.
hidhaaMaaster pilaanii Finfinnee Oromiyaa cicciruu fi ummata Oromoo qe’ee isaa irraa buqqaasuuf mootummaa wayyaaneen karoorfame bara haaraa Habashootatti hojii irra akka olfamu sirnichaan dhaadatamuun wal qabatee mormiin ummata Oromoo irraa yeroo lammaffaaf akka ka’aa jiru bal’inaan mul’achaa wayta jiru kanatti, mootummichi sabboontota Oromoo ummataa fi barattoota qindeessanii na irratti kakaasaa jiru kan jedhuun hidhaattii naqaa akka jiru maddeen SBO mirkaneessaniiru.
Akka maddeen SBO ifa godhanitti, bara haaraa Habashootaatti maastar pilaaniin magaalaa Finfinnee hojii irra olfamuun dura, mootummaan abbaa irree wayyaanee Oromiyaa bakkoota adda addaatii ilmaan Oromoo ummataa fi Qeerroo dargaggoota barattoota Oromoo narratti kakaasuu dandahan jedhee shakku isin hojii ABO fudhattanii jeequmsaaf deemaa jirtu jechuun dharaan yakkee hidhaatti  guuruu eegaleera.
Akka kanaan barattooti Oromoo 9 ol tahan Ona Horroo Jimmaa Gannatii, magaalaa Amboo fi magaalaa Finfinnee naannoo Sabbataa irraa maqaa isin ABO waliin taatanii ummata nurratti kakaasuun akeeka maaster pilaanii Finfinnee jeequmsaan fashalsuuf jirtu ittiin jechuun hidhaatti darbanii dararaa akka jiranii dha maddeen keenya kan ifa godhan.
Haaluma kanaan Ona Horroo Jimmaa Gannatii irraa Fulbaana 03,2015 barattooti Oromoo shan Nugusee Biraanuu, Iyyaasuu Tashoomaa, Miimmii Guddataa, Namee Dhadhaloo fi Garramuu Fayyeeraa jedhaman waajjira poolisii Onichaatti, magaalaa Amboo irraa barattooti Oromoo Tarreessaa Nagarii fi Firoomsaa jedhaman gaafa Fulbaana 05,2015 waajjira poolisii magaalaa Ambootti akkasumas magaalaa Finfinnee naannoo Sabbataa irraa barattooti Oromoo Taayyee Harqinaa fi Mangistuu Sarbeessaa jedhaman Fulbaana 08,2015 mana hidhaa magaalaa Finfinnee “Sostanyaa poolis Xaabiyaa” jedhamutti hidhamuun kanneen dararamaa jiran keessatti akka argaman beekameera.
Duula hidhaa kanas Oromiyaa bakkoota gara garaatti jabeessee itti fufuun maaster pilaanii Oromiyaa bakka adda addaatti kukutuu fi Oromoo lafa dhable taasisee aadaa, seenaa fi eenyummaa isaa dhabamsiisuuf akeekkate kana sirnichi humnaan hojii irra oolfachuuf dhaadatus, ummatni Oromoo akkuma bara 2014 dirreetti bahee biyyaa fi mirga isaaf wareegama baasee fashalse, ammas diddaa isaa jabinaan itti kan fufuu fi dura dhaabbatu ta’uu sabboontotni Oromoo hubachiisaniiru. Wareegama baafametti firii gochuuf ummatni Oromoo biyya abbaa isaa fi mirga isaa waliigalaa harka isaatti galfachuuf diddaa Master Pilaanii Finfinnee hojii irra oolfamuuf dhadatamaa jiru kana dura keessaa fi alaan gamtaan akka dhaabbatu Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo yaamicha lammummaa ummata Oromoof dabarsuunis kan yaadatamuu dha.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Bahaa Tarkaanfii Humna Qubattuu Diinaa Irratti Fudhateen Loltoota Wayyaanee 42 Ol Hojiin Ala Taasise

olaAjaji WBO Godina Bahaa akka beeksisetti Abdii fi Gaachanni Ummata Oromoo WBOn kan Godina Bahaa keessa sossohu Fulbaana 03 fi 6, 2015 gidduutti Bahaa fi Dhiha Harargee bakkoota adda addaa keessatti tarkaanfii waraana wayyaanee irratti fudhateen 20 yeroo ajjeesu, 22 ol ammoo madoo taasisuun konkolaataa waraanaa tokkos daaressee jira.
