Kefelegn Alemu Worku
October 8, 2013 (Denver Post) — The prosecutor in the trial of an Ethiopian accused of taking part in torture and murder during political upheaval in the African nation told jurors Monday that they will hear from some of those who witnessed his blood-thirsty reign at a prison there.
Kefelgn Alemu Worku is charged with coming into the United States illegally. Among the false statements he is accused of making in applying for naturalization is the answer “no” he gave to this question: “Have you ever persecuted (either directly or indirectly) any person because of race, religion, national origin … or political opinion?” Assistant U.S. Attorney Brenda Taylor said.
The stories of those who survived their time at “Higher 15,” the prison in Addis Ababa where he was a guard, will show that he lied, Taylor told jurors on Monday, the first day of Alemu Worku’s trial in U.S. District Court in Denver.
Matthew Golla, the defense attorney for Alemu Worku, also known as John Doe, said he doesn’t doubt that “wicked” things were done in the Ethiopian prison during the late 1970s, a period known as the Red Terror. Read more…
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