Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) & Other Prominent Opposition Political Groups and Civic Societies Held a Conference at European Parliament to Discuss the Deteriorating Political Landscape in Ethiopia

Conference Participants
On the 23rd of April 2015, a high-level conference, entitled “Cartoon Democracy – Authoritarian Rule and Elections in Ethiopia,” was held at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. The conference was organised by some members of the European Parliament from different parties and Member States, and UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization). The conference was unique in a sense that it was standing against the established mindsets and traditional working systems of politics in the Ethiopian Empire. It managed to assemble a diversified gathering that included various opposition leaders, journalists, international experts, politicians and human rights advocates. The conference was aimed at consulting and coordinating various voices on the ever-worsening political landscape in Ethiopia.
<em>U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman praised the Ethiopian ‘democracy,’ despite U.S. assessments of the oppressive Ethiopian government to the contrary [see speech of U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on April 16, 2015]</em>
U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman praised the Ethiopian ‘democracy,’ despite U.S. assessments of the oppressive Ethiopian government to the contrary [see speech of U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on April 16, 2015]
The conference was held a week after the U.S. official Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman praised Ethiopia as a democracy – suggesting Ethiopia made great strides toward an open and inclusive electoral process. Despite the U.S. official’s pre-election endorsement of the outcome of Ethiopia’s traditionally fraudulent National Election, on the other side the Atlantic Ocean, the Europeans are showing a firm stand against endorsing the sham and ceremonial election. The keynote speaker of the conference clearly indicated that assisting the authoritarian one-party rule might lead the country into a formidable civil conflict. The current prevalent inter- and intra-regional armed conflicts, popular uprisings, desperate repressive acts of the regime against civilians, rampant corruptions, mismanagement, famines, population growth, environmental degradation, displacements of peoples as a result of land grabbing, alarming expansions of pandemic diseases, government-instigated ethnic conflicts as an instrument of divide-and-rule, etc. are all indicative for Ethiopian regime’s authoritarian nature and lack of democracy in the country.
Conference Deliberating on Alternatives to the Current Authoritarian One-Party Rule in Ethiopia
Conference Deliberating on Alternatives to the Current Authoritarian One-Party Rule in Ethiopia
The political organisations, which participated on this conference, were the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) and the Patriotic Ginbot 7 Movement. From civic organizations, such us from Anywaa Survival, Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA), Reprieve, Oromia Support Group, Ogaden Youth and Women Association, African Rights Monitor and Create Trust, had participated at the conference. Individual activists, freelance journalists, and ex-member of the Ethiopian Parliament and the ex-Executive Member of the Oromo Federal Democratic Movement (OFDM) Dr. Getachew Jiggi also gave witness accounts of the pre-election, the election and the post-election processes in Ethiopia – taking the 2005 National Election as an example.
Dr. Getachew Jiggi, ex-member of the Ethiopian Parliament and the ex-Executive Member of the Oromo Federal Democratic Movement (OFDM), gave witness accounts of the pre-election, the election and the post-election processes in Ethiopia - taking the 2005 National Election as an example.
Dr. Getachew Jiggi, ex-member of the Ethiopian Parliament and the ex-Executive Member of the Oromo Federal Democratic Movement (OFDM), gave witness accounts of the pre-election, the election and the post-election processes in Ethiopia – taking the 2005 National Election as an example. Photo: @UNPOintl
As far as the Oromo issues were concerned, OLF was represented by Dr. Shigut Geleta, Head of the Diplomatic Division; Dr. Baro Keno’s presentation focused on the Addis Ababa Master Plan and the Land Grabbing issue in Oromia; Dr. Alemayehu Kumsa from Charles University presented on the human rights consequences of the conflict between the Ethiopian State and the Oromo People, as well as Dr. Getachew’s presentation on the electoral process in the Ethiopian Empire. Dr. Trevor Trueman of Oromia Support Group (OSG) dealt with the refugee crisis of Ethiopia in general.
Dr. Trevor Trueman of Oromia Support Group (OSG) dealt with the refugee crisis of Ethiopia in general.
Dr. Trevor Trueman of Oromia Support Group (OSG) dealt with the refugee crisis of Ethiopia in general. Photo: @UNPOintl
Dr. Baro Keno's presentation focused on the Addis Ababa Master Plan and the Land Grabbing issue in Oromia.
Dr. Baro Keno’s (right) presentation focused on the Addis Ababa Master Plan and the Land Grabbing issue in Oromia. Photo: @UNPOintl
The following is an excerpt from Dr. Shigut’s speech on various issues concerning the Oromo people and Oromia. He was very articulated in defending OLF in particular, and the Oromo national liberation movement in general – exposing the atrocities committed against the Oromo people and outlining the general challenges of the Empire so as to attract the attention of the international community. He won the attention of his audiences. Nowadays, when most of Oromo politicians and elites engaged on internal matters, Dr. Shigut has proven being, consistently and persistently, the instrument for bringing the Oromo issue to international fora. Some extracts from his speech are presented below.