Haaluma kanaan Fulbaana 04, 2015 Dhiha Harargee Ona Gammachiis keessaa bakka Gola-Buubaa jedhamutti WBOn waraana wayyaanee kan konkolaataa waraanaan sossohaa ture haxiidhaan haleeluun 5 yeroo irraa ajjeesu, 3 ammoo madeessee jira. Konkolaataan loltootni wayyaanee ittiin socho’aa turan kun kan daareffame oggaa ta’u, waytuma kana qawween AK-47 jedhamu 4 diina irraa hiikkatameera.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Bahaa tarkaanfii isaa itti fufuun Fulbaana 06,2015ttis Baha Harargee Fadis Ona Miidhagaa keessaa bakka Dhagaa-Gaachanaa jedhamutti waraana wayyaanee hojii ummata gooluutti bobba’ee fi sochii WBO danquuf ramadame haleeluun loltoota 9 irraa ajjeesee, 12 ol madeessuun meeshaalee adda addaa diina irraa booji’uu Ajaji WBO Godina Bahaa dabalee beeksiseera.
Fulbaana 03,2015ttis Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO)n Dhiha Harargee Ona Hawwii Guddinaa bakka Sakattee jedhamutti waraana diinaa sakattaaf bobbaa irra ture irratti tarkaanfii haleellaa fudhateen 6 ajjeesuun, 7 ol ammoo madeessuu Ajaji WBO Godina Bahaa mirkaneessee jira. Lola kanaan qawween AK-47 3 fi meeshaaleen adda addaa booji’amuunis gabaafameera.
Walumaagalatti WBOn Godina Bahaa Fulbaana 03, 04 fi 06, 2015 Bahaa fi Lixa Harargee Onoota Gammachiis, Miidhagaa fi Hawwii Guddinaa keessatti tarkaanfii waraana diinaa irratti fudhateen loltoota 20 yeroo ajjeesu, 22 ol madeessuu, konkolaataa waraanaa tokko barbadeessuu fi qawwee AK-47 7 diina irraa booji’uun dantaa QBOf oolchuu Ajaji WBO Godina Bahaa beeksisee jira.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Oromo struggle will continue

By Yaadasaa Dafa
Yaadasa Dafaa
Yaadasa Dafaa
One cannot help wondering how such huge territories of Oromia with all its abundant wealth and natural endowments became (and continues to be) under the control and exploitation of the minority Abyssinian ethnic groups!!!!  Certainly at a face value, that should have never occurred, since Oromo Nation remain the most populous group in the region. But when one looks at the matter more closely, the causal factors appear to have an interwoven relations, particularly those three worst heinous methods utilized by the Abyssinian colonial regimes to remain in control of Oromia includes but not limited to:
