Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Shooting at the Ethiopian Embassy

By Gurmu Bantayehu | September 30, 2014

Hello America! Welcome to Ethiopia!!

A TPLF security thug at the Ethiopian Embassy brandishing and firing live bullets towards peaceful protesters
A TPLF security officer brandishing and firing live bullets
What I saw on US TVs on Monday, September 29, 2014 is unbelievable but factual. I doubt that the world has ever experienced such barbaric act by an Embassy. It is the replica of the daily massacre being carried out in Ethiopia, now being shown to the World. It is Tigre modus operandiin Ambo and many places in Ethiopia. This is how Ethiopians are being treated daily by their government. The west would not admit it but this incident demonstrates graphically the daily butchery in a country closely nurtured by the West; a country where the rule of the jungle is the order of the day. It is exactly what Ethiopian asylum seekers are running away from; a fitting proof of the reasons for seeking asylum. The atrocities in Ethiopia, which the US government have been ignoring, is displayed in the US backyard, the capital city. As they say in the US, “ The chicken came home to roost”.
The Ethiopian embassy seems to be oblivious of the rule of diplomacy. They do not believe it applies to them. Being illiterate in diplomacy, they think, gives them the right to mow down US tax paying citizens just as they do in Ethiopia. Their apparent reason is that they are being harassed by the peaceful demonstrators outside the Embassy fence. A place where the right of speech is the right of the citizens. Is this possibly Ethiopia’s way of paying back some of US aid by teaching America how to protect its Embassies abroad? Is there any better place where Ethiopians can go and live in peace and freedom? If not here, then where?

The death toll in the Mediterranean rises while Europe looks the other way

amnestySeptember 30, 2014 (Amnesty) — A year on from the Lampedusa shipwrecks, which claimed more than 500 lives, a new report by Amnesty International highlights how the shameful inaction of European Union (EU) countries has contributed to a spiralling death toll with thousands of refugees and migrants losing their lives in a desperate bid to reach European shores.
Amnesty International’s report, Lives adrift: Refugees and migrants in peril in the central Mediterranean, details the findings of recent visits to Italy and Malta, including a research trip on an Italian Navy vessel. Interviews with survivors of shipwrecks, experts and authorities expose the reality of the dangers faced by those fleeing war, persecution and poverty, and the pitiful response of most European states.
“As the EU builds its walls higher and higher, refugees and migrants are increasingly taking to the Mediterranean in a desperate bid to reach European shores. Placed on rickety boats by ruthless smugglers, every week hundreds of them sway between life and death, between hope and despair,” said John Dalhuisen, Europe and Central Asia Programme Director.
African asylum seekers rescued off boats and taken aboard an Italy navy ship, June 8, 2014.© Massimo Sestini / eyevine
African asylum seekers rescued off boats and taken aboard an Italy navy ship, June 8, 2014.© Massimo Sestini / eyevine
“More than 2,500 people have drowned or gone missing in the Mediterranean on their way from North Africa since the start of the year. Europe cannot ignore the tragedy unfolding on its doorstep. More search and rescue vessels in the central Mediterranean, with the clear mandate of saving lives in the high seas and resources adequate to the task – that’s what the EU and its members must urgently provide.”
Conflicts and persecution in the Middle East and Africa, economic deprivation and the sealing of land borders in south-eastern Europe have pushed desperate people towards the sea.
In 2014, more than 130,000 refugees and migrants irregularly crossed Europe’s southern borders by sea. Nearly all of them have been rescued by the Italian Navy.  The vast majority of these people took to the sea from war-torn Libya.
The report identifies structural weaknesses in the search and rescue services in the central Mediterranean and calls for more safe and legal routes to Europe for people fleeing conflict and persecution. This can be done through resettlement, humanitarian admission programmes and facilitation of family reunification. It also makes the case for a review of the Dublin regulations governing the processing of asylum applications in the EU.
Dangers at sea
In Italy and Malta, Amnesty International spoke to more than 50 refugees and migrants. Many had a similar story about the dangers they faced, during their journey at sea, including beatings and overcrowding. Some survived a shipwreck or other deadly incidents.
Mohammed, a 22-year old from Damascus, Syria, told Amnesty International: “When we left Libya, we were 400 people with maybe 100 more children. We had to go on rowing boats to reach the bigger boat. At first I could not see the big boat, but when I saw it, it was bad. I did not want to board it, but the smuggler threatened me with a firearm.  It took two hours to board everybody. At about 2am I heard gunfire. [A boat with armed men] placed themselves in front of our boat. They kept trying to stop the boat for about four hours. They shot from many sides. When it dawned, they left. The damaged boat was swaying. We threw all our bags in the sea, including the life jackets – we wanted to live!”
A lack of coordination between coastal states, especially Malta and Italy, is further exacerbating the dangers of the journey. Long-standing disputes between Italy and Malta over their respective search and rescue obligations may have cost the lives of hundreds of refugees and migrants on 11 October 2013, when a trawler carrying over 400 people sank in the Maltese search and rescue zone.
The international outcry to do more to save lives at sea was not followed by any meaningful action by EU leaders. Italy was the only EU country to respond by launching Operation Mare Nostrum, deploying a significant part of its navy for search and rescue operations in the Central Mediterranean.
However, even Italy’s best efforts have been insufficient to prevent the dramatic loss of life that occurred over the summer months of 2014.  And Italy has recently indicated that the operation is not sustainable in the long run.
“Mare Nostrum has saved tens of thousands of lives at sea, but it is not a long-term solution. A concerted EU effort is needed to meet a shared EU responsibility,” said John Dalhuisen.
“The recent proposal for Frontex, the EU agency for monitoring borders, to step in will be a positive step only if sufficient assets are deployed in high seas by the EU member states and its mandate clearly stresses its search and rescue functions.”
The need to reform the EU asylum system
Amnesty International also argues that the EU Dublin Regulation, where the EU member state of first arrival is responsible for processing asylum claims, places an unfair strain on countries involved in the rescue operations as they carry the longer term responsibility of meeting their needs.
The lack of responsibility sharing among EU countries is discouraging Southern European states, particularly Malta, from taking refugees and migrants to their ports. Operation Mare Nostrum has temporarily papered over this problem, but should it come to an end without an adequate replacement, delays and disputes over search and rescue obligations will place lives at risk once again.
“Regardless of the dangers and of EU measures to keep them out, refugees and migrants will continue to risk their lives and the lives of their children fleeing their war-torn, rights violating or economically struggling countries of origin. EU states cannot channel them into the world’s most dangerous sea route and then abandon them to their fate,” said John Dalhuisen.

Source: Amnesty

Monday, September 29, 2014

Wayyaaneen maqaa Walgaa’ii Tarsiimoo siyaasaa abbaa irruummaa ishee qabattee, Adeemtuun kasaaraa siyaasaa keessa seente jirti!.