Excerpt from the Speech of Dr. Shigut Geleta, Head of the Oromo Liberation Front’s (OLF) Diplomatic Division

On Violations of Human Rights:
” … Since EPRDF came to power, its conduct regarding human rights violations is characterized by mass massacres, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, tortures, displacements and forced conscription of the productive forces to non-ending wars on political opponents. Wanton killings of Oromos, Anuaks, Ogadeni, Sidama, Shako-Majenger, Omotic peoples and killings of Oromo students at various occasions are a few out of many atrocities to be mentioned.
“To mention some, the March 1992 massacre of Oromos along the streets of Watter town in Harrarge zone; the February 1994 massacre of Ogadenis in Wardheer; the massacre of Oromos at Babo Gambel village in West Wollega in April 1995; the massacre of Oromos at Sigmo and Gattira districts in March 1995; the massacre of Shako and Majenger people on 11 March 2002; the Looqqe, Sidama, Massacre of May 2002; the December 2003 mass killings of Anuaks; the massacre after the turmoil of 2005 National Election in Addis Ababa; the massacre of Oromos in Gara Sufi in February 2007; the 2009 mass murders of Ogadenis in Kabiribayah Ogaden; the massacre of members of the Suri tribe (Omo) of December 2012; the massacre of Muslim protesters April and August 2013 in Asasa and Kofele Oromia; and the massacre by the Special (Liyu) Police 2013/2014 on Ogadeni and Oromos – are some of the living testimonies of the state terrorist acts of the TPLF regime and are true historical records. These violations of human rights have been reported by various human rights organizations. The TPLF regime has never put into practice the recommendations given to it during many periodic reviews of UN Treaty bodies, such as Universal Periodic Review (UPR), and charter based covenants …”
Dr. Shigut Listens as a Representative from the Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) Speaks at the Conference.
Dr. Shigut of OLF (left) Listens as a Representative from the Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) (right) Speaks at the Conference.
On the Role of the International Community:
“… TPLF conducted general elections in 1992, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010. By doing so, it has claimed that it has transformed the Ethiopian state from authoritarian, one-nation dominated empire with command economy to a democratic federal society with free market economy. To the contrary, the EPRDF-dominated empire is controlling the political and economic life of the peoples of Ethiopia. In 1992 EPRDF claimed to have won 96.6% of the vote that aimed to establish elected local and regional administrations. Eighteen years later, in the 2010 National Election, the TPLF-led EPRDF claimed another landslide victory with 99.6% of the votes. There was not time where the election has been free and fair. Moreover, Oromo and Ogaden peoples, among other nations and nationalities of Ethiopia, are targeted with extrajudicial killings, tortures, sexual violence, arbitrary detentions and enforced disappearances.
“The 2005 parliamentary elections in Ethiopia were monitored by a large observation mission deployed by the EU and led by a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Ana-Maria Gomes. The overall report was without doubt the most critical of all. International observer missions, concluding that “the elections fell short of international principles for genuine democratic elections” (EU Election Observation Mission 2005). The 2008 local elections were perceived to be noncompetitive due to strong pressure by the ruling party on the people to vote for or join the ruling party. International observers were not allowed during these elections, and the international community remained silent about the conduct and results of the poll. Although the 2010 parliamentary elections did not bring about the same kind of violence as in 2005, the EU concluded that the electoral process “fell short of international commitments for elections, notably regarding the transparency of the process and the lack of level playing field for all contesting parties”.