  1. Fostering and promoting the Oromo people’s mental slavery,
  2. Attempting to eliminate all Oromo people’s resisting forces, organizations as well as individuals.
  3. Impoverishing the Oromo people,
-Fostering and promoting the Oromo people’s mental slavery,
The late invasion of Oromia by the Abyssinians not only created the occupations of the actual lands of Oromian vicinities, but also eroded and battered the inherited senses of Oromumma with all the courage, heroism and braveries of the people of Oromia replacing all with the entirely new, but artificial senses of belonging to the colonial Abyssinian/Ethiopian identity.  Here the Abyssinians crossed from occupation of the land to enslaving the hearts and minds of some of the young generations during the ruling of the Abyssinian/Ethiopian colonial dynasties of Emperor Menilik, Haile Silas, and Mengistu.  Throughout the administrative controls of those foreign reigns, the Oromo people of Oromia lost their belongings in some parts, and in all parts of Oromia, they were thought how to become the better servants for these alien conquerors.  Their loyalties to Abyssinian invaders were measured by how fast they forget their own language, religion, history, ancestral pride of bravery, but become purely subdued subjects and tenants speaking the pure imposed Abyssinian language, adoring the colonial Abyssinian cultural legacy and traditions. On the other hand, brands of self-centered, and naive Oromo individuals began to appear in all domains of the Oromo peoples’ life.  Thus throughout the formation of the entire Oromo people’s civil, religious and political organizations at all times, the cohorts of these new defeatists Oromos emerged singing all the politically correct languages amazingly fitting to the orientations of the occasions : both political, or religious persuasions.  These Oromo sellouts do speak afaan Oromo, and swear in accordance with the Oromo traditions on surface. But they speedily disregard their own rhetoric and digress back to serving the purposes of their masters directly or indirectly.  Undoubtedly they do succeed without much effort to disillusion the people of Oromia by appearing to be the advocate for the cause of the Oromo people’s language, and culture.  But deep down in their hearts and actions, they have already embedded the pedagogy of the oppressors into their own personal value system and remain loyal to the Abyssinian Colonial dynasty by disenfranchising the Oromo people by utilizing whatever means available to them. This remain the central structural conundrum and challenge facing the progress of the genuine Oromo quest for freedom at all times.  Hence, the committed Oromoo freedom enthusiasts and Leaders frequently waste considerable time and energy to extinguish the fires these defeatists create so as to strangle the normal flow of the Oromo struggle.
As we were growing up within my own generation, just a sizeable of Oromo number of us started claiming to speak the better and improved Amharic, and dance better to the Kebero beatings and iskistas.  The differences between the academic success and the process of fitting to the “brain washed” pot simultaneously, while becoming a strangers to our own people by speaking to them with the imposed and enforced colonial language, and culture became entwined and heavily twisted in our minds.  Therefore some of us were even claiming to be the better suited Ethiopians than the Abyssinians themselves. Such unconscious/conscious spirits of betrays and disloyalty to our own Oromo heritage continued for more than a century.   It became the accepted dogma not to appraise our own authentic journey of our mental slavery. Thus in order to avoid being labelled the “narrow” (Xebbaab) some of us chose to hear no evil, and see no evil.  Meanwhile we continued the venue of vigorously and forcefully resisting the notions of reflecting back on the events that led us to alter our natural bondage from the respected Oromo heritage for the invaders’ of Oromia.  This un-chartered journey of our capitulations appeared to be a successful to the invading conquerors Abyssinians of those days. But such jubilee proved to be a short lived victory. As the colonial system that had such a sweeping and devastating effect on my generation, also had an adverse power to push the visionary and dedicated Oromoo Nationalists to launch the fundamental corrective action of reclaiming Orommumma.
Even if it is not the focus of this article to elaborate much on what/when and how the reclaiming of Orommumma started and progressing, it is quite adequate to be aware of the real connection between the three scenarios as stated above cementing the possibility for the colonial Abyssinians to maintain tight hegemony over Oromia.