Gaafa Fulbaana 23/2014 Mootummaan Abbaa Irree wayyaanee maqaa walga’ii tarsiimoo siyaasaa isaa afaan qawweetti fayyadamuun barattoota Yuunibarsiitii, barsiisota manneen barnootaa Sadarkaa 2ffaa fi barsiisota kolleejjii barsiisota Oromiyaa bakkotaa garaagaraatti torbee lamaa oliif humna waraanatti fayyadamuun walitti qabee humnaan
miseensummaa wayyaanee akka fudhataniif dirqa ture milkii malee
Beektotni Oromoo Walga’ii Wayyaaneen waan qabdee gadhiiftu dhabuun sagalee uummata Oromoo biyyaa keessa fi biyyoota garaagaraa keessatti dhageesifamaa jiru dura dhaabbachuuf walga’ii afaan faajjeessa eenyu iyyuu irratti dammaquu danda’u butatee fiiguun kufaatii isaa saffisiisa jechuun sabboontotni Oromoo walgaa’ii kana
irratti gaaffiin mirga abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo irratti finiinaa turee fi kan Wayyaaneen gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo ukkamsuuf humna waraanaa beektota Oromoo dura ittin dhaabbachaa jirtu ta’uun seenaa keessatti bakka guddaa qabacha jira. Dargaggootni barattootni , fi barsiisotni Oromoo garbummaa humnaan nutti fe’amaa jiruu kana bara baraan baatnee hin adeemnuu, uummatni keenya bakka hundaa bulchiinsa sirna faashistii wayyaaneetti akka hin jilbeeffannee, bakka jirruu gurmuu keenya jabeeffachuun gaaffii kabajamuu mirga abbaa biyyummaa finiinsuun bilisummaa keenyaa haa gonfannu. Bilisummaa afaan qawween mulqamaa jirru sagalee keenyaa fi FDG sochii dargaggoota biyaaleessa Oromiyaa Qeerrootti makamuun mirga
keenya kabachiisuuf qabsoon karaa nagaa fi dimookiraasii gaggeeffamaa jiruu furmaata waan ta’eef bakka jirruu gara dirree qabsoo FDG tti haa dirmannu jechuun utuu wayyaaneen miseensummaaf jettee gucha miseensummaa itti guutan baattee barattoota fi barsiisota afaan faajjeessuuf yaalii gootuu barattootni nuti miseensummaa mootummaa bineensa dhiiga ilmaan Oromoo dhangalaasaa jiruu hin fudhannuu jechuun
gucha miseensummaa wayyaanootaan qophaa’ee zeeroo taasisuun mormii fi gaaffiin mirga abbaa biyyummaa barsiisotaa fi barattootaan gaafatamaa jiru deebii tokko illee utuu hin argatiin gargar kan ba’an ta’uu madden keenya Oromiyaa godinoota garaagaraa irraa nuuf gabaasan.
Dhumarratti uummata Oromoo hundaaf dhaamsa hirmaatota walga’ii Wayyaanee barattoota Oromoo yuunibarsiitii walga’ii wayyaanee marsaa 2ffaa ta’aan, barsiisota manneen barnoota sadarkaa 2ffaa fi qophaa’inaa fi barsiisota Oromoo koolleejjii barsiisota Oromiyaa garaagaraa irraa walitti qabaman irraa darbe.
1. Ilmaan Oromoo walga’ii wayyaaneen maqaa tarsiimoo siyaasaa abbaa
irrummaa ishee fi umrii bittaa ishee dheereffachuuf beektota mataa
hidhuuf tattaafachaa jirtu itti fufinsaan uummatni Oromoo marti dura
dhaabbachuu qaba.
2. Wayyaaneen xummura Walga’ii afaan fajjeessaa ishee irratti dirqamaan dhaaba ofiif iyyuu diigamaa fi wayyaaneedhan ukkanfamaa jiru miseensa OPDO ta’aa jechuun guca miseensummaa baatee oliif gadi fiiga jirtu uummatni Oromoo akka hin fudhannee fi miseensummaa afaan qawween nama kaadhima jiru akka hin fudhannee dhaamsa dabarsaan. Yeroo amma kanatti OPDO keessatti illee ilmaan Oromoo dhalootaan Oromoo ta’an Oromummaan shakkamanii angoo wayyaaneen itti kennamte irraa kaafamuun arii’amaa, bakka isaanii immoo ilmaan habashaa tigiree fi amhaara Oromiyaa keessatti dhalatee guddatee fi kanneen afaan Oromoo dubbatan bakka buusuun aangawoota Oromiyaa gochuun halagaan nurratti muudamaa waan jiruuf yeroon kun yeroo itti miseensa OPDO ta’an utuu hin ta’iin yeroo itti ilmaan Oromoo OPDO keessa jiran iyyuu gara sochii warraaqsa dargaggoota Oromootti makamaa jiran ta’uu hubachuun ilmaan Oromoo humnaan wayyaaneen kaadhimaa jirtu kana irraa akka qooda tokko illee hin kennine dhaamsa keenya dabarsina!!
3. Wayyaaneen abbaa irree barrii itti dhumte kun of jiraachiisuu fi umrii garbummaa uummata Oromoo fi sabaa fi sablammoota biyyatti irratti dheereffachuuf olola hin jirree baattee abdii kutaannaa tokko malee kasaaraa siyaasaa baattee fiigaa waan jirtuuf mirga keenya kabachiisuuf bakka hundattii sochii wayyaanee kana hanga dhumaatti
dura haa dhaabbannu!!
4. Wayyaaneen qarabaa qara hin qabneen qarabaa qara qabuu muruuf walgaa’ii afaan faajjeessaa kana dhaabbilee barnoota olaanoo irraa kan eegalte ta’uun saaxilamee jira. Walga’iin wayyaanee kun gara barattoota manneen barnootaa sadarkaa 1ffaa, 2ffaa fi qonnaan bultoota fi hawaasa walii galaatti illee adeemaa waan jiruuf yeroon uummtni Oromoo sochii wayyaanee kana akka dhaabsisuuf FDG( fincillii diddaa garbummaa ) jabaatee akka itti fufuu , hundi keenyaa irraas qooda akka fudhannu dhaamsa keenya dabarsina.
5. Mootummaan wayyaanee gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo bukkeetti qabuun adeemsa siyaasaa isaa galmaan ga’uuf fiigaa waan jiruuf , gaaffiin mirga abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo deebii qubsaa argatuttii fi Oromiyaan hanga bilisoomtuttiwarraaqsii FDG jabaatee ittu fufaa jechuun dhaamsa waliigalaa uummata oromoo hundaaf dabrsuun gabaafameera.