“The partnership between Ethiopia and the EU is based on the African-EU Strategic Partnership, which gives emphasis to peace, security, good governance and human rights. Regarding the governance and human rights under the strategic priority (b) it says, “the promotion of democratic governance and human rights constitutes a central feature of the Africa-EU dialog and partnership.” Moreover, the Cotonou agreement defines relations between the EU and ACP countries. Despite the fact that all of Ethiopia’s elections were flawed with severe deterioration of human rights, the EU did not invoke Article 96. Ethiopia represents the fourth largest recipient of EU’s finance aid in the world, and the EU is currently the country’s single largest trade partner.
“The European Union is one of the five major donor partners of Ethiopia. The EU institution contributes for about €230 million a year, representing 10% of the total official development aid received by Ethiopia. Together with the EU Member States support, the European Union makes available around 34% of the total aid assistance to Ethiopia. Consequently, the EU has significant leveraged over the regime, which in turn represents an opportunity and responsibility to encourage the Ethiopian government to be more accountable, show readiness to resolve outstanding political problems, promote freedom of speech, develop democratic institutions, respect human and peoples’ rights and the rule of law. On June 19, 2014, in Nairobi, EU and Ethiopia signed the European Union aid in favour of Ethiopia in an amount of 745.2 million Euros to be made available to Ethiopia for the period 2014-2020.
“By providing help to the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia, the EU has breached:
“1. The Africa-EU Strategic Partnership, a joint Africa-EU strategy policy adopted in Lisbon in 2007/ Lisbon, 9 December 2007 16344/07.
“2. The EU International Cooperation and Development policy, which is primarily based on good governance, and respect for human rights, their national country’s laws and international human rights standards,
“Currently, we have learned that EU is not sending an observers’ team for the May 2015 election despite the outcome seems highly unlikely. Unanswered question is what will be the next strategy of EU? …”
Conference Participants
Conference Participants
On Difficulties of Alliance and Coalitions:
” … Experience told us the stumbling block lies on the question and respect of the rights of nations and nationalities.
“On the one hand, the policy that TPLF pursues in this regard is unfortunately the policy that was based closely on Stalin’s theory of nationalities, applied in the Soviet Union – under which each nationality would have only a nominal right to internal self-government, with secession as an ultimate resort. In fact, the policy has a dangerous mismatch between the development of social and political forces on the one hand, and the opportunities for these to be incorporated into the political structure on the other.
“On the other, the opposition political forces that see themselves as pan-Ethiopians still remained in their traditional juxtaposition of individual versus collective rights – in which case they uphold the first while rejecting the latter. This means, they fail to appreciate what has been achieved, even on paper – as far as the right of nations and nationalities is concerned. For this position of theirs, they often refer to the authority of liberal conception of democracy in which the individual is considered to be the only real agent of society, and hence, bearer of rights. Be the liberal theory as it may be, in reality, there is no individual without certain basic social traits, such as language, social habit, custom and ways of life, to say the least.
“This means, by virtue of the fact that a human individual is brought up by a certain family under a given social structure in a certain way, he is already a social animal. Individuality is inseparable from that social environment in which he/she is brought up. Had it not been the case, there would not be Ethiopianness/“Ethiopiawinet” for this Ethiopiawinet itself is anchored in a certain collective identity. As much as Ethiopiawinet is the social source of nourishment for the individual, individuals are the perpetrators or the agents of Ethiopiawinet. So there is no way to mutually separate the individual from the social self, and vice versa.