In the comprehensive National struggle, defeating the mental slavery is non-negotiable fact.  Therefore, it is a precondition and absolutely required element to grasp all the constituencies of the mental slavery by waging the purposeful inquisition so as to complete the freedom journey that our people embarked upon since its invasion.  Even if it continues to be under relentless attack, the people of Oromo did manage to speak, and write with/in afaan Oromo.  This achievement is/was not a gift from the Ethiopian regime, but a long fought battle with all its documented historical events and appropriately designed outcomes by all the Oromo pioneers and OLF. Therefore, when some young Oromos with a natural curiosities start to ask me what progress did the Oromo struggle gained so far, first I start acknowledging their innocence of not knowing where we had been and where we are now in references to being proud of our heritage. I often start with the positive and roll them back telling them my personal experiences as an Oromo school boy.  At the end, I usually conclude with assurances that the struggle of the Oromo Nation will continue as far as the injustice are continued to be perpetuated on people of Oromia. As for the grown-ups, even at this age in Oromo struggle for its freedom, some individuals may not be conscious enough to know how their mental slavery is forcing them to remain loyal to the adversaries of the Oromo people’s freedom.  One of the basic strategies of the anti-Oromo Nation’s freedom is disenfranchising and alienating the struggle of the Nation of Oromia by creating and magnifying differences among the Oromo people. So as to achieve this sinister goal, often geographical, political, as well as religious differences among the Oromos are overblown and exaggerated to the point that the aliens do take the position to be the alternative associates and colleagues than mending the negligible discrepancies that exists among ourselves.  The natural and beloved Gadaa heritage of Oromo dictates those differences among the Oromos to be solved through discussion governed by ‘ilaaf ilaamee”.  But this distinctive Oromo national value is frequently overrun and choked by the imposed colonial values that glorifies hate, and being suspicious of each other.  As the Ethiopian saying goes (“siraan kemeftaat, ye injeeraa lijeen laffataat”) purely testifies and affirms the imposed colonial core values that dictated all the re-conciliatory proceedings that are/were undertaken by differing Oromo groups at every corner. Each differing Oromo team are/did fail miserably to realize the extents of their mental dependency on the alien core values.  Luckily, his trend often upheld by my generation as we grew up by soaking up and absorbing all the non-Oromo colonial values.  As for the Qubee generation, they are free of such influences and they need to take this as a learning moment so as to build their cohesive Oromo people’s unity for advancing the imperative journey towards winning the final war for freedom.
Attempting to eliminate all Oromo people’s resisting forces, organizations as well as individuals.
All the Abyssinian ruling dynasties: Tewdros, Yohannes, Menilik , Zewditu, Haile Selassie, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Meles Zenaw, and  Haile Mariam Desalegn, all share the maintaining acts of torrential barbaric violence on the Oromo people during their respective administrative eras extensively. During Haile Silassie’s colonial administration, he used all the colonial tactics including the Formal Education with the Abyssinian language as the legal means of pedagogy, and mass Medias. The cultures and traditions of the Oromo people were purposely and systematically devalued and degraded.  The process of the brain washing all the younger Oromo generation reached its highest peak.  The following are recorded major events by as committed by the Haile Silas regime 1930 -1963, even if Haile Sellassie’s regime ended in 1974.  
Events in Oromo History During the Reign of Haile Selassie
1930Tafari Makonnen, throne name Haile Sellassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of God and Emperor of Ethiopia, succeeded Zawditu to the throne.
1930A large government force, led by the war minister, Mulugeta, arrived in Yejju and Rayya regions. The Oromo fighters put up stiff resistance. The Oromo resistance was finally put down, although temporarily, mainly by the use of airplanes. It was the first time airplanes were ever used in a war in the Empire.
1931The first constitution of Ethiopia was introduced. In this document the term “Abyssinia” was dropped in favor of “Ethiopia,” thereby defining Abyssinians and all the colonized peoples as “Ethiopians.”
1933Jimma was fully incorporated into the Ethiopian Empire.
1933As the colonial government strengthened its grasp on Oromia and consolidated its power, the situation concerning land and property for Oromo worsened. In 1933 Haile Selassie passed a law decreeing that “… once a person was given to a naftanya he was not allowed to leave the land against the landlord’s will … “
1935League of Nations Report C.240, M.171, VII, p.41: “The inhabitants of the conquered country were registered in families by the Abyssinian chiefs, and to every family of Abyssinians settled in the country there is assigned one or more families of the conquered as gabbar. The gabbar family is obliged to support the Abyssinian family, it gives that family its own lands, builds and maintains, the huts in which it lives, cultivates the fields, grazes the cattle, and carries to every kind of work and performs all possible services for the Abyssinian family. All this is done without any remuneration, merely in token of the perpetual servitude resulting from the defeat sustained thirty years ago.”