A Note on Interpretations of the Scottish Referendum in Oromo Media

By Mekuria Bulcha | September 28, 2014
oromiascotlandAn interesting discussion is going on among Oromos about the relevance of the Scottish referendum of September 18, 2014 to the Oromo question. On one side there are those who say that the Scottish referendum has little relevance to the Oromo situation.  These point out great differences in the historical relations that the two nations have with the states from which they would separate. On the other side are those who argue that the referendum has relevance. While these paint exaggerated similarities between the Oromo and Scottish experiences under colonialism, they ultimately dismiss the Oromo struggle for independence and advice Oromo nationalists to work for democracy within Ethiopia.  They argue that Oromo nationalists should drop the “misconception that democracy is given,” that “an empire cannot be democratized” and that Oromo should struggle to “earn” democracy within Ethiopia (See Gelan in OPride, September 17, 2014). That position is an old one.  It is now used to direct Oromo nationalists to interpret the result of the Scottish referendum to mean that they drop their aspiration for an independent Oromo state. In this commentary, I point out that the Scottish referendum was not about achieving democracy (the UK is a democracy) but about the right the Scots have exercised to make their own choice.  I argue that the main lesson we can draw from the referendum is that a nation or a people have the right to build their own state irrespective of the nature of the historical relationship they have with the state from which they will separate. Before entering into the discussion of the lesson Oromo can draw from the Scottish referendum, let us first look at some of the main contexts within which political independence has been claimed by different peoples in the past and is also being claimed today.
There are at least three major conditions which under which a people would seek independence from a multinational state and form their own sovereign state. The first condition concerns a history of conquest, annexation and colonization of territories by states or empires. Thus, the European colonial conquest in Africa in the nineteenth-century, and in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean before that, led to the creation of numerous new states in the aftermath of World War II. The indigenous populations, who lost their inalienable rights of self-government as the result of colonization, were empowered by an international convention underlined in the Declaration on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (Resolution 1514 (XV), adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 1960. Many countries, which were European colonies in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific Region, became sovereign states based on the UN declaration.
The second condition that justified the creation of a new state was prolonged conflict leading to massive violation of human rights involving a state and a nation, or an indigenous group with a specific homeland or territory. There is a tacit agreement among scholars, human rights activists and statesmen that the creation of new independent states is justified where such a situation obtains and when no solution is in sight. The creation of new states during the Balkan crisis of the 1990s, particularly those of Bosnia and Kosovo, East Timor’s independence from Indonesia in 2005 and the separation of South Sudan from Sudan in 2013 can be cited as the most recent examples here. Annexation is also involved in the case East Timor and South Sudan.
The third condition which leads to the creation of a new state occurs when and where the inhabitants of a sub-state or territory show the desire to secede from a state or an empire of which they have been a part for a long time. This has happened many times in the past and is still today in progress in a number of places around the world. Wherever this occurs, a history of conquest, annexation or a political union of some sort could be in the background. This, for example, was the case of the Ukrainians, the Georgians, and the peoples of the Baltic States as well as the remainder of the 18 states that have seceded from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (in effect from the Russian empire) since the 1990. However, the immediate impetus that stirred the desire for secession differed from case to case. Parts of the Ukraine were under Russian rule for over 300 years; its separation from Russia, after such a long period of co-existence, was motivated to a large extent by a call for sovereignty. National sovereignty and national identity were the two reasons given by the peoples of the Baltic States. The separation of former Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993 occurred because the Slovak nationalists demanded their own sovereign state. Their desire to secede was not opposed by the Czechs.
Today, a number of nations around the world are aspiring to build their own independent states basing their claims on one or a combination of the conditions described above. To mention some of them, the Catalans are conducting a political struggle to secede from Spain of which Catalonia has been a part since 1714. They claim that the Catalan language has been suppressed and disadvantaged, independent Catalonia will fare better economically than in a union with Spain. The French-speaking Quebecois, who will secede from the rest of Canada, will also use the ballot box. They do not claim they are colonized or oppressed by the English speaking Canadians or the federal government in Ottawa, but say that their desire is to build an independent Quebecois state and run their own affairs. Scotland’s quest for an independent state, notwithstanding its three-century long union with England, is instigated by the desire to live under the umbrella of their own state. I don’t think that the recent “No” vote has put a stop to the desire. In my view, the majority of the Scots have decided to stay in the Union for now but not forever.
All of the three conditions described above involve some aspect of “human rights.” Basically, the concept of “right” has moral and legal connotations pertaining to rights that belong to all human. It deals with rights that are generalized as natural and worthy of human beings. The concept denotes, among other things, the right to maintain or develop one’s own identity as an individual or a collectivity. One does not need to ask permission to speak one’s language, practice one’s culture or live one’s life. Normally, one does not do that both as an individual and a people. These are natural rights that belong to all human beings. One does not need others’ permission to breathe the God-given air. Simply stated, a fundamental human right has that “God-given” quality. One does not need to ask for it from others; it is inalienable. One demands recognition and respect for it from others. One has the right to resist its violation by them. It is an inherent right every human being is endowed with in order to enjoy a life worthy of human beings. That is also why it is clearly stipulated and guaranteed by international conventions. That this right is inherent or natural does not mean it is readily exercisable or enjoyable.
It is worthwhile to stress here that a human right is “guaranteed” by international conventions does not mean it is instantly attainable whenever people want to have it. Some form of struggle has to be waged to achieve it. As the late Nelson Mandela has sagaciously reminded us, there is no easy road to freedom. That includes any nation or people who seek political sovereignty. The means used to achieve it is decided by the politics of the concerned state: in democratic states the means used is political and peaceful. It is usually concluded by a referendum.
In dictatorships like Ethiopia, the road to freedom has been made violent by the nature of the state’s resistance to assertion of rights. This is a regrettable reality, but such a road must be traversed to achieve human dignity and respect worthy of a nation. Speaking about means Fredrick Douglass, a hero I always love to quote on the subject of freedom said, in a speech he gave on slavery in 1857, that “Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what people submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.” The Scots used words to exercise their rights. The Scottish right to independence is fully recognized by the government and non-Scottish people of the United Kingdom. That recognition has saved England and Scotland from conflict that could have caused them great tragedy. The Oromo are being denied not only acknowledgment that it is appropriate to exercise their rights, but they are being brutally persecuted when they bring attention to the violation of God-given rights in peaceful protests.
Other observers have pointed to there great differences between Oromia’s relation to Ethiopia and Scotland’s relation to UK. The differences are historical. Scotland signed the Union Act with England voluntarily in 1707 and they formed a single parliament for both nations. Oromia is a colony kept by brutal force in a “prison house of nations” as some political philosophers have put it. The Oromo question is one of survival. The present Tigrayan regime introduced a very harsh version of imperial colonial rule using unprecedented violence, particularly against the Oromo nation. As those who follow the politics of the state know, the TPLF leaders have introduced concentration camps and used them as sites for collective punishment. Torture, rape and castration, extra-judicial killings and “disappearances” have been new forms of violent brutality used against individuals by the TPLF-led regime. The late Sigfried Pausewang, who was not known for his support of the idea of an independent Oromo state, but rather for his outspoken criticism of violation of human rights by Abyssinian ruling elites, wrote what the majority of the Oromo have reason to feel in Ethiopia today. He argued that they are not only politically marginalized, controlled and dominated by a ruling party from another ethnicity, but are the single group that is most exposed to control and repression. He went on saying that, “Oromia is the region with most political prisoners, and most human rights violations, torture in prison, and even disappearances”, and that the federal structure introduced in 1991 “has not been able to soothe the trauma the Oromo suffered after a century of Amhara domination, dispossession and relegation to the status of landless serfs or tenants, and suppression of their language and culture” (see Pausewang, Exploring New Political Alternatives for the Oromo in Ethiopia”, CHR. Michelsen Insitute, 2009). That being the case, the objective of the ongoing Oromo struggle is to reclaim those rights and establish an independent state.  The right to political self-determination refers to the right to be what the “self” wants to be. To want to form an independent state or go into a federation with others peoples or states is up to the collective “self” to determine.
As is reflected in the contribution made by some of the commentators on Oromo websites (see for example Nageessa O. Duubee, Gadaa.com, September 21, 2014) there is a wish that the present Ethiopian regime will learn lessons from the Scottish referendum and would allow the Oromo to decide their political future through referendum. In the first place, I do not think that the regime will take such a step voluntarily. It has to be forced even to contemplate such an idea. But let us say it allows referendum to take place in Oromia. Will the Oromo majority say “No” to independence? I have strong doubts about that. My guess is that, given the chance, the vast majority of the Oromo will say “Yes” to independence and “No” to staying under the umbrella of the Ethiopian state. If we read the writing on the wall carefully, the Oromo have already said, “Enough is enough.”
But, say I am wrong and the “No” to independence vote wins and the dream of pro-Ethiopia Oromo politicians is fulfilled. Will that bring democracy to Ethiopia? I do not think so. Occupying Menelik’s palace (as some pro-Ethiopia Oromo politicians insist) in coalition with Abyssinian political elites will not turn the latter into democrats overnight. We all know that the concept of democracy is alien to them.
In conclusion, what the Scottish referendum shows is that the idea of an independent Oromo state is not “out-of-date,” as one may think. The referendum demonstrated that it is the inalienable right of people anywhere in the world to claim independence from a state of which they constitute a part. Furthermore, when it is normal and acceptable that the Scots, who have lived in a voluntary and democratic union with the English for 307 years, could without any problem vote to leave the union, it is scandalous to argue against Oromo independence from a state that has treated them with horrendous cruelty for 130 years.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Will There be Free and Fair Election in Ethiopia?