“It is precisely because of this conceptual impasse, that modern liberals have come to recognize the dialectical dimension of democracy as to be anchored both in the agency of the individual and the contextual significance of the collective identity. According to some contemporary liberals, such as Kymlicka (2002), collective rights are consistent with liberal pluralism if they meet two conditions: they protect freedom of individuals within the group, and they promote relations of equality (non-dominance) between groups.
“This comprehensive political view could be the stumbling block to forge a very meaningful alliance between the pan-Ethiopian and various nationalist forces. It is not the ideological difference like that being of Conservatism, Liberalism or Social Democrat for the main difference of political forces operating in and out of Ethiopia, but the issue is how we interpret past – how we understand the ongoing conflicts and – how we anticipate the future in nation building …”
Conference Participants
Conference Participants
On the Way Forward for Co-operation:
“… Our recommendation to this concern and change the extreme asymmetry of power between the ruling party and opposition movements in order to attain the long lasting peace can only be achieved by genuine collaboration of opposition political forces in forging common understanding on the right of nations and nationalities. OLF believes that cultivating democratic culture of working together closely, without interfering the internal matter of the other. In the course of this collaboration process, not only alignment of political forces, but also the similar democratic traditions of some of the peoples of Ethiopia have to be explored and geared in the way they have served for centuries for peaceful coexistence of these nations …”
Representative of ONLF (left) and Representative of the Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) (right)
Representative of ONLF (left) and Representative of the Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) (right)
On the Independence of OLF, and Other’s Orchestration of the Oromo Question by Creating of Oromo-Named Satellite Organisation – One Bullet-Point for All Stakeholders:
“… Any attempt of stakeholders, be it the international community or/and political forces in the Ethiopian Empire, to weaken the Oromo national liberation struggle by isolation, marginalization and splitting of OLF will never bring the aspired peace, democracy and development. Either the TPLF as it is now or opposition’s attempt to create Oromo-named “Comprachicos” will never help in solving the problem of Oromo’s vis-a-vis Ethiopia’s. To attain stability and peace in Ethiopia, the Oromo’s demand for freedom, equality and democracy must be met. The Oromo are not only the largest group in Ethiopia, but they are also the most centrally placed with whom the unity of the country would be under question …”
On the Importance and Sensitivity Oromo National Liberation Issue:
“… This simple fact lends the Oromo issue a peculiar sensitivity. Without sustainable peace in Ethiopia, regional peace is inconceivable. Therefore, to bring genuine peace and stability to the Horn, the starting point is to deal with the dynamic situation in Ethiopia by resolving peoples’ demand for the right to self-determination. As long as this is ignored or orchestrated, sustainable peace in Ethiopia and the region will continue to be very elusive …”
Conference Participants
Conference Participants
On the Issue of Demography, Resources and Dilemma of Western Countries:
“… The Oromo national liberation struggle is not directed against the masses of a particular nation or nationality, nor against individuals, but rather against oppressive system of successive Ethiopian regimes. Oromo’s quest is the quest for freedom, democracy, justice and peace as the case with most colonized and oppressed peoples. I loudly say that empowerment of the Oromo people for fulfillment of their aspiration is support for justice, but suppressing the will and quest of the Oromo people because of fear for their demography and natural resource is fear of democracy and justice. Assisting a minority regime for the sake of this fear is paradoxical, and it is negating the very basic democratic values on which western countries are founded. Regulating minority rights, collective rights and individual rights of humans are the main objectives of international bills upheld by democratic governments. Therefore, if principles are our guidance, I don’t see any obstacle in our own way not to stand united against the TPLF/EPRDF brutal and undemocratic regime …”