1935/1936The Jimma Oromo rose up and attacked colonial officials and settlers, just prior to the Italian invasion. At the time of the Italian invasion, the Jimma population used the situation to their advantage and routed the naftanyas. This doesn’t mean they preferred the Italians as masters. In fact, at the time of the Italian invasion of 1936, the Sultan of Jimma, Abbaa Jobir, joined the other Oromo leaders in the region in the independence movement and the establishment of the Western Oromo Confederation.
1936-1941The Italian Fascist regime invaded the Ethiopian Empire in revenge for Italy’s defeat at the Battle of Adwa some 40 years earlier.
The Oromo resisted Italian occupation everywhere because they wanted freedom and naturally did not want to substitute one master for another.
A. Sbacchi, “Ethiopia Under Mussolini’s Fascism and Colonial Experience,” noted “The Oromo … gained more in the long run than the Amhara from the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, but were not always too cooperative and did not live up to Italian expectations.”
The Oromo language was used in courts and on radio for the first time. Even some literature appeared in the Oromo language. Haile Sellasie, upon his restoration by the British and against the wishes of the Oromo people, reversed all these positive developments.
1936Western Oromo leaders refused to send troops to take part in the battle against the Italians in the northern front. Thirty-three local leaders of western Oromia formed the “Western Oromo Confederation” under the leadership of Kumsa Moroda, alias Habte Mariam Moroda, and appealed to the League of Nations through the British Consul in Gore for recognition and membership. The request was ignored. During the same time, the British Government was requested to establish mandate over the “Western Oromo Confederation” until it achieved self-government. The British refused to give their support.
1935/1936Oromo of Rayya and Qobbo were fighting Haile Selassie’s army. At one point, on April 3, 1936 near Ashange Lake, they almost trapped Haile Selassie himself fleeing from the Italians. He never put his feet in this area again after that. During the same period, the Oromo guerrillas attacked the retreating Ethiopian army led by Ras Mulugeta and inflicted heavy casualties. They revenged his earlier (1930) aerial attack on them by killing his son; he himself narrowly escaped. One of the reasons for the attack was, the Ethiopian army on its way to the war had looted the property of the Oromo communities.
1941After the Italian defeat and expulsion, many Oromo communities opposed the restoration of Haile Selassie and gabbar (tenancy) system abolished by the Italians. The uprising of Oromo communities in Rayya, Shawa, Hararge, Jimma, etc, were a few centers of opposition.
The Oromo rebellion at Qobbo effectively cut off all communication between Addis Ababa and Asmara. The Oromo guerrillas in Rayya liberated a large area of the territory and gained control of it for several months.
The central and eastern Oromia leaders petitioned the British government for the establishment of an independent Oromia Republic. The request was denied and Haile Selassie was reinstated, which brought to an end for the time being, Oromo’s hope for immediate independence.
1943Somalis, under British and Italian colonial rule, organized themselves under the name “Somali Youth League (SYL)” or “Kulub” to struggle for their independence. When news of this organization reached the neighboring Oromo, Harari and Somalis of Hararge, they in turn began to secretly organize to seek liberation from Ethiopian rule.
1943The Oromo uprising in Rayya was temporarily suppressed with the assistance of the British Royal Air Force stationed in Aden. Many of the leaders of the Oromo movement were also implicated in the Woyane revolt in Tigray in 1943.
1945Oromo communities from Jaarso and Baabbile of eastern Oromia began armed struggle, following the creation of the Somali Youth League in British and Italian Somaliland. Within a short time, they liberated large areas in eastern Hararge, except for large towns like Harrar and Dire Dawa. The Ethiopian government reacted with unexpected violence, and killed many people, razed the countryside, destroyed mosques and other religious centers and property. The fighting subsided temporarily.
1945The Jile, pastoral Oromo communities, were evicted from their lands in the upper and middle Hawas (Awash) valley, around Qoqaa (present Qoqaa Dam) and Wanji. Their land was given to Handels Vereniging Amsterdam (HVA), a Dutch firm, with sugar plantations and processing. Those who survived the onslaught of the Ethiopian army among the Jile community of Karrayyu disintegrated and disappeared. The surviving Karrayyu communities moved further south and joined thier kin in the middle Hawas valley.