By Alemu Hurissa | September 25, 2014
Cartoonist depiction of the election in Ethiopia.
Cartoonist depiction of the election in Ethiopia.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. If not all, most of the people in every country have heard of what human right is about. According to the Universal declaration of human rights, no one or a group shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading conditions, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinions or language, which means
  • all are equal before the law and have equal protection of the law.
  • everyone has the right to have his/her case considered by an impartial tribunal.
  • citizens have the right to express their opinion freely, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association are inalienable basic human rights.
  • everyone must abide by the moral requirements, laws and regulations. In a democratic country, people can express their rights through elections and the government would not interfere with ballot box as the popularity of the party’s platform will be decided only by a secret ballot and the ballot box result.
In Ethiopia what has been mentioned above is not totally exercised mainly due to the fact that the TPLF/EPRDF regime has not departed from using excessive force, and the rule of law has been violated everywhere in the country, particularly in Oromia. Nelson Mandela once said, “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. To impose on them a wretched life of hunger and deprivation is to dehumanize them.”
One would simply wish Mandela’s words are observed and practiced carefully by the TPLF regime and its members who have been dehumanizing, subjugating and killing innocent Oromo people with the sole purpose of controlling their day-to-day life and their natural resources. Since Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) came to power, its members treat Oromia and other regions in Ethiopia as their private property.  They also think as if political power is bestowed to them. The power has been used by TPLF/EPRDF regime and its members to subjugate, repress, torture, imprison, impoverish, exploit and kill innocent people. They brought this anti-people attitude from their Tigrean ancestors. I believe except TPLF/EPRDF regime no one or group ever considered the country and political power as its private property in the history of our country. The country and its political power should belong to the public at large not to the gun-toting few tribal cabals.
When I studied and learned what TPLF has done since they overtook political power in our country, it sounded like from the beginning they came to power to have everything under their control and lead the people into abject poverty, as a result of which obviously, citizens became powerless and forced into submission to TPLF regime in order to get basic necessity for survival, while TPLF regime members and few Tigrean loyalists enjoy a luxurious life style.
The TPLF/EPRDF regime members and loyalists have gained wealth in many fronts, corruption being the leading means besides the aid money diverted into the pocket of the few and the purchase of weapons used to suppress the oppressed people under their misrule. While aid money for a poor country like ours is welcome, the donor countries should have used their power to hold TPLF thugs an accountable for misusing a lion share of the dole. For example when Juventus football club was found guilty of match fixing corruption, it was relegated to the second division and also hit by many other punishments. Likewise, there is a moral duty to hold dictatorial regimes like TPLF/EPRDF who caused people to suffer and play games with their life to account unless the West and America is determined to support the criminal government of Ethiopia instead of the people.
As we know, fake national elections took place in 1992, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 in Ethiopia. In all these fake elections, the people who could have played the decisive part in those general elections were excluded from the processes of decision making positions. Because of this the Ethiopian government failed to secure domestic legitimacy from the countries citizens except from western countries that recognized them as a true winner of all those elections by ignoring the principles of a true democracy and respect for human rights.
Especially when I remembered the election that took place for the last two decades in Ethiopia, I always feel pain for many reasons:-
  • First, when I remember those who lost their lives after they have been shot to death by TPLF regime security forces for demanding the result of the said to be free and fair election.
  • Secondly, when I remember how TPLF regime ignored the will of the people and declared themselves as the ‘genuine’ winners of the election contrary to the reality.
  • Thirdly, when I remember how TPLF regime put Oromo activists and others in prison and torture chambers, how they brutally killed many Oromo students in different incidents when the students peacefully protested for justice and freedom.
  • Fourthly, when I think about Western powers, who ignored the will of our people and continued supporting the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia.
  • Fifthly, when I think about the way TPLF regime and its members robbed the natural resources of Oromia and other regions in Ethiopia and harassed and killed the innocent people by the weapons that has been bought with the natural resources it has robbed from the country.
The TPLF/EPRDF regime has claimed all those fake elections as true winner in Oromia and other regions in Ethiopia and managed to carry on with their repressive political system, with the help of purpose-designed fake organizations like the Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization (OPDO), which is a collection of elements of some Oromo natives and individuals of other tribes who settled and lived in Oromia and could speak Oromiffa/ Oromo language. These TPLF lackeys have no concern and affection for Oromo people whom they betrayed and exchanged for personal wealth and achievement of low level political positions. These organizations enable TPLF thugs to persecute, torture, and kill Oromo people and plunder the natural resources of Oromia in order to enrich the TPLF/EPRDF regime members.
Apparently, OPDO and other organizations are key players in keeping
Woyane in power by being a replacement for Oromo Liberation Front(OLF) in Oromia which is the richest and most populous regional state. Obviously, the TPLF government always critics of OLF and caused an immense suffering to OLF members and supporters, not because of OLF has done something wrong, but TPLF is aware of that if OLF gets an opportunity to represent the Oromo people in national elections in Ethiopia, TPLF has no chance of winning the elections by any means. OLF is the organization that determined to bring a change in Oromia and thereby Ethiopia. In addition to this, the OPDOs help, TPLF to keep OLF at bay since it is the organization that is struggling to bring a true democracy, political and socio-economic change, justice and freedom in Oromia in particular and Ethiopia in general.
We have seen Woyanes in power for so long, but we have not seen any change in Ethiopia either in politics, economy, human rights, freedom of expression, the pillar of a democratic and free society, that is unnatural to the TPLF/EPRDF regime. The regime has totally failed to care about the society. As associate professor of political science and international relations at Addis Ababa University, Dr. Merera Gudina said Woyane politics is one step forward and two steps backward and the same professor also said when he presented about Ethiopian national election, if a team enters into a football match with its own referee, it is not difficult to know which team will win the game. Generally, Ethiopian politics has continued being repressive in its manner and the election process as bad as it was in the Derg era.
The ruling party has already started, as it used to do in the past through its security forces and cadres, intimidating, arresting and torturing, opposition leaders and their members and supporters, journalists and bloggers before elections. This is due to the fact that they want to redirect the citizen’s thought and attention, hence it would be naive to expect a free and fair election in that country, while TPLF is in charge of political power. As it has been many times, election in Ethiopia is planned and designed in advance including preregistration with intimidation and ballot stuffing for a biased and favorable result. This is due to the fact that the country’s security force composition and the Ethiopian television, which could reasonably be termed as TPLF TV, are all in favour of the ruling party.
This picture proved for us how the government security forces are beaten those who Protested (Women and youth) against vote rigging.
This picture proved for us how the government security forces are beaten those who Protested (Women and youth) against vote rigging.
The Western countries also seem to be supporting TPLF/EPRDF unconditionally. What is most disheartening, unfortunate, is the fact that a country like USA that claims to advocate for democracy and human rights dedicates itself to supporting, recognizing, inviting and welcoming Ethiopian political leaders to a very important meetings for Africa and America while they know these leaders torture, abuse and kill the innocent people in Ethiopia, particularly in Oromia. Because of these facts and factors, we cannot expect a free and fair election from TPLF/EPRDF regime on the upcoming general election.
The other reason is the TPLF/EPRDF regime and their members also proved how any election process and its result under their rule would always be a fake exercise when they claimed 99.6% in the general election in 2010. Though it was a shameful event in the history of elections anywhere around the world, the TPLF is a careless organization that can do an immoral thing that helps them stay power. As we know they did not give even a little space and an opportunity for opposition parties to come out and propagate their political programs to the public in all elections that took place while TPLF was in power.
The reason why the opposition parties did/do not get chance is because of the national TV remains controlled by TPLF/EPRDF, on the other hand if opposition leaders and their members use social media to reach their supporters, TPLF would accuse them of treason that can possibly subject them to brutal torture and possible death. Besides this, the people have no right of protesting if and when their vote gets stolen.
I conclude my article by saying that, if we are really to save our country and avoid an unprecedented crisis, all true citizens of Ethiopia in general and the Oromo people in particular, need to join hands and stand shoulder-to-shoulder to bring a true democracy and unlimited freedom of speech, in order to enable citizens to express their dissatisfaction with their government’s performance and chart their own destiny without a brutal government lording on their life only to hamper the free exercise of their God given right.
Alemu Hurissa
Alemu Hurissa

Alemu Hurissa

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gaaffii Mindaan Kan Wal Qabateen Poolisoonni Naannoo Oromiyaa Diddaa Kaasaa Jiru.

Gabaasa Qeerroo Fulbaana 24,2014

Mootummaan Wayyaanee somba keenyaan afuura baafatee, fiigichaa fi dafqa keenyaan,aangoo isaa irratti umurii dheereffate,nuti umurii keenyatti barumsa utuu hin jedhin maatii keenya irraa adda baanee kaayyoo mootummaan galmaan geenya jennee saba keenyaanis jibbamnee, mootummaan Wayayanee ofii rakkina keessa of baasee firaa fi dachee isaa irratti badhaadhee kan baatii baatiidhaan argannuttiyyuu miindaa seera qabeessan nuun gahuu didee jechuudhaan poolisoonni naannoo Oromiyaa gaaffii miindaa kaasanii akka jiran gabaasni nu gahe addeessa.
Akka gabaasni nu gahe ibsutti hojjetootni mootummaa yeroo ammaa gaaffii dabaliinsa miindaan wal qabatee kaasaa kan jiraniidha, miindaan ni dabalama jedhee hojjetoota isaa sobuu irrayyuu miindaa dhuma baatii beellama isaaniitti kennamu irra darbee yeroo ammaa poolisoonni naannoo Oromiyaa yeroodhaan miindaan nu qaqqabsiisuun maaliif akka hafe gaaffii waan nutty taheef mootummaa of irratti goobsinee aangoo isaa irratti baroota hamma kana utubaa fi humna isa taanee utuu jirru seeraan miindaadhuma qabnuyyuu nuun gahuu dide jedhuun, akkasuma mootummaan wayyaanee hidhattoota, humna nageenya Oromiyaa irraa ilaalcha gaarii waan hin qabneef karaa miindaan nu miidhuuf waan ka’aa jiruuf gaaffii miindaa irratti hirkatee kaasuudhaan diddaa jabeessuu irratti poolisoonni Oromiyaa argamaa jiraachuu gabaasni Qeerroo addeessa.
Dabalataan yeroo ammaa waajjiraalee dhaabaa godinoota Oromiyaa keessaa hojii irraa ariyamaa kan jiran keessattuu waajjira dhaabaa lixa shawaa Amboo irraa hojjetootni namni 8 ol hojii irraa mootummaan ariyee waan jiruuf, kunis hojjetootaa fi poolisoota oromiyaa keessatti gaaffiin isaa ka’ee kan jiruu fi akkasuma gaaffiin miindaan ka’aa jiru poolisoota qofa osoo hin taanee hojjetoota garagaraatiinis bakka hundaatti dabaliinsaan miindaan diddaa jabaatee kan jiru gabaasni Qeerroo nu gahe addeessa.

“A Criminal State: The Blackmailing of the Oromo Liberation Struggle for Freedom and Democracy”, the futile attempt of successive regimes of Ethiopia

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By Dr. Shigut Geleta | Posted: September 24, 204
Full Speech of Dr. Shigut at the 4th New World Summit of Stateless States
Your Excellency Mr. Chairman,
Dear Honorable guest speakers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great privilege and honor for me to be among you today representing the Oromo Liberation Front. First of all, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the organizing committee for inviting OLF and having organized the 4th New World Summit that brought together the representatives of stateless states to discuss and share experiences about the potentials or obstacles that states are embroiling some genuine political causes today.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The topic on which I am going to address is “A Criminal State: The Blackmailing of the Oromo Liberation struggle for Freedom and Democracy”: the futile attempt of successive regimes of Ethiopia. Accordingly, my presentation is organized in five main parts. In the first part, I introduce Oromo (the people) and Oromia (the land) that are caught in an increasingly violent identity political struggle. In the second part, I will try to indicate the deep rooted conflict that led the Oromo people for being at odd to the Ethiopian Empire. In the third part, I point to the birth and grand objectives of Oromo Liberation Front. In the fourth, I will enumerate with some specific examples how all the Ethiopian regimes that seized power one after the other attempted to blackmail Oromo liberation struggle. Finally, I offer our view on the current political situation and the future scenarios on Oromo vs Ethiopia.