Monday, April 27, 2015

Ethiopia: Police must stop the use of excessive force against demonstrators


April 22, 2015
AI Index: AFR 25/1515/2015
Amnesty International calls on the Ethiopian authorities to ensure that police refrain from excessive use of force in policing demonstrations, after police violently dispersed mass protests in Addis Ababa yesterday. The Ethiopian authorities must respect the rights of demonstrators to exercise their rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly.
Video footage and photographs posted online show police beating protestors who appear to be offering no resistance, and tear gas being used against the crowd. A journalist in Addis Ababa told Amnesty International that 48 people had been seriously injured and admitted to different hospitals, and that many others sustained minor injuries. Two photos show wounded people being treated at hospital. Hundreds of others are reported to have been arrested.
The protests started on Tuesday following circulation of a video showing the killing of around 30 people believed to be Ethiopians by the armed group ISIS in Libya. Two of the named victims have been identified as coming from Cherkos, Addis Ababa. Hundreds of relatives and friends were gathered outside their family homes before spilling on to the streets towards Meskel Square. Many protestors in the photographs and video footages posted online are shown holding pictures of the two men.
Protests resumed on Wednesday morning, with thousands gathering in Meskel Square where a mass rally had been organized as part of the official three days of mourning announced by the government. Around 100,000 people took part in the demonstrations, which were initially targeted against the killings by ISIS, but later turned into anger towards the government, including its inability to protect Ethiopian citizens and more general calls for political reform. According to reports the police began to disperse the gathered crowd by force after some demonstrators shouted slogans during the rally, and as the situation escalated there were clashes between protesters and police.
In a statement on Wednesday evening, Communications Minister Redwan Hussein accused the opposition Semayawi (Blue) Party of trying to manipulate the demonstrations for their own political interests and of inciting the public to violence, which the party has denied. The minister said that seven police officers had been injured and hospitalized, but made no mention of injuries or arrests among the protestors. Eight members of the Semayawi Party were arrested, including three candidates in the upcoming general elections on 24 May 2015. They are Woyneshet Molla, Tena Tayewu, Ermias Siyum, Daniel Tesfaye, Tewodros Assefa, Eskinder Tilahun, Mastewal Fekadu and Yidnekachewu Addis. At least one other party member was hospitalized after beaten on the head by police.
The Ethiopian authorities have an obligation to facilitate people’s exercise of their right to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly. If there is a legitimate reason for which it is necessary to disperse an assembly, police must avoid the use of force where at all possible or, where that is not practicable, must restrict any such force to the minimum necessary. Law enforcement officials may use force only when strictly necessary and to the extent required for the performance of their duty.
The authorities in Ethiopia must ensure that there is an effective and impartial investigation into the use of force by police against protestors during the demonstrations and ensure that any police found to have used unnecessary or excessive force are subject to disciplinary and criminal sanctions as appropriate. Arbitrary or abusive use of force should be prosecuted as a criminal offence.
Amnesty International urges the Ethiopian authorities to ensure that in policing demonstrations in the future, the police comply with international law and standards on the use of force by law enforcement officials. With general elections a month away on 24 May, the Ethiopian authorities should commit to facilitating the right of protestors to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

Ethiopia: The Ethiopian Government is Responsible for the Inhuman Treatments against Ethiopian Refugees and Asylum Seekers around the World


HRLHA Press Release
The  Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa has been greatly saddened by the cold-blooded killing of 30 Christian Ethiopian refugees and asylum seekers in the past week  in Libya by a group called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/ ISIS. The HRLHA also highly concerned about thousands of Ethiopian refugees and asylum seekers living in different parts of Yemen were victimized due to the political crises in  Yemen  and hundreds have suffered in South Africa because of the unprecedented actions taken by a gang opposing refugees and asylum seekers in the country.  The suppressive policy  of the EPRDF/TPLF government  has forced millions of Ethiopians to flee their country in the past twenty-four years. The mass influx of Ethiopian citizens into neighboring countries every year has been due to the EPRDF/TPLF policy of denying its citizens their socioeconomic and political rights. They have also fled out of fear of political persecution and detention.  It has been repeatedly reported by human rights organizations, humanitarian and other non – governmental organizations that Ethiopia is producing a large number of refugees, estimated at over two hundred fifty thousand every year.
Migration in Ethiopia: – Maastricht University
In connection with the incident that took place in Libya, on April 22, 2015 tens of thousands of Ethiopians marched on government- organized rallies against the killing of Ethiopian Christians in Libya. However, with the demonstrators’ angry expressions were directed at the authorities, the police used tear gas against them and hundreds of people were beaten on the street and arrested. On the 23rd and 24th of April 2015 others were picked up from their homes and taken to unknown destinations according to the HRLHA reporter in Addis Ababa.
The HRLHA calls upon the Ethiopian government to unconditionally release the detained citizens and allow those who have been injured during the clash with police to get medical treatment.
  1. The Ethiopian government must stop political suppression in the country and respect the human rights treaties it signed and ratified
  2. The Ethiopian Government must provide the necessary lifesaving help to those Ethiopians stuck in crises in the asylum countries of Yemen, South Africa and others.
  3. The EPRDF/TPLF government must release journalists, opposition political party members, and others held in Ethiopian prisons and respect their right to exercise their basic and fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution of Ethiopia and international standard of human rights instruments.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Stagecraft: ISIS Video ‘Execution’ of Ethiopians in Libya Appears Fake