1946At a place called Waleenso near Bookee in Harbo province, Oromo nationalists in the surrounding area organized themselves and fought the colonial regime. The movement was a continuation of that of the previous year and was also in opposition to the restoration of tenancy that had been abolished by the Italians. Among the leaders were Mohammed Jilo and M. Jawwe, who had gained experience in the use of modern arms and fighting during the Italian occupation. The fighters laid down their arms only after they were assured they could continue to administer their area without the interference of the colonial administration.
1947The Somali Youth League (SYL) invited Oromo and other groups in Hararge to join them in the struggle against the three colonial powers in the region, British, Italians and Ethiopians, and to build one country together. For fear of unnecessarily aggravating Ethiopian authorities too early, the use of Oromo in the name of the organization was avoided and it was agreed to conduct the struggle under the SYL. But it was perhaps a mistake of historic significance that has plagued the Oromo national struggle up to this moment.
1948Oromo leaders in Hararge were able to smuggle in arms through Djibouti. Fighting started simultaneously in British Somaliland and Hararge. This created fear among the settlers. The government was able to suppress the movement after a lot of bloodshed, arrest and imprisonment. Following this event, SYL offices in Harar, Dire Dawa, Dadar, Ginnir, etc were closed down.
1947/1948The Rayya Oromo rose up in arms again. Again after they had liberated a large area of their land, the movement was stopped when the British Royal Air Force in Aden at the request of the Ethiopian regime, savagely bombed the Oromo guerrilla positions.
1950sA peasant revolt broke out in the Dawwe area. The continuous harassment and unwarranted confiscation of Oromo property by the settlers was the immediate cause of the revolt. The Oromo organized themselves into guerrilla forces and forced the colonial settlers and administrators out of the area. Soon the revolt spread and covered a wider area. The guerrilla defeated the government troops, who were sent to quell the revolt, several times and captured arms and ammunition. After several attempts to subdue them with a regular army failed, a detachment of the Imperial Body Guard with combat experience in Korea, led by one of Haile Selassie’s generals, in an act of barbarism massacred more than 700 of those who gave themselves up peacefully. Previously, one of the local leaders, Ali Dullatti, slipped out of the war area secretly and traveled to Addis Ababa to appeal to the Emperor, who agreed on amnesty to the fighters.
1955Alaqa Taye, an Abyssinian court historian, alleged that in the 14th and 15th centuries the Oromo migrated from Asia and Madagascar.
Haile Sellasie revised his constitution.
1956An Oromo scholar, Sheikh Bakri Saphalo, discovered a script for writing Oromiffa; the script gained popularity in some parts of eastern Oromia, before it was discovered by the Abyssinian colonial authorities and suppressed.
1956A radio program, called the Voice of Harar Oromo, broadcasted in the Oromo language from Egypt. The Oromo and few Adares behind this project (organized as Harar Oromo) came to Egypt after the crackdown on SYL in 1948 in Hararge.
1960sA few Oromo youth organized themselves, with the encouragement and financial support of some Oromo nationalists, into an Oromo cultural troupe called Afran Qallo, after the four major Oromo clans of the region, in Dire Dawa town. In addition to the regular show in Dire Dawa, the group traveled to other towns in the regions and staged musical shows and enjoyed tremendous popularity. The popular singer, Ali Birraa, was a member of this group.
Somali radio started a program in the Oromo language. At the time, there was no Oromo language program on Ethiopian radio. It was a new development and was very effective in educating the Oromo people about their own position and situation in the Empire.
1960Somalia became independent. Prior to this, members of Somali Youth League reorganized and opened an office in Mogadishu under the name of the Liberation Front for the Somali West (LFSW) or “Somali Galbed.” Its main objective was to regain ‘the lost territories of Somalia’ – referring to Hararge, Arsi, Baale and Sidamo – and annex them to Somalia.