1) Who are the Oromo and Oromia?

I might be forgiven for asking who the Oromo are and why they are important. It is, however, impossible to understand Ethiopia – which is Africa’s second most populous country and the recipient of billions of dollars in western aid without knowing something of the Oromo. Oromos are the largest ethnic group of the Ethiopian empire and their language is the fourth most spoken in Africa. According to US Bureau of African Affairs November 5, 2010 the total population of Ethiopia is estimated at 80 million of which the Oromo are said to constitute 40%. With today’s projected 93.9 million people of Ethiopia, Oromo accounted for about 35 million. Addis Ababa/Finfinne, sometimes known as the capital city of Africa, serves as the seat of Ethiopian government, Oromia regional state and many international organizations is located at the heart of Oromo land (Oromia). Among the nations and nationalities in Ethiopia, Oromos occupy an important position not only geographically but also socio-economically. Oromia State is the largest among the Regional States of Federal Republic of Ethiopia. It stretches from northwest Sudan border to south east to Somalia, from north Tigray border to south up to Kenya, and in the west from Sudan border to the east up to Djibouti. Oromos are the single most nation that has cultural contact with many nations and nationalities in Ethiopia. Natural resource from Oromia is the backbone of Ethiopia’s national economy. It mainly supplies most of agricultural products. Coffee, which generates about 60% of Ethiopia’s foreign exchange earnings and about 10% of government revenue, grows mainly in Oromia. Other major exportable agricultural products such as hides and skins, pulses and oil-seeds are also produced mainly in Oromia. Oromia has large reserve of gold, platinum, nickel, tantalum, iron, marble, and other non-metallic and industrial minerals. It is also estimated that Oromia has the Potential to provide hydroelectric power to the Horn of Africa. The main hydroelectric power of the country comes from Oromia. In addition, potentially rich geothermal power exists in the Great Rift Valley section, which passes through the heartland of Oromia. The main tributaries to the Great Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Nile dam come from Oromia.  Yet the Oromo are an invisible nation in the eyes of the world and political minority in the Ethiopian empire.

2. Why Oromo are in more than a century old conflict with the Ethiopian empire in which they are the largest and most strategically placed?

In order to comprehend how the Oromo has been targeted and marginalized in the politics of Ethiopian empire, we need to look at Oromo history and formation of Ethiopian empire. The present Ethiopia is an empire of more than 80 nations and nationalities. The process of empire building of Ethiopia involved no more than conquest and subjugation of conquered peoples. It was accomplished by a monarchy that extended its power from the central highlands, Abyssinia, to neighboring areas and beyond. Abyssinian Emperor Menlik-II subjugated the Oromo during the last quarter of the nineteenth century with the help of the European colonial powers of the day at the juncture of European scramble of Africa. It was not delimited to its today’s political geography at any time before the conquest by Menilik-II.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Despite the Berlin conference of 1884/85 that was held on how to divide Africa among the colonial powers, there was a fear of clashing interest among colonial powers in occupying Abyssinian kingdom. The Italian post of Asab was transformed into the colony of Eritrea. The Benadir coast which the Italians bought from the Sultan of Zanzibar emerged as Italian Somaliland. The French post Obock was transformed into the colony of Djibouti. The British established themselves on both sides of Bab El Mandab, at Aden and British Somaliland. But they all had their own ambitions of expanding their empires and connecting their various holdings in Africa. Italy wanted to connect her two colonies, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, by land. But Abyssinia with her holdings lies between the two. The French had the ambition of building a railway across the continent from east to west, i.e. from Djibouti to Dakar, Senegal to connect her colonial possessions. But Abyssinia and Sudan lie in the way. The British also aspired to build a railway line across Africa, this one from north to south, i.e. from Cairo to the Cape and to connect Africa with Europe through the canal. However, the three European powers were not prepared to go to war over their conflicting interests, i.e. over “Ethiopia”. Each of them supplied military equipment and competed to be the most influential on the Ethiopian Empire.
Ethiopia was then formally designated as the Empire of Ethiopia until the deposition of its last emperor, Haile Selassie in 1974. Christopher Clapham, Professor of Politics and International Relations  at the Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge (2006) put in a clear language that:-
…” the origins of the Ethiopian state, which are a source of great pride to many of its citizens, are also the seed of many of its problems. Formally designated the Empire of Ethiopia until the deposition of its last emperor, Haile Selassie in 1974, it was imperial not only in the title of its ruler but in the way that the state itself was put together”
Like any other empires in history, emperor Menilik also put the foundation of the empire with the might of gun. As this empire is an agglomeration of diverse nations and nationalities with different historical, socio-economic, cultural values and religious backgrounds prior to their subjugation, permanent colonial military suppression marks the history of the colonized people in this empire. This overlooked Ethiopia’s transformation into an imperial state during the late 1800s in which the monarchy with the help of modern weapons and European advisors allowed to embark on its own land holding system. Hundreds of thousands of settlers, known as naftanya, meaning gun carrier, were dispatched by the Emperor into fortified settlements in the Oromo and other conquered areas. The settlers seized vast tracts of Oromo lands, on which the Oromo were forced to be serfs. This Ethiopian colonial state created a naturally developing leadership vacuum in Oromo society by destroying a cultural and political leadership during its colonial expansion. It also delayed the development of an Oromo national leadership by denying the Oromo opportunities essential for the development of an educated and organized leadership. Educational opportunities have been mainly provided for children of the Ethiopian rulers in order to perpetuate the Amhara-Tigrayan (Abyssinian) dominance (Markakis, 1974)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Sadly enough, this phenomenon of Ethiopian colonialism remains invisible on most maps of late nineteenth and early twentieth century of Africa, which portray the division of the continent as a strictly European affair.
However, the continuous domination and suppression, exclusion and exploitation of annexed peoples by the ruling ethnic group called for resistance and insurgency. Ever since the early 1960s nationalism has figured critically in the politics and international relations of the Horn of Africa regimes in general and Ethiopia in particular. The nationalities question became the center of the Ethiopian conflict. It was first illustrated by student Walleligne Makonnen’s article in the publication of Ethiopian Student Movement, The Struggle (November 1969)
Is it not simply Amhara and to a certain extent Amhara-Tigre supremacy? Ask anybody what Ethiopian culture is? Ask anybody what Ethiopian language is? Ask anybody what Ethiopian music? Ask anybody what Ethiopian religion is? Ask anybody what the national dress is? It is either Amhara or Amhara-Tigre!! To be a “genuine Ethiopian” one has to speak Amharic, to listen to Amharic music, to accept the Amhara-Tigre religion, Orthodox Christianity, and to wear the Amhara-Tigre Shamma in international conferences. In some cases to be an “Ethiopian” you will even have to change your name. In short to be an Ethiopian, you will have to wear an Amhara mask (to use Fanon’s expression).
However, the reactions and controversies on the above article prompted by then to the political elites of Ethiopia is not yet ended journey. Therefore it was not accidental that since early 1970s almost all major political forces, such as the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, Tigray Peoples Liberation Front, Oromo Liberation Front and Ogaden National Liberation Front, have always been not only rooted but also geared towards resolving this deep rooted conflict. On the contrary some pan Ethiopianists organizations remained antagonistic to these liberation movements. In addition, the stereotype of Ethiopia’s statehood derived from the hierarchical and authoritarian social structures of the northern highlands which are resistant to political accommodation, ruling over the egalitarian annexed nations and nationalities remained the core problem of the politics of Ethiopia.