ethiopia-map-400x323(Global Research) — A newly released ISIS video allegedly depicts some 30 Ethiopians being ‘executed’ in two separate locations in Libya. 
However, one should take note, that this highly produced propaganda video – fails to provide any conclusive, or remotely credible evidence of a crime scene.
The terror installment said to have been carried out by ISIS militants entitled, “Until There Came to Them Clear Evidence,” was reportedly released by Al-Furqan Media, a media arm linked to the notorious Al-Hayat Media Center, the official media outlet for all sanctioned ISIS propaganda.
Once again, we see a terror motion picture which has been produced for dramatic effect, another work of deception – designed to create an emotional response within the viewer, rather than a rational one.
There have already been major questions concerning the validity of the ISIS propaganda videos. Still, they continue to function as a psychological assault on Western audiences, while serving to socially engineer western foreign policy in the process.
Here is another example…
isis-ethiopian-christians‘SITE on the Scene’ –  SITE Intel broadcasts ISIS propaganda material via social media.
Terror Trickery
On April 19th, it was Reported that a dozen or so Ethiopian men were executed along the beach near the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, while more than a dozen were shot in Southern Libya, but it’s important to remember that the video could have been filmed near almost any clear body of water. Similarly, the desert portion of the ISIS video could have also been filmed at nearly any arid location in the world.
In this latest ISIS propaganda video, quite a few anomalies associated with the production value of the film standout, as there were a number of planned multi-cam shots that would have involved a professional film team, costume designers, props and heavy post-production.
One of the most egregious elements of the staged ‘iconoclastic’ ISIS video, depicts giant-sizedISIS militants escorting their captives to their alleged end. This anomaly is a repeat of the same height discrepancy seen during February’s staged beheadings.
‘ISIS Giants?’ – This screen capture from the latest ISIS video, depicts unusually tall ISIS militants.
The ISIS execution reportedly took place in the Fazzan Province, and later as the desert scene evolves, ISIS members lineup to execute apparent Ethiopian captives at gun point. Although the terror group appears to have fired into the backs of those abducted, when you go frame by frame you see evidence of a heavily edited event. The scene is revealed to have depicted the ‘illusion’ of an execution by firing squad.
Another thing to consider in all of this, is that many of the gruesome images being paraded around by mainstream media, that are most likely used to generate ad revenue, show signs of manipulation, staging and victims whose faces appear almost serene while being executed -something which has been present in every ISIS ‘execution’ production thus far.
As of yet, Ethiopian authorities have been ‘unable’ to confirm if their citizens were killed by ISIS militants in Libya. 

‘Pristine Terror’ – Notice the clean ISIS outfits and the nearly untouched guns on display in this most recent film production.