1960A coup d’etat to topple the Haile Selassie Monarchy failed. Oromo officers (such as Taddasaa Biru, Jaagamaa Keello, Waqejira Serda, Dawit Abdi and Major Qadida Guremeysa) loyal to the Emperor were instrumental in failing the coup. And yet they were suspected of disloyalty and subjected to discrimination by the authorities. Such a policy not only angered Oromo officers, but also encouraged them to be involved in political activities.
Dec 1960The United Nations passed Resolution 1514 XV, which defined colonialism as “the subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation.” The establishment of the Ethiopian rule in Oromia and the subsequent all-out attempts at destroying Oromo culture, norms, values and beliefs and its replacement by that of Abyssinians has fitted the UN’s definition of “colonialism.”
1961The new Somali government opened an embassy in Cairo. Some of the embassy staff who had a long history of involvement with SYL and the creation of LFSW put a lot of pressure on the Oromo, including snatching passports, canceling scholarships, etc. to accept the LFSW. The Oromo refused to adopt a Somali identity.
24 Jan, 1963In the early 1960s several self-help associations mushroomed in the Empire. Among such self-help communities of the time were the Shawa Tuullama and Jibaat and Macha in Shawa. These two merged and formed the Macha-Tuullama Welfare Association (MTWA). MTWA was formed in accordance with Article 45 of his Imperial Majesty’s 1955 revised Constitution and Article 14, Number 505 of the Civil Code of the Ethiopian Empire as a civilian self-help association. Its logo, designed by Haile Mariam Gamada, was the Odaa (sycamore tree), the symbol of freedom and self-administration. Haile Mariam Gamada also coined the name of the Association.
Thanks, and no thanks to Haile Silassie’s colonial indoctrination process, the heroic Oromo scholars and dedicated leaders started to lay down their futuristic visions and persuasive agendas for reclaiming Orommumma, and total freedom of their Nation Oromia.
After Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown; in September 1974, a Military Committee (known as the Derg) was established from several divisions of the Ethiopian Armed forces. In December 1976, Mengistu signed a military assistance agreement with the Soviet Union after consolidating his power as the Derg leader. The following April 1977, Mengistu revoked its military assistance agreement with the United States and expelled the American military missions becoming the Soviet Union’s satellite regime.  All the previous Abyssinian policy of colonizing Oromia continued, and all Oromo genuine Nationalists were persecuted and harassed after being accused of “Narrow Nationalists”. According to the World’s the free encyclopedia, “Tadesse Birru (circa 1920 – March 19, 1975) was a Colonel General of the Ethiopian Imperial Army and an Oromo nationalist. Initially a strong proponent of Ethiopian unity, Tadesse eventually became an activist for the empowerment of the Oromo people in the 1960s. His advocacy turned into repeated attempts to overthrow the government through a coup and later through a military rebellion. He was eventually captured and executed by the Derg regime. He is the father of modern Oromo nationalism”.
Nothing new could be expected from the current Abyssinian regime even if the regime continue to swear in the name of Democracy after changing their satellite mission from Soviet Union (the current Russia) to USA. Often the changes of alliance with these superpowers is dictated not by principles, but their needs of soliciting arms, financial and food supports they can lobby and obtain by hiding their actual goals, which is to continue colonizing the Nation of Oromia. No actual motivation so far demonstrated by these colonial regimes of Ethiopia to pursue the self-sufficiency of all the country’s deficits, particularly   for utilizing the modern mechanized agricultural enterprises. No innovative leadership are substantiated even if the country has no shortage of natural fertile lands, minerals and properties. The other natural and abundant but neglected reserve is the Ethiopian Human resources which could have changed the whole predicaments. This should start with stepping out of the old colonial mentality of snatching others productions.  The Nations could be encouraged to be more productive if assured of owing their individual family productions.  But the only creativities of the Abyssinian colonial regime displays remains to be deceptions, corruptions, and conniving as opposed to interpreting the existing scientific advances to benefit the ever starving people. They appear to find ample times to beg as opposed to making the concerted effort of manipulating the nature scenically at the Higher Educational Institutions for Scientific researches, as well as establishing and maintain modern farming stations for agricultural engineering and … etc. It is a disgrace to hear/read that the establishments of the Ethiopian Space Observatory when the actual and proven need for the country remains to be food self-sufficiency. This is hallucinatory unrealistic venture as it is devoid of the tangible and concrete needs of the people!!!!!!!  Yes, it could generate the fame and fortune for the few, but not the wide citizens of the country.