3) The birth and grand objectives of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)

The Oromo people resisted Ethiopian colonial expansion and domination both militarily and culturally in localized and scattered ways. The Oromo rose in frequent rebellions, the largest of which broke out in Rayyaa Azebo in 1948 and in Bale in the 1960s and resulted in the deaths of thousands people. Peacefully, in 1936 Oromo leaders also appealed via the British Government to League of Nations to establish a mandate over Oromia until it achieved self-government. However, the peaceful quest remained on deaf ear by European super powers and on the contrary the British took side in bombing of Rayyaa Azebo oromo resistance. During Haile Silassie regime the monarchical and colonial nature of the Ethiopian empire did not allow the Oromo to form a political organization that would allow them express their aspiration. Legally it was only possible to form self-help associations. Accordingly, three Oromo Self-help associations merged together in 1963-1964 and formed the Macha-Tulama Self-Help Associations.  The formation of Macha-Tulama Self-Help Association in Finfinne (Addis Ababa) and the emerging of Oromo musical and cultural groups marked the public rise of Oromo nationalism. Consequently the government in fear of Oromo national consciousness exiled and imprisoned many of the leaders of the Association and banned the Associations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As the Ethiopian government denied the Oromos any channel through which to express their national interest, Oromo revolutionaries established an underground political movement. This was a new epoch in Oromo struggle while it led for the first establishment of Oromo Liberation Front in 1973. The birth of Oromo Liberation Front in 1973 brought new hope for the Oromos. The Oromo Liberation Front aimed to create an Oromo national movement that would enable the Oromo people to decide on their political future democratically through a referendum. It did not wish to impose its will on the Oromo, but maintained that only the Oromo people can decide whether to create “an independent republic of Oromia” or to build a multicultural democracy by joining “other peoples in any form of political arrangement”.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
OLF fought the Ethiopian Military government in the east, south and western part of Oromia until the regime fall in May 1991. OLF was the third strong organization that has been recorded in combat against the brutal government of Mengistu next to Eritrea Peoples Liberation Front – today’s Eritrea Government and Tigrayan Liberation Front – today’s Ethiopian government. OLF and its military wing Oromo Liberation Army has never participated in street terror tactic that has targeted civilians which was the ugly face of Abyssinian politics during Degue Military regime. It engaged itself against the government soldiers and security agents.
As the Emperor had done, Mengistu, the chairman of the Derg, continued the pattern of extreme centralization and denial of individual or collective rights of nations and nationalities. He replaced monarchical absolutism ideology by militaristic Marxism – Leninism to build the Ethiopian nation state. Centralization and homogenization under the culture of one ethnic group, Amhara, severely suppressed the Oromos culturally, economically and politically and only perpetuated the systematic domination.
In April 1976, the Derg regime promulgated its Program for the National Democratic Revolution (PNDR), which accepted the notions of self-determination for nationalities and regional autonomy. Accordingly Eritrea, Tigray, Aseb, Dire Dawa, and Ogaden were delineated to be autonomous. Remarkably here it rather divided the Oromo land (Oromia) into more administrative region than before. However Dergue’s futile attempt by creating the so-called autonomous regions, which were totally subordinated to the national government and denial of the Oromo right never addressed the national question nor saved it from demise. In sum military rule, guided by revolutionary socialism was unable to address properly the root causes of national conflict.
Right at the eve of the downfall of the dictatorial socialist regime, the US government took an initiative to lay a ground for peace and stability in Ethiopia and invited the major armed groups Eritrean People Liberation Front, Tigray People Liberation Front, Oromo liberation Front and the falling Dergue regime to London conference in May 1991. Oromo Liberation Front agreed to the conference and joined Tigray Peoples Liberation Front as a partner in drafting the Transitional charter and setting the Transitional government (1991-1992). Knowing the political tradition of Abyssinians, it was foreseeable to the OLF what the ultimate goal of Tigray People Liberation Front  would be, but with hope that the regional and global influences of democratic countries would curb the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front’s ambition to emerge as the new dominant group like that of its predecessors.
The Charter was principled with four elements that fundamentally departed from the autocratic and imperial tradition of Ethiopia to transform the relationships between the colonizer and the colonized nations.  These four components were the supremacy of the law, devolution of Power, the construction of a multinational democratic state and the free market economy. Despite all these declaration of principle, the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front/Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) since coming to power in 1991, continued practices that violate the charter and its own constitution and its international human rights obligations.
After 1992 “snap” election which the Oromo Liberation Front won in landslide in Oromia region, TPLF led EPRDF started to focus on politics of power protection and consolidation.  Consequently intimidation and planned manipulation of democratic processes eventually resulted in the exit from the Transitional government of the second strong political force, namely, the OLF, and other forces as well. In addition, other political parties and liberation movements were disqualified afterwards because of their participation in the Paris Peace Conference in 1993.
After all the popular liberation movements and political parties had been pushed out, the Transitional Government became one dictatorial party, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front with its satellite Peoples Democratic Organizations (…PDOs) it has manufactured. It appointed a Constitution Commission to draft a unilateral constitution. Accordingly, on 5th of June a 547-member Constitutional Assembly was elected and established without representation of the opposition. Then after, EPRDF not only established all institutions under its full control but also legalized and legitimized its hegemony. This establishment of constitutional and institutional base for EPDRF’s hegemony began with the elections of 1995 is on track. Since then it built systematically its hegemony both in Ethiopia and in the Horn of Africa.  Today, 23 years after such tailored election, there is no distinction left between legislative, judiciary and executive bodies of the state. All these institutions are rather part and parcel of the EPRDF itself. There is no at the moment the slightest political space for the opposition as this was unwaveringly confirmed with the 99.6% electoral result for the TPLF/EPRDF in 2010 national election and 99.9% in May 2013 local election. The EPRDF/TPLF regime not only abused the judiciary, the media and economic sector but it possessed them as a part of its own party structure.
To sum up, the OLF was born to address the brutal oppression, and socio-politico-economic exploitation and subjugation of the Oromo people by the Ethiopian political system. This necessity delivered a secular OLF in 1973/1974. The sacrifice of thousands of Oromo nationalists has resulted in the recognition of Oromo and Oromia as a unified national and political entity in the Ethiopian political system in 1991.
Due to unchanged course of Ethiopia’s political history Oromos remained in conflict with the current Ethiopia’s regime as well.

4) Some examples of blackmailing of the Oromo liberation struggle by Ethiopian regimes that seized power one after the other

Diverting of public attention and international community from the legitimate quest of the Oromo people for freedom and democracy is always the ominous act of successive Ethiopian regimes. Numerating such blackmailing might be a hard work since individuals, civic organisations, artists, journalists and Oromo liberation organizations were and are labelled and targeted. Hundreds have been eliminated on various pretexts, thousands have disappeared, and tens of thousands have been imprisoned. I will try to touch and mention some of these disturbing inhuman acts.

During the regime of Emperor Haile Selassie

An attempt to destroy Oromo identity: Under the Emperor Haile Selassie Oromo place names were changed to Amharic and local language and culture were banned. Administrative regions were carefully labelled as much as possible not to reflect Oromo history and culture. Five kingdoms of Jimma were given the name of Kafa a name driven from minority Kafichoo nation, Tullamaa was given Shewa name which was derived from Shewan dynasty of Abyssinian, Boranaa and Gujii were lamped under the name of Sidamoo derived from Sidama nation. Bale and Arsi   of the same Oromo clan was partitioned in to geographic and clan name. Some places like Adama, Bishoftu. Ambo and Chiro were renamed and and given Amhara name.
The blackmailing of the Macha-Tulama Self-help Associations:
In the beginning of the 1960s, the legally registered Macha-Tulama Self-Help Associations began to produce a centralized leadership for the Oromo people by mobilizing rural and urban areas for development activities. In 1966 public rallies and meetings were organized in villages, towns and cities in several places of Oromia by the association. However, the government being scared of Oromo national consciousness it exiled and imprisoned many of the leaders of the Association. The Haile Selassie government used an explosion at the cinema hall in Addis Ababa to implicate the leaders in act of crime against the government. Ironically, the exploded devices were planted by government security men, one of whom lost hand while planting it. The government imprisoned the key leaders of the association, all of them severely tortured. The emperor has assigned five of its staunch supporter as special court and a prosecutor. By this kangaroo court leaders like honorable Mamo Mazamir were sentenced to death by hanging, while several were given life-long sentences of imprisonment. Many like distinguished leader Haile Mariam Gammada (a distinguished lawyer) died in prison from unnatural causes. General Tadassee Biru, the Chairman of the Association, was sentenced to life long imprisonment and sent to remote town of Galamso. After the fall of the Emperor General Tadassee left the prison and commenced armed struggle in country side in 1974. He immediately declared land to be free for those who work on it. The military junta hurriedly declared the nationalization of rural land and arrested general Tadassee and sentenced him to death and executed him on March 13, 1975.

