Regardless of its barbarism to the citizens, the Ethiopian government receives from the UK tax payers about 340million annually, despite its abhorring records of human rights. About 6 month ago (June 2014), the UK citizen with Ethiopian origin known as Andargachew Tsige (one of prominent Diaspora Opposition leaders) has been kidnaped by Ethiopian security forces from Yemen Capital Sana’a and taken to Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa where he has been allegedly tortured and deprived access to consular support and kept out public sight. His wife and children in London are left in darkness. The UK government is doing little or nothing about their citizen.
Between 80.000 to 100.000 political prisoners are kept in various Ethiopian prisons (from whom about 90% prisoners belong to Ethnic Oromo of professor Merrara Gudina). Freedom of assembly, association and expression are unthinkable. Literally the regime in power, dominated with minority Tigreans (less than 6%) rules the remaining 94% citizens with terror and constant intimidation.
Between 80.000 to 100.000 political prisoners are kept in various Ethiopian prisons (from whom about 90% prisoners belong to Ethnic Oromo of professor Merrara Gudina). Freedom of assembly, association and expression are unthinkable. Literally the regime in power, dominated with minority Tigreans (less than 6%) rules the remaining 94% citizens with terror and constant intimidation.
Moreover, about 15 journalists have been unlawfully arrested and remain imprisoned; whilst over 24 journalists have fled the country in the past 2 years alone. The regime kidnaps and kills any person fleeing the country suspected of becoming opposition party members.
The latest campaigns against the Oromo nation’s formidable academician, staunch human rights activist and intellectual is part of such sustained state sponsored terror against civilians. Whilst doing so, the regime of this empire is being sponsored by the West under the pretext of War on Terror’ practically the regime is terrorising the citizens.
Source: Siitube
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