Furthermore, voicing the citizens’ legal Rights in the all anti-democratic nations remains to be a crime punishable with sentences of death, or indefinite imprisonment in the torture chambers of the country, and no exception evidenced since the current colonial regime of Ethiopia is handed over the power from their colonial precursors. Practically, all the citizens including students were/are being targeted by the regime all over the country, and particularly the Educational institutions in Oromia are being besieged by the heavily hammering of Ethiopian federal police just for articulating the fundamental rights of the Oromo people.  Uncompromisingly, the Abyssinian colonial regime continues to respond rigidly by mass massacring, torturing, and imprisoning them indiscriminately.  But such barbaric action of the regime never ended the Oromo people’s quest for just and freedom, yet it energized them more to stand for their god given rights.
The violation of people’s basic right are considered to be less evil compared to other atrocious crimes perpetuated on the Oromo people now a days.  The disappearances and tortures of all political opponents are advertised as a political victory where no one in his right mind ventures to speak against the TPLF tugs terrorizing the whole Nation. In fact they claim to win 100% of the votes during the current the so-called election!!!! That only possible nowhere else, only in Ethiopia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such levels of intrigues, conspiracies and brutalities are not new for the Nation of Oromo.  During its conquest in late 18th century, the invading Abyssinian armies poured down the rains of terror on the mothers, elders and all people of Oromia.  All the Abyssinian emperors starting from Tewderos, and later Menilk thought they could extinguish all the Oromo resistances by disseminating vicious crimes on the Oromo people. But all the criminal perpetuators were proved to be dead wrong.  The resistances of the people of Oromo continues.
Impoverishing the Oromo people,
The present day strategy of the Abyssinian regime is not to employ the Oromo young graduates from the Colleges, simply putting their colonial language as the prerequisite criteria for employment at the Federal Ethiopian offices and development fields.  This just another cunning schemes of the Ethiopian colonial establishments.  It is very serious marginalization process against the people of Oromo utilized by the current Ethiopian regime even if they know well that there will be no Ethiopia without Oromia. But the very amazing political scenario is realizing the depth of today’s colonial Ethiopian regime’s arrogance/self-deceptions.  I really do not get how long it will take for colonial neighbors to realize that the Oromo Nation will not accept the current Master Plan that they try to shove down the throats of the Oromo people!!!!  The people of Oromia all over the world have unanimously rejected their desperate attempts to divide and sell parts of Oromia to their friends in the shallow name of investment.  It appears that they have willing and consciously have started another chapter for the invitations for the Oromo heroic resistances.   Well, the people of Oromo will have no choice, but responding to the colonial Abyssinians saying “bring it on”.
The Oromo struggle for just and freedom will continue, despite the past atrocities on the Nation of Oromia by the Abyssinian dynasties: Menilik from 1865 to 1909, Zewditu 190o to 1930, Haile Selassie from 1930 to 1974, Mengistu Haile Mariam from 1974 to 1991, Meles Zenaw from 1991 to 2012.  Haile Mariam Desalegn from 2012 to?  These waves of Abyssinian trespasses will never halt the Oromo struggle, but will galvanize, rejuvenate, and reinvigorate the Oromo people for the final destiny as it did before at every Abyssinian colonial maneuvers!!!!!
The Oromo people will be victorious!!!!!!
Yaadasaa Dafa.
September 5, 2015.
  • Melbaa, Gadaa, “Oromia: An Introduction to the History of the Oromo People,” Khartoum, Sudan, 1988.
  • Jalata, Asafa, “Oromo Nationalism and the Ethiopian Discourse: The Search for Freedom and Democracy,” The Red Sea Press, Inc, Lawrenceville, 1998.
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