During Dergue regime:

Scheme of settlement in 1985: To deny the territorial autonomy of the Oromo people the Dergue have conducted two types of settlements scheme in Oromo land (Oromia) under the cover of – saving famine victims. The first of conventional settlement en-masse from northern Ethiopia on vast low lands of Oromia region. The second type of settlement scheme involved integration of the settler into Oromo community. Local peasant associations were assigned a fixed number of families to settle and integrate in their respective area. All these were designed for three objectives: 1) to blunder the territorial claim by portraying Oromos have not any geographical defined territory. 2) The settlers have been used to fulfill the traditional role of the colonial settlers by being security arm and loyal to central government and hostile to Oromo people and liberation struggle 3) they served for divide and rule colonial policy of the government.
Orchestrating the notions of self-determination and partitioning Oromia in to more administrative regions than before:
In response to nation and nationality question the Dergue created the Institute for the Study of Ethiopian Nationalities in 1983 to develop administrative and political proposals to accommodate all the country’s major nationalities. As a result of the institute’s findings, the government abolished Ethiopia’s fourteen administrative regions and created thirty regions, of which five– Eritrea, Tigray, Aseb, Dire Dawa, and the Ogaden–were to be autonomous. Oromo, Ogadeni, Eritrean and Tigray liberation movements denounced the plan as nothing more than an attempt to perpetuate government control of this regions. Remarkably here it rather divided the Oromo land (Oromia) into more administrative region than before. However Dergue’s futile attempt by creating the so-called autonomous regions, which were totally subordinated to the national government and denial of the Oromo right to this fake autonomy after its deceptive activity of “settlement” never, saved it from demise.

Current regime

The current Ethiopian regime attempted all to blackmail the liberation struggle of Oromo people using the war on terror are nothing but extension of similar attempts of its predecessors. The September 11, 2001 attacks brought increased American involvement in the Horn of Africa and an alliance with Ethiopia against “terrorism”. Instead of solving the conflict peacefully the tireless effort of the government of Ethiopia has always been trying to put Oromo Liberation Front on the terrorist list by the international community and to put a boundary between the Oromo people and the OLF. The OLF is mainly targeted because it is the only force that is a real threat to the regime wishing to stay in power for decades ahead. To eliminate this threat, the regime is restlessly trying hard by misinforming the public and by misrepresenting the OLF and to register it in terrorist list of western governments. To realize this objective it has invested millions of dollars on the lobby machine and the media especially in Washington DC, Brussels, London and nagged the western diplomats to be agents of their evil blackmails.
Appeal via circular letter:
In June 18, 2003 the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Berlin, Germany dispatched to various western diplomatic offices not to give recognition for the OLF as a legitimate political organization.
Intensive lobbying of US Government:
In late 2006 the US, which had begun training the Ethiopian army three years earlier, backed Ethiopia’s invasion of neighboring Somalia. Ethiopia sought to firmly align its domestic opponents with the US war against al-Qaeda, with the head of the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) chief, Mr. Getachew Asefa,  in documents released by WikiLeaks, telling the US ambassador in 2009 that the OLF  and ONLF should be treated as terrorists because they have safe haven camps in extremist-held areas in Somalia and receive support and assistance from the very same high value targets (HVTs) that the U.S. and Ethiopia are trying to neutralize (Cable reference id: #04 ADDIS ABABA 001318). Despite Get chew’s lobby, it is well known fact that OLF and ONLF left Somalia in 1999.
Orchestrated bombing attempt by Ethiopian security force to put the blame on OLF:
Released WikiLeaks Ethiopia files expose how Ethiopian security forces planted 3 bombs that went off in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on September 16, 2006 and then blamed Eritrea and the Oromo resistance for the blasts in a case that raises serious questions about the claims made about the bombing attempt against the African Union summit earlier this year in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In WikiLeaks report  from 2006 marked “Secret ; Subject: Ethiopia: Recent Bombings Blamed on Oromos Possibly the Work of Government of Ethiopia” “Classified By: Charge [d’Affairs] Vicki Huddleston”, “An embassy source, as well as clandestine reporting, suggests  based on reliable source that the bombing may have in fact been the work of the Government of Ethiopia’s  security forces.” (Cable reference id: #06ADDISABABA2708.)
Pormogulation of laws that enables it to blackmail others:
The Ethiopian government pormogulated laws concerning the Registration and Regulation of charities and societies proclamation (civil society law (CSO) No. 621/2009), Anti-terrorism law (No.652/2009), The freedom of the mass Media and Access information proclamation (No, 590/2009), the political Parties registration proclamation (No. 573/2008), the Amended Electoral Law (No, 532/2007) and the Electoral code of conduct for political parties (No. 662/2009)
These laws are supplanting rather than supplementing to the constitution both in their very precepts and practical consequences. The anti-terrorism law makes any dissenting voice vulnerable to abuse of basic human rights by the government security forces. It commonly used to invoke in the arrest and imprisonment of thousands of Oromo students and politicians, who made several demonstrations opposing government policies on Oromo land garb and unlawful eviction of Oromo thousands peasants.  The new Media law is designed to strengthen the Anti-terrorism law by having made the provision of license and control over Media. Further it strengthened its repressive machinery with the newly legislated civil society law that limited access of NGOs to the country. The purpose is very clear. It wanted a free hand to perpetuate its abuse of human rights undisturbed and unconstrained.
Parliament resolution:
It declared a resolution in the parliament on June 14, 2011 that OLF is one of the five as a terrorist organization.  But they failed to get literally any one to approve their futile agenda.  Right after this resolution when interviewed “The US embassy spokesperson Mrs. Brandt says Ginbot 7, OLF and ONLF are not considered terrorists in the US’ eyes”.
The Current Ethiopian regime is staging a hilarious fabricated dramas alleging to confound the OLF with terrorist organization as well as to divert the attention of the general public from liberation struggle. This attempt, though it was intensive, has failed to win the sympathy of the people it targeted.
Hilarious film dramas:
For the operation of its window dressing procedure the EPRDF tried to catch some positive publicity in a media environment by manufacturing its hilarious film dramas. Targeting to both legal and illegal opposition, in all its media drama it tried to kill two birds with one stone. The Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency (ERTA now EBC) released on 09 June 2011 a show-and-tell documentary film with a title of “Addis Ababa like Bagdad”. The TV drama disseminated defamatory allegation claiming that ‘Eritrea in cooperation with OLF and Ginbot 7 had a conspiratorial intention during the AU Conference that was held in Addis Ababa in January 2011. This investigative documentary shows how Ethiopian national intelligence agency was able to track and dismantle terrorist groups that were recruited, trained and funded by the Eritrean government. This false tag to OLF was planned and designed against OLF by EPRDF to lift its problem to international agendas.
Five month after “Addis Ababa like Bagdad” was aired the TPLF led EPRDF launched again its blackmailing and its pathetic tyranny with another title “Akeldama” (Land of Blood) a documentary film that was aired on Ethiopian TV from November 26 to 28, 2011. The documentary is extremely defamatory and portrays OLF and others wrongly as if they have conducted inhumane massacres. None of the portrayed TV show can be corroborated by evidence.

Land Leasing (Grabbing) and city expansion:

A scheme that invites foreign investors to take away land from subsistent farmers in the name of agricultural mechanization or modernization, without any sort compensation. This is strictly designed in uprooting of Oromos from their land. Reports indicate that more than 2.8 million people have already been evicted. Addis Ababa Master Plan is designed to divide Oromia in west and east
Constitutional mockery:
Ethiopia’s constitution Article 39 stipulated the Rights of Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples in the following manner:-
  1. The right to self-determination, including secession, of every Nation, Nationality and People shall come into effect:
(a) When a demand for secession has been approved by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Legislative Council of the Nation, Nationality or People concerned;
(b) When the Federal Government has organized a referendum which must take place within three years from the time it received the concerned council’s decision for secession;
In a country where the oppression of the state is legitimacy for its existence putting this on the constitution is merely for the accusation of genuine liberation movements and deception of International community.  Since the members of the Legislative council of Oromia is controlled by the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO), a member of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). They are hand-picked agents of Tigray Peoples Liberation Front under the mockery of National election who have no say by their own.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The hoodwink and political theatre without much substance of the TPLF led EPRDF will not stop Oromo liberation struggle but may lengthen the duration of success. Since the struggle of the Oromo people, then, is nothing more than an attempt to affirm their own place in history. It seeks for liberation of all sort of annexation; it stands for equality, human dignity, democracy, freedom and peace. It is not directed against the masses of a particular nation or nationality, nor against individuals, but rather against Ethiopian oppressive system. Blackmailing of a genuine causes is not exceptional to Oromos and OLF. Nelson Mandela told to the world with his own word: – “I was called a terrorist yesterday, but when I came out of jail, many people embraced me, including my enemies, and that is what I normally tell other people who say those who are struggling for liberation in their country are terrorists. I tell them that I was also a terrorist yesterday, but, today, I am admired by the very people who said I was one.” (Larry King Live, 16 May 2000)
Contrary to what the EPRDF regime is trying to convince the peoples of the country Oromos across all sectors of the society and regions are struggling for their quest of freedom and democracy. Today un- announced mass abduction and arrest targeting Oromos in all the regions are going on. Oromo business men, teachers, university lecturers, journalist, members of Oromo legal political organizations who have seats in the parliament, students and peasants are languishing  being put behind bars and hidden prisons. All these demonstrate the repeated deafening concocted film show has never convinced the Oromo to rally behind the regime against the OLF

