By Mekonen Elalla | October 6, 2013
Mekonen Elalla
The united nation international human right convention paragraph 9, 10, and 11 declare no citizen of any country shall be arrested without reasonable ground of conviction; and if he or she is indicted in any kind of charge or wrong doing, it states the right of the subject to be presented in front of a legitimate court in early possible time. The protocol also clearly illustrates that until the legitimate court sentences the subject as guilty, his or her right of innocence must be respected and maintained. The 1991 Ethiopian government constitution which is based itself on the international human right protocol has also declares this right in its chapter 17 paragraph 2 that no citizen of the country shall be arrested without a warrant issued from a legal court; and if this is done properly, his or her right to stand in face of a legal body to get a trial no later than sooner must be guaranteed. Ethiopia is not only among those countries that drafted and ratified the international human right convention, it is also one of the pioneer fifty-one countries who found the United Nation. Read more…
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