Problem, Reaction, Solution
The new ISIS video follows a winter season that saw several propaganda videos being pushed by the cloaked group and its social media distributors. The most recent film is the second mass execution said to have taken place in Libya at the hands of the now notorious terror group over the past couple of months.
Since last September, we’ve outlined that the ISIS ‘beheading’ videos were likely fakes, with many filmed against a green screen, including stage props, wardrobe design, voice overs and multi-cam videography. It turns out that at least two of the US major networks – CNN and FOX News finally admitted this in February, after backlash over a video allegedly depicting a torched Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh.
In late January we were told that a “Tripoli branch of ISIS” claimed responsibility after a suspicious shooting attack on the largely empty Corinthia Hotel in the area. The event was synchronized with a car bombing just outside the hotel, according to the SITE Intelligence Group. It seems more and more that this was likely a setup to transplant the ‘ISIS’ narrative inside Libya.
In a report from February at 21WIRE, prior to experts releasing their conclusion about that ISIS video production, I was able to outline many of the film’s irregularities and inconsistencies –proving that the film was indeed heavily orchestrated for maximum effect. 
In late February our assessment of the staged ISIS videos was confirmed. According to Florida-based Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, the 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians purported to have been decapitated in the video entitled “Signed With Blood: To The Nation Of The Cross,” was ruled to have been ‘staged’ due to the excessive anomalies seen in the dramatic 5 minute film.
While the newest ISIS video appears to depict a shocking escalation of terror, it fails to provide comprehensive evidence of a violent event and therefore should be looked as nothing more than propaganda to gain public support for Western foreign policy objectives – namely the fraudulent proxy campaign in Syria.Additionally, this latest ISIS event also serves to deflect from the controversial military intervention in Yemen. This is something we’ve been outlining here at 21WIRE over the past month, while most Western media outlets have neglected to discuss Washington’s new proxy.
Here’s another look at an RT news clip from September 2014, where well-known Geopolitical analyst William Engdahl, assesses the deception and alleged roots of ISIS…

U.S Department of State Endorsing of Upcoming Elections: Denial and Disrespect

The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA)

The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) strongly opposes to the position that the U.S State Department has taken in regards to the upcoming Ethiopian election and the overall democratization process in the country in the past twenty-four years; and describes the comments by the Under  Secretary of State as a sign of disrespect for ordinary citizens of Ethiopia and disregard for the human miseries that hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian have gone through under the EPRDF/TPLF-led government.
The HRLHA has no doubt at all that the U.S Government in general and U.S  Department of State in particular, with the biggest and highly staffed of all Western embassies in Ethiopia, are very well aware of the political realities that have been prevailing in the country over the past two decades. An excellent proof is the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices that is issued annually by the US Department of State itself. Suppressions and denials of fundamental human rights in Ethiopia under the EPRDF/TPLF Government were being reported on by various human rights and humanitarian as well as government and diplomatic agencies; and, based on the facts revealed in such reports, the Ethiopian Government has repeatedly been ranked as the worst both at the regional and global levels.
In a country that has witnessed the highest number of political incarceration in its history, where unarmed students and other civilians were gunned down in hundreds simply because they attempted to exercise some of their fundamental rights, in “one of the ten most censored countries” where the existence of independent media has become impossible and, as a result, press freedom has been curtailed completely, where all sorts of socio-economic rights have been tied to political sympathy and supports, it would be an insult and disrespect to its ordinary citizens, and a disregard for the precious lives of innocent people that have been taken away by brutal hands to say that such a country is a democracy, and that the upcoming elections would be free and fair while intimidations and harassments of opposition candidates, as well as potential voters, were taking place out in the field even while the Under Secretary of State was making the comments. While encouraging the most repressive government and governing party towards becoming more dictatorial, the Under-Secretary of State’s comments discourage and undermine the sacrifices that the Ethiopian peoples have paid and are still paying to realize their century-old dream of building free and democratic country.
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) requests that the Under Secretary of State retract the wrong comments and apologize to the Ethiopian peoples. It also urges the U.S State Department to recognize and acknowledge the realities in Ethiopia and use the close ties that exists between the two governments to put pressure on the ruling EPRDF/TPLF party so that it allows the implementation of a genuine democracy.