5) The current situation and the future scenarios of Oromo vs Ethiopia

Today anyone who speaks on the plight of the Oromo People does not belong to the ruling party is a crime and can be taken to prison any time. Oromo nationals from all walks of life – farmers, students, teachers, business persons, entrepreneurs, government employees, engineers, medical doctors, youths, elderly, men, women, children and etc. brought from all over Oromia and accused of being either members or supporters Oromo Liberation Front  have been subjected to brutal tortures, ill treatments and very harsh prison situations by the government of Ethiopia.  Some rights groups estimate there are around 30,000 Oromo political prisoners in Ethiopia. Almost any Oromo arrested, disappeared, tortured or executed is alleged simply for “act of terrorism”, “Narrow Nationalism”, “violation of territorial integrity”, “Treason act”, “Moslem fundamentalism” and “instigating ethnic conflict”.  However the true causes behind this mask are:-
  • for having attended a course in Oromo language and history,
  • for their protest against banning of Oromo civic organizations such as  Human Right League, Oromo Relief Association, Metcha-Tulama self-help association and various Newsletter such as Urjii, Sefe Nebalbal, Madda Walaabuu and etc.
  • for their demand for freedom of press and release of political prisoners,
  • for the protest against derogation of Oromo Culture,
  • for their demand to exercise religion freedom,
  • for their demand to help to extinguish the fires  which destroyed up to 600,000 hectares of forest,
  • for their demand for conservation of Environment from various pollutions,
  • for their demand on new educational, taxation and agricultural policies,
  • for their protest against the Removal of Oromia Region Capital City from Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) to Adama (Nazareth) and for their support of OLF and demand to free political prisoners.
  • for their demand  to free political prisoners and settle political problems by peaceful means
  • for their demand to stop uprooting Oromos by the expansion of cities and towns under the so called “master-plan” and land lease to foreign investors etc.
Genocide Watch in its report released on March 13, 2013 considered Ethiopia to have already reached Stage 7, genocidal massacres, against many of its peoples, including the Anuak, Ogadeni, Oromo and Omo tribes. Article II of the United Nations Convention defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Increasing human rights violations became inevitable once the regime chose to pursue its undemocratic aspiration of becoming the new dominant group. The military and security machinery coupled with a clandestine party structure will continue to be strengthened to prop up the emerging domination. Consequently, the regime is well known for terrorizing and savagely massacring innocent people in the country and of fabricating news to slander and blackmail opposition organizations. Analysis of Genocide watch is not reason but it is an outcome of process committed by the regime. To mention some of mass executions: The March 1992 massacre of oromos along the streets of Water town Harrarge region, the February 1994  Massacre Ogadeni in Wardheer, the Massacre of  Oromos at Babo Gambel village West Wollega in April 1995,the Massacre of  Oromos at  Sigmo and Gattira Districts in March 1995,  the Massacre of Sheko and Majenger people on 11 March 2002, The Locke, Sidama,  Massacre of  May 2002, the December 13, 2003 mass killings of Anuaks, the Massacre after turmoil of  2005 National election in Addis Ababa, the Massacre of  Oromos on Gara Sufi in February  2007,  the 2009 mass murder of  Ogadeni in Kabiribayah  Ogaden,  the massacre of members of the Suri tribe(Omo) of  December 2012, the Massacre of Muslim protestors April and August 2013 in Asasa and Kofele Oromia and the Massacre by  special (Liyu) Police 2013/2014 on Ogadeni and Oromos are some of the living testimonies of the state  terrorist act of the regime and are true historical records.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is not only lack of political pluralism but also a close examination into the working system of the private sector would immediately expose the deception of EPRDF regime. In the name of private property only two interrelated blocks monopolized the whole sector. These are the Midroc business empire owned by the Saudi-Ethiopian businessman Sheik Mohammed Alamudi affiliated to Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front leadership and the regime’s party associated “partystatal” enterprises that spread across every significant area of the economy. Considering the later, it is officially known that “Non-Governmental Organizations” such as Relief Society of Tigray, Tigray Development Association and Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigray (EFFORT) are controlled by TPLF and serve as the front organizations to channel national and international resources to the ruling party controlled business empires. Ladies and Gentlemen,
Ever since the Ethiopian state took its present form, change in government always emanated from the barrel of the gun rather than the ballot box. Opposition to the state has always remained a deadly business.  Thus, the only recourse for a serious opposition is to resort to arms resistance. This phenomenon has created a cyclical vicious circle. If the International community and all democratic forces vest a credible interest to end that cycle, they need to collaborate with genuine forces such as Oromo Liberation Front so that the right of self-determination will be materialized. However, the trend of oppression followed by the TPLF-led EPRDF government has already reached its climax and its response to ongoing peaceful demonstrations clearly heralding for the worst consequences.  As the consequence of theses accumulated repressive measures, one can easily tell that the current regime is leading the nation down the road of civil disobedience and civil unrest that could go out of control any time soon. The cost of such thing would be immense resulting Genocide and indeed undesirable.
As John Kennedy put it: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”(John F. Kennedy 1962). The struggle of Oromo people opted to raise arms since other venues were closed. It is also shaped as the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela said, “oppressors determine the mode of the struggle”. Ethiopian colonial regimes determined the mode of Oromo people’s struggle for their right to freedom.”
The only source of temporary stability of the current Ethiopia rests on foreign aid patronage and the regime’s total control over the military, security forces and its readiness to use it without hesitation. The regime’s refusal to negotiate in good faith with liberation movements to find long lasting solution and its violent confrontations on the streets against peaceful protestors and villages is convening for civil conflict if not curbed by international community. However, it remained paradox that Ethiopia’s lack of democratic transparency was not a barrier to US aid and 26 members of the Development Assistance Group (DAG).

6) Conclusion

The building blocks for the 1991 system were a result of a tripartite agreement between Tigray People Liberation Front led Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democratic Front, Eritrean People Liberation Front and Oromo Liberation Front that forged in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Dergue regime. The core principles that brought them together were ratified in the Charter of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia. These are: the right of self-determination of nations and nationalities, Decentralization of State (devolving of power with Federal setting based on nation and nationalities), liberalization of the economy and multiparty democratic system that would embrace international Human Rights Bill as part of the Transitional Charter for the respect of human rights. Mediators (international community) that assisted the block builders promised their solidarity based on the famous slogan “No democracy, No support”.
However, when the OLF was forced to leave the political process in 1992 it was clear that this would not only set in motion a gradual erosion of legitimacy for the system but also the conditions for the onset of conflict between Tigray People’s Liberation Front and Eritrean People Liberation Front. However, the conventional wisdom among the international community was that democracy is a slow process and that Ethiopia was making headways toward peace, democracy and development. In fact, as predicted the fallout between TPLF and EPLF culminating in a bloody border conflict from 1998-2000. International Community failed to resolve this conflict that affected the whole region. The subsequent crackdown against the “legal” Opposition in the May 2005 elections and the government’s claimed a 99.6% victory of 2010 national election- a mockery of democracy- provided a golden opportunity for the international community to reassess the faulty conclusion made but the international community failed to take the opportunity. Today as the legacy of the builders weathered away the core principles of the charter that was base for constitution are repealed by various proclamations (awajs) or remained on paper for consumption foreign relations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Like its predecessors the failure of the current regime to avoid resolving the core national question will eventually lead it to its demise.
The key points to be underscored about the ongoing Oromo liberation struggle is the sustained peaceful protest of Oromo youths (Qerroo) that widespread- engulfing all regions and most sectors. The regime’s response to these Oromo protests heralds the future of Ethiopia in a fundamental way. We believe that this development indicates that the political situation in Ethiopia has reached a new turning point. Today, any stakeholder of the Horn of Africa cannot by-pass addressing the Oromo and other people’s cause. However, a long lasting peace is once again overshadowed by the geo-strategic interest of major powers supporting the totalitarian government of Ethiopian regime.
We would like to remind all again that OLF is a liberation movement that came out of liberation struggle of century old resistance against occupation and exploitation and struggles for the self determination of the Oromo people. Armed struggle is the option chosen by the Ethiopian regimes for the people and the organization as peaceful venue is closed for its own citizens. The core political issue in Ethiopia- the source of its instability- is the marginalization of the Oromo majority. Ending this injustice requires creating a new, just, genuine political field that will put in practice the quest of Oromo people for their inalienable right for self-determination.
Peace and freedom for all!!